Rate Comparison

The Rate Comparison allows customers to see an overview of rate plans they are eligible for, estimated cost information, and details about each rate plan option. Customers can compare rate plans in terms of estimated annual costs and quickly identify their cheapest rate. Further rate analysis is available through additional rate details and the ability to perform what-if scenarios representing energy use choices the customer can make.

Rate Comparison widget, which compares a customers rate plan to other available rate plans.

Embedding Guidelines

Widget Name: widget-rates

The Rate Comparison widget consists of three components: Rate Comparison, Rate Details, and an optional Rate Simulator. The widget-rates widget must be embedded on a separate webpage devoted to hosting the widget's components. Users can interact with links within their Rate Comparison which redirect the users to review Rate Details or complete the Rate Simulator survey.


  • If other areas of a utility's site include direct links to the Rate Details component, the webpage that hosts this widget must be enabled to allow the rate-id query parameter to be passed in, so that the correct rate can be displayed.
  •  If you have an existing embedded configuration of Rate Comparison that uses multiple widgets, you must update your configuration to utilize the single widget-rates widget which supports all components of the Rate Comparison. You Delivery Team can assist you in this process.

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