Tip Actions Extract (Incremental)

The Tip Actions extract contains responses to tips on the Energy Efficiency web portal that have an action date within a specified date range. It is available in Inside Opower or as a standard recurring extract from your Delivery Team.

Column Description


The customer identifier that is used on customer communications. This is usually the same value as the customer_id column sent by the utility in other data files, but not always. Additional identifiers may need to be added to the extract. Discuss this modification with your Delivery Team, if necessary.

Example: 1234-1234-1234-1234

Field Size: 40.

Can Be Empty?: No.


Oracle Utilities Opower tip name.

Example: tip001_buy_energy_star.

Field Size: 64.

Can Be Empty?: No.


Date of action.

Field Size: 10.

Can Be Empty?: No.


Type of action.

Allowed Values:

  • DONE

Field Size: 9.

Can Be Empty?: No.