Membership Premium Calculation Request and Response - Tags in XML Format

Note: We recommend you to refer the C1-MembRepricing inbound web service schema in parallel while understanding the below mentioned tags. This will help you to understand how the tags are nested in the schema.

Before calling the C1-MembRepricing inbound web service, you need to ensure that the membership repricing service contains the following tags:

Tag Name Tag Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
schema Used to specify the tags of a membership repricing inbound web service. Yes
simulationSw Used to specify whether the simulation switch should be set as enabled or disabled in the membership repricing web service based on the following conditions:
  • If the simulation switch is set as Y, then the system behaves in the following manner:

    • Any changes made to the entities like membership, member-person, and billable-charges are not saved in the ORMB application.

    • The billable charge event is not triggered in the ORMB application, and hence the Billable Charge tag is not displayed in the response received from the membership repricing inbound web service.

  • If the simulation switch is set as N, then the system behaves in the following manner:

    • The billable charge event is triggered in the ORMB application, and the Billable Charge tag is displayed in the response received from the membership repricing inbound web service.

Note: If you do not specify the value for the simulation switch, by default, it is set to N.
action Used to indicate the execution mode of the membership repricing inbound web service when you want to receive the existing premium calculations in response.

If you specify the value for the action flag as READ the system retrieves the membership, pricing, and billable charge details for the membership.

The membership information is not updated even if the simulation switch is set to N and the action flag is set as READ.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to receive the existing premium calculations in the response from the membership repricing inbound web service.
readFilters Used to specify the filter when you want to view the premium calculations for a particular set of price-items or for a timeline.
Note: The execution mode of the membership inbound web service should be set toread-only.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while viewing the premium calculations for particular set of price-items or for a timeline.
dateFilter Used to specify the filter when you want to view the premium calculations for a timeline.
Note: The execution mode of the membership inbound web service should be set toread-only.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while viewing the premium calculations for a particular timeline.
startDate You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • dateFilter - Here, the startDate tag is used to indicate the date from when the timeline is effective for premium calculations.

    The start date cannot be later than the end date.

    The start date cannot be earlier than the membership start date or later than the membership end date.

  • related persons - Here, the startDate tag is used to specify the date from when the person is related to the parent customer.

  • membership - Here, the startDate tag is used to indicate the date from when the membership is effective.

  • benefitDataList - Here, the startDate tag is used to indicate the date from when the benefit is effective.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while viewing the premium calculations for a particular timeline.
endDate You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • dateFilter - Here, the endDate tag is used to specify the date till when the timeline is effective for premium calculations.


    The end date cannot be earlier than the start date.

    The end date cannot be earlier than the membership start date or later than the membership end date.

  • related persons - Here, the endDate tag is used to specify the date till when the person is related to the parent customer.

  • membership - Here, the endDate tag is used to indicate the date till when the membership is effective.

  • benefitDataList - Here, the endDate tag is used to indicate the date till when the benefit is effective.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while viewing the premium calculations for a particular timeline.
priceItemFilter Used to specify the filter when you want to view the premium calculations for a particular set of timeline.
Note: The execution mode of the membership inbound web service should be set toread-only.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while viewing the premium calculations for a particular set of price-items.
priceItemList Used to specify the price items in the pricing list. No
priceItemCode Used to specify the price item code. No
person Used to specify information about the person. Yes
personData Used to specify the details of the parent customer, bill group, or member person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
sequence You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • personData - Here, the sequence tag is used to indicate the order in which the person information should be created in the system.

  • personName - Here, the sequence tag is used to indicate the order in which the person name should be created in the system.

  • benefitDataList - Here, the sequence tag is used to indicate the order in which the benefit information should be created in the system.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
personType Used to indicate the type of person. The valid values are:
  • B - Indicates that the person is a business owner.

  • BG - Indicates that the person is a bill group.

  • G - Indicates that the person is a group owner.

  • K - Indicates that the person is a broker.

  • P - Indicates that the person is an individual

  • PG - Indicates that the person is a parent customer.

