3.4 Upgrading Component Firmware

All the software components in a given Oracle Private Cloud Appliance release are designed to work together. As a general rule, no individual appliance component should be upgraded. If a firmware upgrade is required for one or more components, the correct version is distributed inside the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance .iso file you downloaded from My Oracle Support. When the image file is unpacked on the internal shared storage, the firmwares are located in this directory: /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/ .


Do not perform any compute node provisioning operations during firmware upgrades.


For certain services it is necessary to upgrade the Hardware Management Pack after a Controller Software update. For additional information, refer to Some Services Require an Upgrade of Hardware Management Pack in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes.

If a specific or additional procedure to upgrade the firmware of an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance hardware component is available, it appears in this section. For components not listed here, you may follow the instructions provided in the product documentation of the subcomponent. An overview of the documentation for appliance components can be found in the Preface of this book and on the index page of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Documentation Library.

3.4.1 Firmware Policy

To improve Oracle Private Cloud Appliance supportability, reliability and security, Oracle has introduced a standardized approach to component firmware. The general rule remains unchanged: components and their respective firmware are designed to work together, and therefore should not be upgraded separately. However, the firmware upgrades, which are provided as part of the .iso file of a given controller software release, are no longer optional.

As part of the test process prior to a software release, combinations of component firmware are tested on all applicable hardware platforms. This allows Oracle to deliver a fully qualified set of firmware for the appliance as a whole, corresponding to a software release. In order to maintain their Oracle Private Cloud Appliance in a qualified state, customers who upgrade to a particular software release, are expected to also install all the qualified firmware upgrades delivered as part of the controller software.

The firmware versions that have been qualified by Oracle for a given release are listed in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes for that release. Please refer to the Release Notes for the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software release running on your system, and open the chapter Firmware Qualification.

Note that the file names shown in the procedures below may not exactly match the file names in the .iso image on your system.

Interim Firmware Patches

Oracle periodically releases firmware patches for many products, for example to eliminate security vulnerabilities. It may occur that an important firmware patch is released for a component of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance outside of the normal Controller Software release schedule. When this occurs, the patches go through the same testing as all other appliance firmware, but they are not added to the qualified firmware list or the installation .iso for the affected Controller Software release.

After thorough testing, important firmware patches that cannot be included in the Controller Software .iso image are made available to Oracle Private Cloud Appliance users through My Oracle Support.

3.4.2 Install the Current Firmware on All Compute Nodes

To avoid compatibility issues with newer Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software and Oracle VM upgrades, you should always install the server ILOM firmware included in the ISO image of the current Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software release. When the ISO image is unpacked on the appliance internal storage, the firmware directory can be reached from the management nodes at this location: /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/.

For firmware upgrade instructions, refer to the Administration Guide of the server series installed in your appliance rack.

3.4.3 Upgrading the Operating Software on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance

The instructions in this section are specific for a component firmware upgrade as part of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


During this procedure, the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance services on the management nodes must be halted for a period of time. Plan this upgrade carefully, so that no compute node provisioning, Oracle Private Cloud Appliance configuration changes, or Oracle VM Manager operations are taking place at the same time.


The statement below regarding the two-phased procedure does not apply to X8-2 or newer systems. The Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 comes with a more recent firmware version that is not affected by the issue described.

If the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance is running a firmware version older than 8.7.14, an intermediate upgrade to version 8.7.14 is required. Version 8.7.14 can then be upgraded to the intended newer version. For additional information, refer to Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Firmware Upgrade 8.7.20 Requires A Two-Phased Procedure in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes.


Detailed information about software upgrades can be found in the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual (document ID: F13771). Refer to the section Upgrading the Software.

The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance internal ZFS Storage Appliance contains two clustered controllers in an active/passive configuration. You may disregard the upgrade information for standalone controllers.

Upgrading the ZFS Storage Appliance Operating Software

  1. Before initiating the upgrade on the storage controllers, follow the preparation instructions in the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual. Refer to the section entitled Preparing for a Software Upgrade.

  2. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.

