Viewing the Calculation Lines of All Legs of a Transaction


To view the calculation lines of all legs of a transaction:

  1. Search for the account, whose bill details you want to view, in the Customer 360° View screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the account whose details you want to view.
    The Account tab appears in the Customer 360° Information screen.
  3. In the Open Bills zone, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the bill whose details you want to view.
    The Bill Information screen appears.
  4. In theBill Segment Details zone, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the bill segment whose details you want to view.
    The SQ Details, Bill Segment Calculation Lines, and Transaction Details zones appear.

    The SQ Details zone appears when the bill segment is generated for an SQI based billable charge.

    The Transaction Details zone appears when the bill segment is generated for a billable charge which is created through the transaction aggregation process.

  5. In the Transaction Details zone, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the transaction whose calculation lines you want to view.
    The Transaction Leg Calculation Lines zone appears.
  6. View the calculation lines of all legs which are rated before billing in the Transaction Leg Calculation Lines zone.

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How to search for an account Searching for an Account
Customer 360° Information screen Customer 360° Information
Account tab Customer 360° Information - Account
Open Bills zone Open Bills
Bill Information screen Bill Information
Bill Segment Details zone Bill Segment Details
Transaction Details zone Transaction Details
Transaction Leg Calculation Lines zone Transaction Leg Calculation Lines