Selecting an Existing Saved Search as a Custom View

An administrator or another user with the Publish Search permission can make an existing saved search available as a list view, a sublist view, and a dashboard view. This enables you to select this search from a View dropdown list to customize your view, instead of clicking Customize View and creating your own.

If a View list is not displayed, it means that no saved searches of that record type have been set as available for that type of view.

The following screenshot shows the View list for a dashboard view:

View list for a dashboard view.

For information about how saved searches are made available as custom views, see Using a Saved Search as a View.

You can customize how saved search results are printed if your site uses advanced PDF/HTML templates. For more information about creating a custom template to print results from saved searches, see Advanced Templates for Printing Saved Search Results.


If the Use Expressions option is enabled for a search, editing is disabled in list, dashboard, and sublist views based on the search. If you want editing to be available for a view, ensure that the Use Expressions box on the Criteria subtab is not checked for the search that filters view results. See Using Expressions in Search Criteria.

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