WMS Web Service APIs

Oracle WMS Cloud provides REST based Web Service APIs to perform various operations within the WMS. The currently available APIs are focused primarily towards data integration for getting data in and out of the application. A few additional APIs are available for key WMS operations. See the Technical Notes section for a detailed description of how Oracle WMS Cloud API request headers must be structured. The section also has some background information on APIs and Web Services in general. You can use the Chrome plugin Postman to try out accessing Oracle WMS Cloud web services. Make sure that the user you use has the permission listed below.

Authentication and Authorization

In order to access an endpoint, the request must contain, using BasicAuth, a valid WMS username and password. Within the WMS, the user must have the WMS permission "can_run_ws_stage_interface". The user must also have eligibility to any facility/company combinations represented in the data.

Response Structure

Oracle WMS Cloud API's respond with the following XML response (sample):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <message>Process stage item submitted for file group 41415472</message>

Oracle WMS Cloud API's Error respond with the following XML response (sample) depending upon specific conditions in the message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <message>Record not found</message>
Note: Earlier, the below listed API's returned HTTP status, 200 - OK regardless of the success or failure of the API call. If API encountered an error condition, then the API returned 200-OK response with response body having Success tag as "False". From 21D onwards, all the API's listed in the table are updated to return the HTTPS status, 400- Validation Error, with response body having Success tag as "False". This changes is implemented to align with Rest API Web Service principles.

The following is a list of commonly used response status codes:

Status Code Status Message HTTP Method Description

GET - The request was successful.

HEAD - The resource exists.

POST - Resource exists and/or has been modified.

201 Created POST Resource successfully created.
204 No Content POST The request was successful, but no content is being returned in the response body.
304 Not Modified HEAD The resource has not been updated since the target date-time.
400 Bad Request HEAD, GET, POST Invalid data or request structure.
401 Unauthorized HEAD, GET, POST Invalid login credentials.
403 Forbidden HEAD, GET, POST User lacks permission.
404 Not Found HEAD, GET, POST The resource does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed - HTTP method is not supported for the requested resource.
409 Conflict HEAD, GET, POST Record Changed - The resource was modified by a concurrent operation before the request could be fulfilled. Try again.
500 Server Error HEAD, GET, POST An unhandled error occurred or the application was unable to formulate a valid response. Please contact support and provide any returned error information.
API Description Category Initial Supported Version
Run Stage Interface Trigger validation & processing of data already in stage tables. Setup and transactional data 6.1
Update OBLPN Tracking Number Update tracking number and other OBLPN parcel stats. Automation & Operations 6.1
Run MHE Stage Interface Invoke an MHE interface to process data in MHE stage tables Automation & Operations 6.2
Init Stage Interface Main API for input data integration. Pass data in to validate and process Setup and transactional data 6.4.0
Assign OBLPN to Load Assign OBLPN to Load Automation & Operations 7.0.0
Create LPN API to create a single SKU IBLPN and associated inventory. Automation & Operations 7.0.1
Update Output Interface Set status and error message if any on a transmitted output interface Setup and transactional data 8.0.0
Induct LPN Induct LPN into MHE Automation & Operations 8.0.0
Divert Confirm LPN Divert confirmation from MHE Automation & Operations 8.0.0
Load LPN Load LPN Automation & Operations 8.0.2
Entity Update API Updates certain attributes of an entity Setup and transactional data 8.0.2
From MHE Distribution Pack From MHE Distribution Pack Automation & Operations 8.0.2
From MHE Distribution Short From MHE Distribution Short Automation & Operations 8.0.2
Update Carrier LPN Label Update Carrier LPN Label Setup and transactional data 8.0.2