Available Mass Updates

The following mass updates may be available in your system. Fields exposed for mass updates are the same as those available for searching and include the following: standard fields that are outside of subtab lists and do not have dependencies on other fields, and custom fields that are stored and do not have sourcing relationships.


If a mass update is not available for your needs, try using the Import Assistant to update data through a CSV file import. For information, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant . Also, you can programmatically perform custom mass updates to update fields that are not available through general mass updates, using a SuiteScript action script. See SuiteScript 2.x Mass Update Script Type. If the SuiteFlow feature is enabled, you also can use the mass updates functionality to find multiple record instances associated with a single workflow, and either initiate or process all records simultaneously. See Workflow Mass Updates

You may not have access to all of the updates in the following list. The updates available to you depend upon the features enabled in your account, and on your assigned roles and permissions. Also, you may have access to additional mass updates for custom record types defined in your account. Custom record updates are exposed under General Updates. To see the updates available to you, go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates and expand each mass update category.

Some mass updates have subcategories. Click on the triangle to expand and view the subcategories.

Mass Updates list subcategories.

General Updates


Not all fields in the supported record types are available for mass update. When you select a record type for a general mass update, the Mass Update Fields subtab lists the updatable fields. For transactions updates, fields that are not displayed on your preferred form for a transaction are not made available for mass updates.

Sales Force Automation

Contact Management



Group Records

Customer Support and Service





Delete reports (For more information, see Mass Updating Reports .)



When Prices are enabled, another mass update that lets you change price level pricing is available at Lists > Mass Update > Swap Prices Between Price Levels. For information, see Swapping Prices Between Price Levels.

Rev Rec Schedules

For more information, see Mass Updating Revenue Recognition Schedules.

Amortization Schedules

(For information, see Mass Updating Amortization Schedules.)

Special Transaction Updates

For more information, see Kit/Package Items.


Roles & Permissions

For information, see Mass Updating a Permission on Custom Roles.

Web Site Redirects

For information, see Delete Web Site Redirects Mass Update .


Duplicate Resolution

Customer Web Site Assignment

Item Collection

For information, see Creating Item Collections.

Custom Updates


Related Topics

General Notices