  3. Unzip the firmware package included in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software image.

    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# mkdir /nfs/shared_storage/yum/ak
    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cd /nfs/shared_storage/yum/ak
    [root@ovcamn05r1 ak]# unzip /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/storage/AK_NAS/p27357887_20131_Generic.zip
    Archive:  /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/storage/AK_NAS/p27357887_20131_Generic.zip
     extracting: ak-nas-2013-06-05-7-14-1-1-1-nd.pkg.gz
      inflating: OS8714_Readme.html
  4. Download the software update package to both storage controllers. Their management IP addresses are and

    1. Log on to one of the storage controllers using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.

      [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh root@
    2. Enter the following series of commands to download the software update package from the shared storage directory to the controller.

      ovcasn01r1:> maintenance system updates download
      ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> \
          set url=
                      url =
      ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set user=root
                      user = root
      ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set password
      Enter password:
                      password = ********
      ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> commit
      Transferred 157M of 484M (32.3%) ...
    3. Wait for the package to fully download and unpack before proceeding.

    4. Repeat these steps for the second storage controller.

  5. Check the storage cluster configuration and make sure you are logged on to the standby controller.

    ovcasn02r1:> configuration cluster show
                             state = AKCS_STRIPPED
                       description = Ready (waiting for failback)
                          peer_asn = 8a535bd2-160f-c93b-9575-d29d4c86cac5
                     peer_hostname = ovcasn01r1
                        peer_state = AKCS_OWNER
                  peer_description = Active (takeover completed)
  6. Always upgrade the operating software first on the standby controller.

    1. Display the available operating software versions and select the version you downloaded.

      ovcasn02r1:> maintenance system updates
      ovcasn02r1:maintenance system updates> show
      UPDATE                              RELEASE DATE         RELEASE NAME    STATUS
      ak-nas@2013.,1-1.1         2019-1-4 09:57:19    OS8.8.3         previous
      ak-nas@2013.,1-1.3         2019-3-30 07:27:20   OS8.8.5         current
      ak-nas@2013.,1-1.4         2019-6-21 20:56:45   OS8.8.6         waiting
      ovcasn02r1:maintenance system updates> select ak-nas@2013.,1-1.4
    2. Launch the upgrade process with the selected software version.

      ovcasn02r1:maintenance system updates> upgrade
      This procedure will consume several minutes and requires a system reboot upon
      successful update, but can be aborted with [Control-C] at any time prior to 
      reboot. A health check will validate system readiness before an update is
      attempted, and may also be executed independently using the check command.
      Are you sure? (Y/N) Y
    3. At the end of the upgrade, when the controller has fully rebooted and rejoined the cluster, log back in and check the cluster configuration. The upgraded controller must still be in the state "Ready (waiting for failback)".

      ovcasn02r1:> configuration cluster show
                               state = AKCS_STRIPPED
                         description = Ready (waiting for failback)
                            peer_asn = 8a535bd2-160f-c93b-9575-d29d4c86cac5
                       peer_hostname = ovcasn01r1
                          peer_state = AKCS_OWNER
                    peer_description = Active (takeover completed)
  7. From the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance master management node, stop the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance services.


    This step is required when updating to controller software version 2.3.4. Executing the storage controller operating software upgrade while the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance services are running, will result in errors and possible downtime.

    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# service ovca stop
  8. Upgrade the operating software on the second storage controller.

    1. Check the storage cluster configuration. Make sure you are logged on to the active controller.

      ovcasn01r1:> configuration cluster show
                               state = AKCS_OWNER
                         description = Active (takeover completed)
                            peer_asn = 34e4292a-71ae-6ce1-e26c-cc38c2af9719
                       peer_hostname = ovcasn02r1
                          peer_state = AKCS_STRIPPED
                    peer_description = Ready (waiting for failback)

    2. Display the available operating software versions and select the version you downloaded.

      ovcasn01r1:> maintenance system updates
      ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates> show
      UPDATE                              RELEASE DATE         RELEASE NAME    STATUS
      ak-nas@2013.,1-1.1         2019-1-4 09:57:19    OS8.8.3         previous
      ak-nas@2013.,1-1.3         2019-3-30 07:27:20   OS8.8.5         current
      ak-nas@2013.,1-1.4         2019-6-21 20:56:45   OS8.8.6         waiting
      ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates> select ak-nas@2013.,1-1.4
    3. Launch the upgrade process with the selected software version.

      ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates> upgrade
      This procedure will consume several minutes and requires a system reboot upon
      successful update, but can be aborted with [Control-C] at any time prior to 
      reboot. A health check will validate system readiness before an update is
      attempted, and may also be executed independently using the check command.
      Are you sure? (Y/N) Y
    4. At the end of the upgrade, when the controller has fully rebooted and rejoined the cluster, log back in and check the cluster configuration.

      ovcasn01r1:> configuration cluster show
                               state = AKCS_STRIPPED
                         description = Ready (waiting for failback)
                            peer_asn = 34e4292a-71ae-6ce1-e26c-cc38c2af9719
                       peer_hostname = ovcasn02r1
                          peer_state = AKCS_OWNER
                    peer_description = Active (takeover completed)

      The last upgraded controller must now be in the state "Ready (waiting for failback)". The controller that was upgraded first, took over the active role during the upgrade and reboot of the second controller, which held the active role originally.

  9. Now that both controllers have been upgraded, verify that all disks are online.

    ovcasn01r1:> maintenance hardware show
                 NAME        STATE   MANUFACTURER   MODEL                    SERIAL                  RPM    TYPE
    chassis-000  1906NMQ803  ok      Oracle         Oracle Storage DE3-24C   1906NMQ803              7200   hdd
    disk-000     HDD 0       ok      WDC            W7214A520ORA014T         001851N3VKLT 9JG3VKLT   7200   data
    disk-001     HDD 1       ok      WDC            W7214A520ORA014T         001851N5K85T 9JG5K85T   7200   data
    disk-002     HDD 2       ok      WDC            W7214A520ORA014T         001851N5MPXT 9JG5MPXT   7200   data
    disk-003     HDD 3       ok      WDC            W7214A520ORA014T         001851N5L08T 9JG5L08T   7200   data
    disk-004     HDD 4       ok      WDC            W7214A520ORA014T         001851N42KNT 9JG42KNT   7200   data
  10. Initiate an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance management node failover and wait until all services are restored on the other management node. This helps prevent connection issues between Oracle VM and the ZFS storage.

    1. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.

    2. Reboot the master management node.

      [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# pca-check-master
      NODE:  MASTER: True
      [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# shutdown -r now
    3. Log on to the other management node and wait until the necessary services are running.


      Enter this command at the prompt: tail -f /var/log/messages. The log messages should indicate when the management node takes over the master role.

      Verify the status of the services:

      [root@ovcamn06r1 ~]# service ovca status
      Checking Oracle Fabric Manager: Running
      MySQL running (70254)                                      [  OK  ]
      Oracle VM Manager is running...
      Oracle VM Manager CLI is running...
      tinyproxy (pid 71315 71314 71313 71312 71310 71309 71308 71307 71306 71305 71301) is running...
      dhcpd (pid  71333) is running...
      snmptrapd (pid  71349) is running...
      log server (pid 6359) is running...
      remaster server (pid 6361) is running...
      http server (pid 71352) is running...
      taskmonitor server (pid 71356) is running...
      xmlrpc server (pid 71354) is running...
      nodestate server (pid 71358) is running...
      sync server (pid 71360) is running...
      monitor server (pid 71363) is running...
  11. When the storage controller cluster has been upgraded, remove the shared storage directory you created to make the unzipped package available.

    # cd /nfs/shared_storage/yum/ak
    # ls
    ak-nas-2013.  OS8.8.6_Readme.html
    # rm ak-nas-2013.  OS8.8.6_Readme.html
    rm: remove regular file `ak-nas-2013.'? yes
    rm: remove regular file `OS8.8.6_Readme.html'? yes
    # cd ..
    # rmdir ak

3.4.4 Upgrading the Cisco Switch Firmware

The instructions in this section are specific for a component firmware upgrade as part of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


Cisco switches are part of systems with an Ethernet-based network architecture.

Upgrading the Firmware of all Cisco Leaf, Spine, and Management Switches

  1. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.

  2. Verify that the new Cisco NX-OS firmware image is available on the appliance shared storage. During the Controller Software update, the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader copies the file to this location:

  3. Log on as admin to the switch you wish to upgrade.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh admin@ovcasw15r1
    User Access Verification

    Please upgrade the switches, one at a time, in this order:

    1. Leaf Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches: ovcasw15r1, ovcasw16r1

    2. Spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches: ovcasw22r1, ovcasw23r1

    3. Management Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch: ovcasw21r1

  4. Copy the firmware file to the bootflash location on the switch.

    The copy command for the management switch ovcasw21r1 is slightly different. Select the appropriate option.

