Currency Conversion Algorithms

The following table lists the currency conversion algorithm types shipped with the product:

If you want to use... Then create algorithm using the following algorithm type....
Date based exchange rate during currency conversion while:
  • Bill Segment Generation

  • FT GL Creation for Bill Segments

Date based exchange rate during currency conversion while:
  • Adjustment Creation

  • FT GL Creation for Adjustments

Date based exchange rate during currency conversion while:
  • Payment and Tender Creation

  • FT GL Creation for Payments

Date based exchange rate during currency conversion while aggregating transactions C1_​CURALGTFM
Date and time based exchange rate during currency conversion while:
  • Bill Segment Generation

  • FT GL Creation for Bill Segments

Date and time based exchange rate during currency conversion while:
  • Adjustment Creation

  • FT GL Creation for Adjustments

Date and time based exchange rate during currency conversion while:
  • Payment and Tender Creation

  • FT GL Creation for Payments

Date and time based exchange rate during currency conversion while aggregating transactions C1_​EXCRTTFM

Parent topic: Currency Conversion