Pre-Season Welcome Letter

The pre-season welcome letter is a welcome communication sent to customers to introduce them to the Behavioral Demand Response Cloud Service before their first peak event notification is sent. It explains what peak events are, notifies customers of upcoming notifications, and generates enthusiasm about energy savings. Content appears on both the front and back of the welcome letter.

The following images are examples of the front and back of the pre-season welcome letter for a summer electric customer. This letter can also be used to introduce the program and ways to save on peak days for electric and gas customers in the winter.

Image of Pre-season Welcome Letter

Image of the back of the pre-season welcome letter

The following are descriptions of the Pre-season Welcome Letter:

  • Header and Footer: The heading of the welcome letter includes the logo of the utility, the date that the letter was sent, and the customer's name and address. The footer contains the utility's website address, customer service telephone number, customer service email address, and the utility's logo.
  • Introduction: The introduction provides a full-color sentence that generates interest from the customer about upcoming peak events during the season.
  • Main Content: The main content of the welcome letter defines peak events, describes why peak events are important, and encourages customers to participate in peak events by connecting the customer to a larger community of energy savers.
  • Timeline: The timeline describes the three stages of the peak event: Before, During, and After. The timeline contains images to help the customer better understand the process and connect with the peak event.
  • Tips: The tips section uses the entire back page of the letter. Three tips are displayed that will help customers stay comfortable during the peak event. The tips are accompanied by images that graphically represent the tip being described.
  • Learn More: The Learn More section encourages the customer to learn more information about peak events as well find more tips that will help them save energy. The section contains a link that customers can follow to their utility's website.

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