    • Leaf and Spine switches:

      ovcasw15r1# copy scp://root@ \
      /Cisco/nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin bootflash:nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin vrf management
      root@'s password:
      nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin                                           100%  930MB  15.8MB/s   01:01
      Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
      Copy complete.
    • Management switch:

      ovcasw21r1# copy scp://root@ \
      /Cisco/nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin bootflash:nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin vrf default
      root@'s password:
      nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin                                           100%  930MB  15.8MB/s   01:01
      Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
      Copy complete.
  5. Save the current running configuration as the startup configuration.

    ovcasw15r1# copy running-config startup-config
    [########################################] 100%
    Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
    Copy complete.
  6. Install the Cisco NX-OS software that was copied to the bootflash location. When prompted about the disruptive upgrade, enter y to continue with the installation.

    ovcasw15r1# install all nxos bootflash:nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin
    Installer will perform compatibility check first. Please wait.
    Installer is forced disruptive
    Verifying image bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin for boot variable "nxos".
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Verifying image type.
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Preparing "nxos" version info using image bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin.
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Preparing "bios" version info using image bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin.
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Performing module support checks.
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Notifying services about system upgrade.
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Compatibility check is done:
    Module  bootable          Impact  Install-type  Reason
    ------  --------  --------------  ------------  ------
         1       yes      disruptive         reset  default upgrade is not hitless
    Images will be upgraded according to following table:
    Module       Image                  Running-Version(pri:alt)           New-Version  Upg-Required
    ------  ----------  ----------------------------------------  --------------------  ------------
         1        nxos                               7.0(3)I7(6)           7.0(3)I7(7)           yes
         1        bios     v05.33(09/08/2018):v05.28(01/18/2018)    v05.38(06/12/2019)           yes
    Switch will be reloaded for disruptive upgrade.
    Do you want to continue with the installation (y/n)?  [n] y
    Install is in progress, please wait.
    Performing runtime checks.
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Setting boot variables.
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Performing configuration copy.
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Module 1: Refreshing compact flash and upgrading bios/loader/bootrom.
    Warning: please do not remove or power off the module at this time.
    [####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Finishing the upgrade, switch will reboot in 10 seconds.
  7. Verify that the correct software version is active on the switch.

    ovcasw15r1# show version
    Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
    TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
    Copyright (C) 2002-2019, Cisco and/or its affiliates.
    All rights reserved.
      BIOS: version 05.38
      NXOS: version 7.0(3)I7(7)
      BIOS compile time:  06/12/2019
      NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin
      NXOS compile time:  8/28/2019 16:00:00 [08/29/2019 00:41:42]
  8. Verify the VPC status.


    This step does not apply to the appliance internal management network switch (Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch). Proceed to the next step.

    Use the command shown below. The output values should match this example.

    ovcasw15r1# show vpc brief
                    (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link
    vPC domain id                     : 2
    Peer status                       : peer adjacency formed ok <---- verify this field
    vPC keep-alive status             : peer is alive <----- verify this field
    Configuration consistency status  : success <----- verify this field
    Per-vlan consistency status       : success <----- verify this field
    Type-2 consistency status         : success <----- verify this field
    vPC role                          : secondary
    Number of vPCs configured         : 27
    Peer Gateway                      : Enabled
    Dual-active excluded VLANs        : -
    Graceful Consistency Check        : Enabled
    Auto-recovery status              : Disabled
    Delay-restore status              : Timer is off.(timeout = 30s)
    Delay-restore SVI status          : Timer is off.(timeout = 10s)
    Operational Layer3 Peer-router    : Enabled
  9. Log out of the switch. The firmware has been upgraded successfully.

  10. Proceed to the next Cisco switch in the appliance. Upgrade the switches, one at a time, in this order:

    1. Leaf Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches: ovcasw15r1, ovcasw16r1

    2. Spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches: ovcasw22r1, ovcasw23r1

    3. Management Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch: ovcasw21r1

3.4.5 Upgrading the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Firmware

The instructions in this section are specific for a component firmware upgrade as part of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


InfiniBand switches are part of systems with an InfiniBand-based network architecture.


For firmware upgrades to version 2.2.8 or newer, an intermediate upgrade to unsigned version 2.2.7-2 is required. Version 2.2.7-2 can then be upgraded to the intended newer version. For additional information, refer to NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Firmware Upgrade 2.2.9-3 Requires A Two-Phased Procedure in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes.


