7.6 Enabling Fibre Channel Connectivity on a Provisioned Appliance


This section applies only to systems with an InfiniBand-based network architecture. The configuration described in this section is valid for the I/O modules in the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15s .

However, for Oracle Server X8-2 and newer compute nodes, Fibre Channel connectivity through the Fabric Interconnects is not supported. Instead, you must use the (optional) physical FC HBA expansion cards. Refer to the section Extending Storage Capacity of Ethernet-based Systems in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.

If you ordered an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance without factory-installed Fibre Channel I/O modules and you decide to add external Fibre Channel storage at a later time, when the rack has already been provisioned, your installation must meet these requirements:

  • The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance controller software must be at Release 2.1.1 or later.

  • A total of four Fibre Channel I/O modules must be installed in slots 3 and 12 of each Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15.

  • Storage clouds and vHBAs must be configured manually.

Installation information for the optional Fibre Channel I/O modules can be found in the section entitled Installing Optional Fibre Channel I/O Modules in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide. This section provides detailed CLI instructions to configure the storage clouds and vHBAs associated with Fibre Channel connectivity.

Configuring Storage Clouds and vHBAs for Fibre Channel Connectivity

  1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the master management node.


    The data center IP address used in this procedure is an example.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
  2. Launch the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI in interactive mode.

    # pca-admin 
    Welcome to PCA! Release: 2.3.2
  3. Verify that no storage clouds or vHBAs exist yet.

    PCA> list storage-network
    Network_Name              Description
    ------------              -----------
    0 rows displayed
    Status: Success
    PCA> list wwpn-info
    WWPN                     vHBA     Cloud_Name     Server       Type  Alias
    -------------            ----     -----------    ---------    ----- --------------
    0 rows displayed
    Status: Success
  4. Configure the vHBAs on both management nodes.

    PCA> configure vhbas ovcamn05r1 ovcamn06r1
    Compute_Node         Status         
    ------------         ------         
    ovcamn05r1           Succeeded
    ovcamn06r1           Succeeded    
    2 rows displayed
    Status: Success
  5. Verify that the clouds have been configured.

    PCA> list storage-network
    Network_Name              Description
    ------------              -----------
    Cloud_A                   Default Storage Cloud ru22 port1 - Do not delete or modify
    Cloud_B                   Default Storage Cloud ru22 port2 - Do not delete or modify
    Cloud_C                   Default Storage Cloud ru15 port1 - Do not delete or modify
    Cloud_D                   Default Storage Cloud ru15 port2 - Do not delete or modify
    4 rows displayed
    Status: Success
  6. If the 4 storage clouds have been configured correctly, configure the vHBAs on all compute nodes.

    PCA> configure vhbas ALL
    Compute_Node         Status         
    ------------         ------         
    ovcacn07r1           Succeeded
    ovcacn08r1           Succeeded
    ovcacn36r1           Succeeded
    ovcacn37r1           Succeeded
    20 rows displayed
    Status: Success
  7. Verify that all clouds and vHBAs have been configured correctly.

    PCA> list wwpn-info
    WWPN                     vHBA     Cloud_Name     Server       Type  Alias
    -------------            ----     -----------    ---------    ----- --------------
    50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:00  vhba01   Cloud_A        ovcamn05r1   MN    ovcamn05r1-Cloud_A
    50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:02  vhba01   Cloud_A        ovcamn06r1   MN    ovcamn06r1-Cloud_A
    50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:04  vhba01   Cloud_A        ovcacn07r1   CN    ovcacn07r1-Cloud_A
    50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:06  vhba01   Cloud_A        ovcacn08r1   CN    ovcacn08r1-Cloud_A
    50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:05  vhba04   Cloud_D        ovcacn35r1   CN    ovcacn35r1-Cloud_D
    50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:03  vhba04   Cloud_D        ovcacn36r1   CN    ovcacn36r1-Cloud_D
    50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:01  vhba04   Cloud_D        ovcacn37r1   CN    ovcacn37r1-Cloud_D
    88 rows displayed
    Status: Success
    PCA> show storage-network Cloud_A
    Network_Name         Cloud_A
    Description          Default Storage Cloud ru22 port1 - Do not delete or modify
    Ports                ovcasw22r1:12:1, ovcasw22r1:3:1
    vHBAs                ovcacn07r1-vhba01, ovcacn08r1-vhba01, ovcacn10r1-vhba01, [...]
    Status: Success
    PCA> show storage-network Cloud_B
    Network_Name         Cloud_B
    Description          Default Storage Cloud ru22 port2 - Do not delete or modify
    Ports                ovcasw22r1:12:2, ovcasw22r1:3:2
    vHBAs                ovcacn07r1-vhba02, ovcacn08r1-vhba02, ovcacn10r1-vhba02, [...]
    Status: Success
    PCA> show storage-network Cloud_C
    Network_Name         Cloud_C
    Description          Default Storage Cloud ru15 port1 - Do not delete or modify
    Ports                ovcasw15r1:12:1, ovcasw15r1:3:1
    vHBAs                ovcacn07r1-vhba03, ovcacn08r1-vhba03, ovcacn10r1-vhba03, [...]
    Status: Success
    PCA> show storage-network Cloud_D
    Network_Name         Cloud_D
    Description          Default Storage Cloud ru15 port2 - Do not delete or modify
    Ports                ovcasw15r1:12:2, ovcasw15r1:3:2
    vHBAs                ovcacn07r1-vhba04, ovcacn08r1-vhba04, ovcacn10r1-vhba04, [...]
    Status: Success

The system is now ready to integrate with external Fibre Channel storage. For detailed information and instructions, refer to the section entitled Adding External Fibre Channel Storage in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.