Note: You must specify a value which is already defined in the PER_​OR_​BUS_​FLG lookup field. It must be in the Active status.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
personName Used to specify a list of names for the person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
entityName Used to specify the name of the person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
nameType Used to indicate the type of name.
Note: You must specify a value which is already defined in the NAME_​TYPE_​FLG lookup field. It must be in the Active status.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
identifiers Used to specify the identification details for the person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
idType You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • identifiers - Here, the idType tag is used to specify the person identifier type.

  • related persons - Here, the idType tag is used to specify the related persons identifier type.

  • accountIdentifiers - Here, the idType tag is used to specify the account identifier type.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person, related persons, or account details.
idValue You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • identifiers - Here, the idValue tag is used to specify the person identifier type.

  • related persons - Here, the idValue tag is used to specify the person identifier type.

  • accountIdentifiers - Here, the idValue tag is used to specify the account identifier type.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person, related persons or account details.
isPrimary You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • identifiers - Here, the isPrimary tag is used to indicate whether the person identifier is a primary identifier. The valid values are:
    • Y

    • N

  • accountIdentifiers - Here, the isPrimary tag is used to indicate whether the account identifier is a primary identifier. The valid values are:
    • Y

    • N

division You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • personData - Here, the division tag is used to indicate the division to which the person belongs.

  • accountBalanceData - Here, the division tag is used to indicate the division to which the account belongs.

birthDate Used to specify the date when the person was born.
Note: You must specify the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
sinceDate Used to specify the date when the person's record is created in the system. This is purely informational.
Note: You must specify the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
address Used to specify the address of the person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the address of the person.
addressEffDate Used to specify the date from when the address is effective.

You must specify the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

If you do not specify the date, by default, the system sets the effective date to the date when the address is created in the system through the health care inbound message.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while editing the address of a person.
addressType Used to indicate the type of address. The valid values are:
  • MAIN - Indicates that the address is the person's mailing address. You can use this address type while specifying the address for the person and account.

  • SEAS - Indicates that the address is the person's seasonal address. You can use this address type while specifying the address for the person.

  • OVRD - Indicates that the address is the account's override address. You can use this address type while specifying the address for the account.


If you do not specify the address type, by default, it is set to MAIN.

You must specify an address type which is already defined in the ADDRESS_​TYPE_​FLG lookup field. It must be in the Active status.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while editing the address of a person or account.
mailingName Used to specify the name using which the person should be addressed in the mail communication. The system also uses the mailing name in the bills, letters, quotes, and statements. No
address1 Used to specify the first line of the address. It may contain details, such as the house number. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining and editing the address of a person.
address2 Used to specify the second line of the address. It may contain details, such as the apartment name. No
address3 Used to specify the third line of the address. It may contain details, such as the street name. No
address4 Used to specify the fourth line of the address. It may contain the landmark details. No
city Used to specify the city name. No
state Used to indicate the state where the city is located. No
zip Used to specify the zip code of the address. No
country Used to indicate the country where the person or account is located. No
houseType Used to indicate the type of the house. No
streetNumber1 Used to specify the numeric information, if any, related to the address. No
streetNumber2 Used to specify the numeric information, if any, related to the address. No
inCityLimit Used to indicate whether the address is within the city limit. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

taxVendorGeographicalCode Used to specify the geographic code of the address. No
county Used to specify the county name. No
email Used to specify the e-mail ID of the person. No
overrideMailingName1 Used to specify the name using which you want to override the person's mailing name. No
overrideMailingName2 Used to specify the name using which you want to override the person's override mailing name 1. No
overrideMailingName3 Used to specify the name using which you want to override the person's override mailing name 2. No
phones Used to specify the phone details of the person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the phone details of a person.
phoneType Used to indicate the type of phone.
Note: You must specify a phone type which is already defined in the system.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the phone details of a person.
phoneValue Used to specify the phone number of the person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the phone details of a person.
extension Used to specify the extension value of the phone number. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the phone details of a person.
relatedPersons Used to list other persons with whom you want to establish the person's relationship. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person to person relationship.
personRelationshipType Used to indicate how the other person is related to the person.

