Defining which Customer Segments can Access Items (CSM)

The Customer Segments Manager provides an overview of all the item and customer segment mappings that have been defined. Regardless of where a mapping is defined, it is visible and editable in the Customer Segments Manager.

If no mappings have been defined, by default, all users can view and purchase all items. For information about which customer segments can view unmapped items, see Defining Visibility of Unmapped Items.

To define which customer segments can access item segments:

  1. Go to Commerce > Marketing > Personalization > Customer Segments Manager.

  2. Click Add Item Segments.

  3. In the Available pane, depending on the type of item segment you want to map, select either Item Collection or Commerce Category from the list.


    When using a Commerce Category as an item segment, remember that only items included directly in the category are included in the item segment. Any subcategories must be selected as separate item segments.

  4. Select the item segments you want to define visibility for and click > to move them to the Selected pane. You can use the Shift and Ctrl keys on your keyboard to select more than one value or to clear a value.

    To search the list of item segments, use the filter at the top of the list of item segments.

  5. Click Add to add the selected item segments to the Customer Segments Manager matrix.

    To remove an item segment from the matrix, click the icon in the Remove column.

  6. If you want all members of a customer segment to be able to:

    • View and buy items in the item segment – click in the Customer Segments selection area next to the Display Fully website visibility level, and select one or more customer segments

    • View item prices but not buy items in the item segment – click in the Customer Segments selection area next to the Disable Purchase website visibility level, and select one or more customer segments

    • View items but not view prices or buy items in the item segment – click in the Customer Segments selection area next to the Disable Purchase and Hide Price website visibility level, and select one or more customer segments


      If you have a SuiteCommerce Advanced website, the following visibility options can be used only after you have upgraded to the 2020.2 release of SuiteCommerce Advanced or later:

      • Disable Purchase

      • Disable Purchase and Hide Price

      Do not use these options if your site is using a SuiteCommerce Advanced release prior to 2020.2.

    To remove an customer segment from the selection area, click the cross icon next to it.

  7. When you have completed mapping item segments to customer segments, click Save.

    To verify if the personalized catalog views are set up correctly, click Save & View Site or Save & View Report. For more information, see Verifying Personalized Catalog Views.


    When you click any of the Save buttons, it triggers a search index rebuild. As soon as the rebuild is complete, the personalized catalog views become active and customers visiting the website are shown the personalized catalog view applicable to them. For information about how to check the status of the search index rebuild, see Check the Search Index Job Status.

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