Master Data

GTM Trade Item Structure Components

This page is accessed via:

  • Master Data > Trade Item Structure Components. This page will allow you to add, view, and/or edit existing trade item structure components.
  • Master Data > Trade Item Management > Trade Item Structures > Trade Item Structure Components tab. Then click New Structure Component. This page will allow you to enter a new trade item structure component.

Trade item structure components are individual items which, when combined, make up a trade item structure. All trade item structure components must be defined as being part of a trade item structure.

Note: All trade item structure components must be added to existing trade item structures.

Adding a Structure Component

  1. Begin by entering an Item Structure ID.
  2. Enter a value in the Sequence No field. If you do not enter a value in this field, a default value will be assigned by the Business Number Generator.
  3. Select the domain in which this component and structure will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. Enter a classification type in the Product Classification Type ID field. This is the classification type for the item, not the trade item structure.
  5. Enter a classification code in the Product Classification Code field. This is the classification code for the item, not the trade item structure.
  6. Enter the item's ID in the Item ID field.
  7. Enter a description of the structure component in the Description field.
  8. Enter a country code in the Country of Origin field. This is the country origin for the item, not the trade item structure.
  9. Enter the Inventory Organization associated with this component.
  10. Enter the party associated with the component in the Partner field.
  11. Enter the party site associated with the component in the Partner Site field.
  12. Enter any remarks to the Remarks field.


  1. Enter a qualifier ID in the Quantity Qualifier ID field.
  2. Enter a value in the Quantity field. The value must be a whole number.
  3. Select a unit of measurement from the UOM drop-down list.
  4. Click Save.

Note: When child transaction lines are created by assigning an item structure, if the optional feature CALCULATE CHILD LINE QUANTITY AND VALUE is enabled, the quantity is calculated based on the quantity of the parent transaction lines. In this case, calculation is done as follows:
Quantity on Child Line of a Structure Component = (Quantity on Parent Line / Quantity in Structure Header) * Quantity on Structure Component


  1. Enter a qualifier ID in the Value Qualifier ID field.
  2. Enter a value in the Value field.
  3. Select a currency from the drop-down list.
  4. Select an exchange rate from  the Exchange Rate ID drop-down list.
  5. Enter the date for which the exchange rate is to be applied in the Exchange Rate Date field.
  6. Click Save.

Note: When child transaction lines are created by assigning an item structure, if the optional feature CALCULATE CHILD LINE QUANTITY AND VALUE is enabled, the value is calculated based on the value of the parent transaction lines. In this case, calculation is done as follows:
Value on Child Line of a Structure Component = (Quantity on Parent Line / Quantity in Structure Header) * Value on Structure Component

Percentage Values

  1. Select a percentage qualifier from the Percentage Value Qualifier drop-down list.
  2. Enter a percentage in the Value field.
  3. Click Save. You can enter multiple values. They should not total more than 100.


  1. Enter a qualifier ID in the Remark Qualifier ID field.
  2. Enter the remark in the Remark Text field.
  3. Click Save.

Reference Numbers

  1. Enter a qualifier ID in the Reference Number Qualifier ID field.
  2. Enter the reference number in the Reference Number field.
  3. Click Save.

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