Detailed information about firmware upgrades can be found in the Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 Product Notes for Firmware Version 2.2 (document ID: E76431). Refer to the section Upgrading the Switch Firmware.


It is recommended that you back up the current configuration of the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switches prior to performing a firmware upgrade.

Backup and restore instructions are provided in the maintenance and configuration management sections of the Oracle ILOM Administration Guide that corresponds with the current ILOM version used in the switch. For example:

Upgrading the InfiniBand Switch Firmware

  1. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.

  2. Unzip the firmware package included in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software image.

    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# mkdir /nfs/shared_storage/yum/nm2
    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cd /nfs/shared_storage/yum/nm2
    [root@ovcamn05r1 nm2]# unzip /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/IB_gateway/NM2-36P/p22173626_227_Generic.zip
    Archive:  /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/IB_gateway/NM2-36P/p22173626_227_Generic.zip
      inflating: license.txt
      inflating: readme_SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1.txt
       creating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/pkey_filter.pl
       creating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-ILOM-CONTROL-MIB.mib
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-FABRIC-MIB.mib
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/sundcs_36p_repository_2.1.8_1.pkg
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB.mib
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-DCS-IB-MIB.txt
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-PLATFORM-MIB.mib
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/ENTITY-MIB.mib
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1_metadata.xml
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/README_pkey_filter
      inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1_THIRDPARTYLICENSE.pdf
  3. Log on to one of the InfiniBand switches as root.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    You are now logged in to the root shell.
    It is recommended to use ILOM shell instead of root shell.
    All usage should be restricted to documented commands and documented config files.
    To view the list of documented commands, use "help" at linux prompt.
    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]#
  4. Check the master configuration and the state of the SubnetManager.

    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# getmaster
    Local SM not enabled
    Last change in Master SubnetManager status detected at: Thu Mar 22 14:29:18 UTC 2018
    Master SubnetManager on sm lid 6 sm guid 0x13970201001ba4 : MT25408 ConnectX Mellanox Technologies
    Master SubnetManager Activity Count: 348521 Priority: 0

    The command output must read Local SM not enabled. If this is not the case, abort this procedure and contact Oracle Support.

  5. List the details of the current firmware version.

    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# version
    SUN DCS 36p version: 1.3.3-2
    Build time: Feb 19 2013 13:29:01
    SP board info:
    Manufacturing Date: 2012.06.23
    Serial Number: "NCDBJ1073"
    Hardware Revision: 0x0007
    Firmware Revision: 0x0000
    BIOS version: SUN0R100
    BIOS date: 06/22/2010
  6. Connect to the ILOM and start the firmware upgrade procedure. Press "Y" when prompted to load the file.

    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# spsh
    Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager
    Version ILOM 3.0 r47111
    Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    -> load -source \
    Downloading firmware image. This will take a few minutes.
    Are you sure you want to load the specified file (y/n)
    Setting up environment for firmware upgrade. This will take few minutes.
    Starting SUN DCS 36p FW update
    Performing operation: I4 A
    I4 fw upgrade from 7.3.0(INI:4) to 7.4.1010(INI:4):
    Upgrade started...
    Upgrade completed.
    INFO: I4 fw upgrade from 7.3.0(INI:4) to 7.4.1010(INI:4) succeeded
    Summary of Firmware update
    I4 status                : FW UPDATE - SUCCESS
    I4 update succeeded on   : A
    I4 already up-to-date on : none
    I4 update failed on      : none
    Performing operation: SUN DCS 36p firmware update
    SUN DCS 36p upgrade from 1.3.3-2 to 2.1.8-1:
    Upgrade started...
    Upgrade completed.
    INFO: SUN DCS 36p upgrade from 1.3.3-2 to 2.1.8-1 succeeded
    Firmware update is complete.
    ILOM will be restarted and will take 2 minutes to come up.
    You will need to reconnect to Integrated Lights Out Manager.
  7. Reconnect to the InfiniBand switch to verify that the new firmware is running and to confirm that the SubnetManager remains disabled.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# version
    SUN DCS 36p version: 2.1.8-1
    Build time: Sep 18 2015 10:26:47
    SP board info:
    Manufacturing Date: 2013.06.15
    Serial Number: "NCDBJ1073"
    Hardware Revision: 0x0007
    Firmware Revision: 0x0000
    BIOS version: SUN0R100
    BIOS date: 06/22/2010
    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# getmaster
    Local SM not enabled

    The command output must read Local SM not enabled. If this is not the case, abort this procedure and contact Oracle Support.

