Home Page

The home page of the CSI is displayed after a user signs in successfully. It includes a search engine and global features that appear on every page of the CSI.

  • Welcome Message: A message that identifies the user who is logged in.
  • Logout: A link for securely signing out of the tool.
  • Change Password: A link for changing a password.
  • Help: A link to a searchable online help system where CSRs can access frequently-asked questions (FAQs) and procedures about the Oracle Utilities Opower program.
  • Support: A link that redirects users to a support portal where designated utility staff can submit support cases to Oracle Utilities.

Additionally, there are several tabs displayed to allow users to perform various tasks in support of the program.

  • Program Management Tab: A set of features that allows CSRs to search for a customer's account, view the customer's account information, and manage their account settings. This tab comes with all Oracle Utilities Opower programs. See Program Management Tab.
  • User Admin Tab: A set of functionality used by Customer Service Administrators (CSAs) to manage user accounts, roles, and permissions. See User Admin Tab.