You must specify a person relationship type which is already defined in the system.

If you have specified a parent customer as the related person for a bill group, the system, by default, uses the person relationship type which is specified in the Person Relationship Type option type of the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration. It does not considers the value specified in this tag.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while creating relationship between a bill group and person whose the person type is not Parent Customer.
financialRelationshipSw Used to indicate whether the other person is financially responsible for the person. The valid values are:
  • True

  • False

Note: If you do not specify the value, by default, it is set to False.
parentOrChild Used to indicate whether the other person is parent or child. The valid values are:
  • P

  • C

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while creating a person to person relationship.
relatedPersonsCharacteristicsList Used to specify the characteristic details for the related person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a characteristic of the respective entity.
characteristic You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • relatedPersonsCharacteristicsList - Here, the characteristic tag is used to specify the characteristic details for the related person.

  • personCharacteristicList - Here, the characteristic tag is used to specify the characteristic details for the person.

  • membershipCharacteristicList - Here, the characteristic tag is used to specify the characteristic for the membership.

    Note: The characteristic tag (along with its elements) can be used more than once within the schema when the Type attribute of the characteristic is set to List.
  • memberCharacteristicList - Here, the characteristic tag is used to specify the characteristic for the membership.

  • benefitCharacteristicsList - Here, the characteristic tag is used to specify the characteristic details for the benefit.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a characteristic of the respective entity.
characteristicType You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • characteristic - Here, the characteristicType tag is used to specify the characteristic type.

  • characteristicList - Here, the characteristicType tag is used to specify the characteristic type.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a characteristic of the respective entity.
characteristicValue You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • characteristic - Here, the characteristicValue tag is used to specify the value for the predefined characteristic type.

  • characteristicList - Here, the characteristicValue tag is used to specify the value for the predefined characteristic type.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a characteristic of the respective entity.
effectiveDate You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • characteristic - Here, the effectiveDate tag is used to specify the date from when the characteristic is effective.

  • characteristicList - Here, the effectiveDate tag is used to specify the date from when the characteristic details are effective for the account.

personCharacteristicList Used to specify the characteristic details for the related person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a characteristic of the respective entity.
accountData Used to specify the account details of a person. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing an account.
accountType Used to indicate the type of account. This information is stored as a characteristic for the account.

The value is stored in the characteristic type which is specified in the Invoice Type Characteristic Type option type of the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.

You must specify a value which is already defined in the predefined characteristic type.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing an account.
customerClass Used to indicate the customer class to which the account belongs. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing an account.
postponeCreditReviewUntil Used when you want to review the person's debt after a particular date. The system will consider the person for monitoring the delinquency only after the specified date. You can specify the postpone credit review until date for a person through a health care inbound message. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
lastCreditReviewDate Used to indicate the date when the person's debt was last reviewed. The system stamps the last credit review date against a person when a delinquency process is initiated for the person through the C1-PRDLQ batch. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
dragDays Used to specify additional grace days (if any) offered at the person level. These drag days are considered while calculating the grace end date when the trigger date calculation mode (in the respective delinquency process type) is set to Latest Bill Due Date with Grace Period. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
advanceDepositAmount Used to specify the advance deposit amount. It is required when the advance deposit level is set to PG. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
advanceDepositGraceDays Used to specify the grace days. The system then uses the grace days to derive the grace period within which the advance deposit should be received from the group customer. While calculating the grace period, the system derives the earliest start date among all the polices where the parent customer is the policy holder and considers it as the grace start date. Once the grace start date is derived, the system calculates the grace end date (i.e. grace start date + grace days).
Note: For example, if a parent customer is the policy holder of two policies - P1 (01-Jan-2022 to 31-Dec-2022) and P2 (01-Jun-2022 to 31-Dec-2022) and advance deposit grace days is set to 6 days, then the system considers 01-Jan-2022 as the grace start date (as it is the earliest start date) and sets the grace end date to 07-Jan-2022. The advance deposit grace days is required when the advance deposit level is set to PG.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
advanceDepositLevel Used to indicate whether you want to park the advance deposit received from the group customer at the parent customer or policy level. The valid values are:
  • PG - Used when you want to park the advance deposit at the parent customer level.

