Getting Started with Embedding Widgets

Many Oracle Utilities Opower web products consist of widgets. Widgets are modular pieces of functionality and content that have a responsive layout and flexible configuration options. For example, the Bill Comparison and Data Browser are both widgets.

Most widgets can be embedded directly on a webpage. For example, you may want to embed a widget on a page within your own utility website or on a page within your instance of the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service standalone web portal. Widgets are embedded using HTML5 custom elements, a technology which allows widgets to be placed alongside other content on a webpage.

This guide provides recommendations on where and how to embed Oracle Utilities Opower widgets on your website. See Guidelines for Embedding Widgets for an overview of the factors to take into account, such as mobile breakpoints, CSS styling, and external links. You can also search or browse for the widget you are interested in to find recommendations specific to that widget.

Your Oracle Utilities Delivery Team is a useful resource in answering questions about embedding widgets and helping you with implementation. Contact your Delivery Team if you have any questions.