  8. When the first InfiniBand switch has completed the upgrade successfully and has come back online, connect to the other InfiniBand switch, with IP address, and execute the same procedure.

  9. When both InfiniBand switches have been upgraded, remove the shared storage directory you created to make the unzipped package available.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cd /nfs/shared_storage/yum/
    root@ovcamn05r1 yum]# ls -al
    total 323
    drwxr-xr-x  8 root root   8 Mar 26 07:57 .
    drwxrwxrwx 31 root root  31 Mar 13 13:38 ..
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   5 Mar 13 12:04 backup_COMPUTE
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   5 Mar 13 13:19 current_COMPUTE
    drwxr-xr-x  3 root root   6 Mar 26 07:58 nm2
    drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 587 Mar 13 12:04 OVM_3.4.4_1735_server
    drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  18 Mar 13 12:03 OVM_3.4.4_1735_transition
    drwxr-xr-x  4 root root   9 Mar 13 12:03 OVM_3.4.4_1735_update
    root@ovcamn05r1 yum]# rm -rf nm2/

3.4.6 Upgrading the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Firmware

The instructions in this section are specific for a component firmware upgrade as part of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


Fabric Interconnects are part of systems with an InfiniBand-based network architecture.


Detailed information about firmware upgrades can be found in the XgOS User's Guide (document ID: E53170). Refer to the section System Image Upgrades.


It is recommended that you back up the current configuration of the Fabric Interconnects prior to performing a firmware upgrade. Store the backup configuration on another server and add a time stamp to the file name for future reference.

For detailed information, refer to the section Saving and Restoring Your Configuration in the XgOS User's Guide (document ID: E53170).

Upgrading the Fabric Interconnect Firmware

  1. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.

  2. Copy the firmware package from the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software image to the Yum repository share.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cp /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/IB_gateway/ \
    OFI/xsigo-4.0.12-XGOS.xpf /nfs/shared_storage/yum/
  3. Log on to one of the Fabric Interconnects as admin.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh admin@
    Last login: Thu Oct 15 10:57:23 2015 from
                              Welcome to XgOS
     Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Xsigo Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
            Enter "help" for information on available commands.
    Enter the command "show system copyright" for licensing information
  4. List the details of the current firmware version.

    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show system version
    Build 3.9.4-XGOS  - (buildsys) Thu Mar 19 03:25:26 UTC 2015
  5. Check the master configuration and the state of the SubnetManager. Optionally run the additional diagnostics command for more detailed information.

    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show diagnostics sm-info
          - SM is running on               ovcasw22r1
          - SM Lid                         39
          - SM Guid                        0x139702010017b4
          - SM key                         0x0
          - SM priority                    0
          - SM State                       MASTER
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show diagnostics opensm-param
    OpenSM $ Current log level is 0x83
    OpenSM $ Current sm-priority is 0
    OpenSM $ 
       OpenSM Version       : OpenSM 3.3.5
       SM State             : Master
       SM Priority          : 0
       SA State             : Ready
       Routing Engine       : minhop
       Loaded event plugins : <none>
       PerfMgr state/sweep state : Disabled/Sleeping
       MAD stats
       QP0 MADs outstanding           : 0
       QP0 MADs outstanding (on wire) : 0
       QP0 MADs rcvd                  : 6323844
       QP0 MADs sent                  : 6323676
       QP0 unicasts sent              : 2809116
       QP0 unknown MADs rcvd          : 0
       SA MADs outstanding            : 0
       SA MADs rcvd                   : 120021107
       SA MADs sent                   : 120024422
       SA unknown MADs rcvd           : 0
       SA MADs ignored                : 0
       Subnet flags
       Sweeping enabled               : 1
       Sweep interval (seconds)       : 10
       Ignore existing lfts           : 0
       Subnet Init errors             : 0 
       In sweep hop 0                 : 0
       First time master sweep        : 0
       Coming out of standby          : 0
       Known SMs
       Port GUID         SM State  Priority
       ---------         --------  --------
       0x139702010017b4  Master    0        SELF 
       0x139702010017c0  Standby   0
    OpenSM $
  6. Start the system upgrade procedure.