  • POLI - Used when you want to park the advance deposit at the policy level.

Note: The advance deposit level is only applicable for the person whose person type is set to Parent Customer. If you do not specify the advance deposit level, then the parent customer is not eligible for the advance deposit either at the parent customer or policy level.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a person.
addressStatus Used to indicate whether you want to maintain both the active and inactive address. No
repriceAfterDate Used to indicate whether you want to hold the repricing for the membership until the specified date. No
billCycle Used to indicate the bill cycle for the account.
Note: You must specify a bill cycle which is already defined in the system.
billLeadDays Used to indicate whether you want to bill the account in advance. Here, you need to specify the number of days which is used to derive the cut-off date for advance billing. If you do not want to bill the account in advance, you must specify the value as zero(0). No
currency Used to indicate the currency in which you want to bill the account.
Note: You must specify a currency which is already defined in the system.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining an account.
setUpDate Used to specify the date when the account was first created. This is purely informational.

You must specify the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

If you do not specify the value, by default, it is set to the current date.

acctUsageFlg Used to indicate the category to which the account belongs. The valid values are:
  • INVC - Indicates that the account will be used to bill charges of the usage accounts.

  • SETL - Indicates that the account will be used only for settlement purposes.

  • USAG - Indicates that the account will have its own charges. If the usage account is linked to any construct, the usage account's charges are billed through an invoice account. Otherwise, the usage account is billed individually.

comments Used to specify additional information about the account. No
deferAutoPayDt Used to specify the date till when you want to hold the automatic payment process for the account. No
collectionClass Used to control how the person's debt is compared against collection criteria (i.e. tolerance limit) to determine whether a collection process (such as delinquency process) should be initiated for the person. A new collection method named Self-Control Delinquency is available while defining a collection class. It is used to create a distinct or separate delinquency process for the persons who belong to the collection class. If you want to evaluate the debt of the person's accounts, its child persons, and the child persons’ accounts while monitoring the person's delinquency, you must set the collection method of their respective collection class to Parental Delinquency. If you set the collection method of the collection class for any of the person's account, any of its child person, or child persons' accounts to Self-Control Delinquency, the system does not consider the debt of the respective entity while monitoring the delinquency of the parent person.

If you do not want to initiate delinquency process for a child person or an account, ensure that the person or account belongs to a collection class where the collection method is set to Not Eligible for Collection.

If the collection class is not defined for a person, the system skips the person while monitoring the delinquency.

billRouteType Used to indicate how the account's bill must be sent to the main customer. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining the respective information.
billAddressSource Used to indicate whether the account's bill must be sent to the main customer's mailing address or to the main customer's account override address. The valid values are:
  • PER

  • ACOV

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining the respective information.
accountIdentifiers Used to specify the account identifiers for the account. Yes
characteristics Used to specify the characteristics for the account. No
characteristicsList Used to specify the characteristics information for the account. No
membership Used to specify information about the membership. Yes
sourceSystem Used to specify the external system from where the membership information is received for repricing.
Note: You must specify a source system which is already defined in the C1-SourceSystemLookup extendable lookup. It must be in the Active status.
policyNumber Used to specify the policy number. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the respective information.
planNumber Used to specify the plan number. Yes
healthPlanCode Used to specify the health plan code. Yes
boStatusCd Used to indicate the status of the membership. No
membershipType You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • membership - Here, the membershipType tag is used to indicate the type of membership. The valid values are:
    • COBRA

    • Medicare

    • Retiree

    Note: If you want to define an active employee coverage membership, you must leave this field blank.
  • mainSubscriber - Here, the membershipType tag is used to indicate the type of membership for the main subscriber.

