Manually Editing Asset Records

If you have enabled the Allow Asset Value Editing preference on the Fixed Assets Management System Setup page (Fixed Assets > Setup > System Setup), administrators have full permission to edit values in asset records. Other roles may also edit values in asset records if their roles are selected in the User Roles field on the Fixed Assets Management System Setup page.

If the Allow Asset Value Editing box is not checked, most of the fields on the asset record are uneditable. See Restricting the Editing of Asset Values for a list of fields that cannot be edited.


To enter negative values in asset records, you must also check the box for the Allow Negative Asset Cost preference on the Fixed Assets Management System Setup page.

When an asset record is set to inactive, the depreciation schedule values for the asset’s accounting and tax method will be deleted to prevent it from depreciating.


Due to a system limitation, forecast amounts are not deleted if you check the Inactive box from the Asset List view (Fixed Assets > Lists > Assets). To make sure that forecast amounts for inactive assets are deleted, check the Inactive box from the Edit view of the asset record.

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