Adding Services and Charges in the Account Subscription


To add services and charges in the account subscription, you should have:

  • Subscription type business objects defined in the application

  • Subscription Services defined in the application


To add services and charges in the account subscription:

  1. Search for the account subscription in the Account Subscription screen.
    A list appears.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Account Subscription Information column whose details you want to view.
    The Account Subscription screen appears.
  3. Click Add button in the upper right corner of the Subscription Services zone.
    The Account Subscription Services and Charges screen appears, where you can add the subscription services. It contains the following fields in a grid:
    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Subscription Service Used to specify the type of the subscription service. Yes
    Service Start Date Used to indicate whether the service type is exempted from MRR calculation. Yes

    In addition, Account Subscription Services and Charges screen contains the following fields in a grid:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Subscription Charge Used to indicate charges related to the subscription service. Yes
    Charge Amount Used to specify the charges related to the subscription charge. Yes
    Charge Start Date Used to specify the date from when the charges are effective. Yes
    Charge End Date Used to specify the date till when the charges are effective. Yes
    One-Time Charge Used to indicate the one-time charges related to the subscription services. No
    Recurring Charge Frequency Used to indicate the recurring charges paid for the subscription service.
    Note: It appears when one-time charge option is selected.
    Automatic Renewal Used to indicate whether the subscription service charges are set to automatic renewal. No
    Cost Escalation (in Percentage) Used to specify percentage in which the subscription charge amount must increase when the automatic renewal of the subscription is triggered.
    Note: This field gets enabled when Automatic Renewal check box is selected.
    Description on Bill Used to specify the description on the bill. No
  4. Enter the required details in the Account Subscription Services and Charges screen.
  5. Click Save.
    The services and charges are added in the account subscription.

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