    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] system upgrade forcebaseos
    You have begun to upgrade the system software. 
    Please be aware that this will cause an I/O service interruption
    and the system may be rebooted.
    The following software will be installed:
    1. XgOS Operating System software including SCP Base OS
    2. XgOS Front-panel software
    3. XgOS Common Chassis Management software on IOC
    4. XgOS VNIC Manager and Agent software
    5. XgOS VN10G and VN10x1G Manager and Agent software
    6. XgOS VHBA and VHBA-2 Manager and Agent software
    7. XgOS VN10G and VN10x1G Manager and Agent software with Eth/IB Interfaces
    8. XgOS VN4x10G and VN2x10G Manager and Agent software with Eth/IB Interfaces
    9. XgOS VHBA-3 Manager and Agent software
    10. XgOS VHBA 2x 8G FC Manager and Agent software
    Are you sure you want to update the software (y/n)? y
    Running verify scripts...
    Running preunpack scripts...
    Running preinstall scripts...
    Installing Base OS - please wait...
    LABEL=/dev/uba /mnt/usb vfat rw 0 0
    Rootfs installation successful
    The installer has determined that a reboot of the Base OS is required (HCA driver changed)
    The installer has determined that a cold restart of the Director is necessary
    Installing package...
    Running postinstall scripts...
    Installation successful. Please stand by for CLI restart.
    admin@iowa[xsigo] Rebooting OS.  Please log in again in a couple of minutes...
    Xsigo system is being shut down now
    Connection to closed.

    After reboot, it takes approximately 10 minutes before you can log back in. The upgrade resets the admin user's password to the default "admin". It may take several attempts, but login with the default password eventually succeeds.

  7. Reconnect to the Fabric Interconnect to change the admin and root passwords back to the setting from before the firmware upgrade.


    When you log back in after the firmware upgrade, you may encounter messages similar to this example:

    Message from syslogd@ovcasw22r1 at Fri Jun 22 09:49:33 2018 ...
    ovcasw22r1 systemcontroller[2713]: [EMERG] ims::IMSService [ims::failedloginattempt]
    user admin has tried to log on for 5 times in a row without success !!

    These messages indicate failed login attempts from other Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components. They disappear after you set the passwords back to their original values.

    Modify the passwords for users root and admin as follows:

    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] set system root-password
    Administrator's password: admin
    New password: myOriginalRootPassword
    New password again: myOriginalRootPassword
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] set user admin -password
    New password: myOriginalAdminPassword
    New password again: myOriginalAdminPassword
  8. Reconnect to the Fabric Interconnect to verify that the new firmware is running and to confirm that all vNICs and vHBAs are in up/up state.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh admin@
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show system version
    Build 4.0.12-XGOS  - (buildsys) Fri Jun 22 04:42:35 UTC 2018
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show diagnostics sm-info
          - SM is running on               ovcasw22r1
          - SM Lid                         39
          - SM Guid                        0x139702010017b4
          - SM key                         0x0
          - SM priority                    0
          - SM State                       MASTER
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show vnic
    name               state      mac-addr             ipaddr         if                  if-state
    eth4.ovcacn08r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:11     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth4.ovcacn09r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:0D     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth4.ovcacn10r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:09     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth4.ovcacn11r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:1D     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth4.ovcacn12r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:19     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth7.ovcacn29r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:28     5/1                 up
    eth7.ovcamn05r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:04     4/1                 up
    eth7.ovcamn06r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:08     5/1                 up
    40 records displayed
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show vhba
    name                 state        fabric-state     if       if-state     wwnn                   
    vhba03.ovcacn07r1    up/up        down(Down)       12/1     down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:0A
    vhba03.ovcacn08r1    up/up        down(Down)       3/1      down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:08
    vhba03.ovcacn09r1    up/up        down(Down)       12/1     down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:06
    vhba03.ovcacn10r1    up/up        down(Down)       3/1      down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:04
    vhba04.ovcacn29r1    up/up        down(Down)       12/2     down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:13
    vhba04.ovcamn05r1    up/up        down(Down)       3/2      down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:01
    vhba04.ovcamn06r1    up/up        down(Down)       12/2     down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:03
    20 records displayed
  9. When the first Fabric Interconnect has completed the upgrade successfully and has come back online, connect to the other Fabric Interconnect, with IP address, and execute the same procedure.