mainSubscriber Used to indicate whether the person is the main subscriber of the membership. The valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required only while defining the membership details of a person.
mainSubsIdType Used to specify the type of main subscriber. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required only while defining the membership details of a person.
mainSubsIdValue Used to specify the value for the main subscriber. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required only while defining the membership details of a person.
autoRenew Used to indicate whether the individual membership should be automatically renewed. No
associatedMemberIdentifierType Used to specify the identifier type of the member who is associated with another individual membership. No
associatedMemberIdentifier Used to specify the identification of the member who is associated with another individual membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the individual membership.
exchangeFlag Used to indicate whether the individual membership is purchased from the exchange. The valid values are:
  • ON

  • OFF

exchangeId Used to specify the identification number of the exchange from where the individual membership is purchased. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the exchangeFlag is set to ON.
binderLiabilityAmount Used to specify the binder liability amount.
Note: This data is required when the Consider Binder Liability Amount attribute is set to Y in the binder payment preference.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the individual membership.
binderPayApplicability Used to indicate that the system should monitor whether the binder payment is received before activating the individual membership. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

binderPayGraceDays Used to calculate the grace date for the individual membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the binderPayApplicability is set to Y.
binderPayThreshold Used to specify the threshold percentage using which the threshold amount should be calculated. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the binderPayApplicability is set to Y.
holdBilling Used to indicate whether you want to hold the bill generation process for the individual membership until the binder payment is received. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you have selected the binderPayApplicability to Y.
membershipRenewalDate Used to indicate the date when the individual membership should be renewed.
Note: You must specify the renewal date when you are manually renewing the individual membership.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the individual membership.
contractPeriod Used to indicate the period (in months) for which the individual membership should be automatically renewed. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the individual membership.
membershipIdentifierList Used to specify the identification details for the membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the membership identifier details for the individual or group membership.
membershipIdentifier Used to specify the identification for the membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the membership identifier details for the individual or group membership.
membershipIdentifierType Used to specify the membership identifier type. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the membership identifier details for the individual or group membership.
membershipIdentifierValue Used to specify the value for the predefined membership identifier type. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the membership identifier details for the individual or group membership.
membershipCharacteristicList Used to specify the characteristic details for the membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required only while defining the membership details of a person.
membershipRateGuarantee Used to specify the rate guarantee information for each individual membership.
Note: The rate guarantee information can be specified only while defining or editing the individual membership.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the respective information.
membershipRateGuaranteeList Used to specify the rate guarantee details for the individual membership.
Note: The rate guarantee details can be specified only while defining or editing the individual membership.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the respective information.
rateGuaranteeStartDate Used to specify the date from when the rate guarantee is available for the individual membership.

You can specify the rate guarantee start date only while defining or editing the individual membership.

The rate guarantee start date cannot be later than rate guarantee end date.

The rate guarantee start date cannot be earlier than the membership start date or later than membership end date.

rateGuaranteeEndDate Used to specify the date till when the rate guarantee is available for the individual membership.

You can specify the rate guarantee start date only while defining or editing the individual membership.

The rate guarantee end date cannot be earlier than rate guarantee start date.

The rate guarantee start end cannot be earlier than the membership start date or later than membership end date.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required if you have specified the rateGuaranteeStartDate while defining or editing the individual membership.
rateGuaranteeStatus Used to indicate the status of the rate guarantee period. The valid values are:
  • Active

  • Inactive

memberDataList Used to specify basic information about the membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the membership details of a person.
memberData Used to specify the details of the main subscriber or dependent person.

The member data information must be provided along with the enrollment dates whenever a new membership is created.

The memberData tag (along with its elements) can only be used once within the schema, when the Type attribute of the memberData is set to Group.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining the membership details of a person.
memberIdType Used to specify the external membership ID. Yes
memberIdValue Used to specify the value for the external membership ID. Yes
enrollmentStartDate Used to specify the date from when you want to add the member person to the membership.

The enrollment start date cannot be later than the enrollment end date.

The enrollment start date cannot be earlier than the membership start date or later than the membership end date.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining the membership details of a person.
enrollmentEndDate Used to specify the date till when you want to add the member person to the membership.

The enrollment end date cannot be earlier than the enrollment start date.

The enrollment end date cannot be earlier than the membership start date or later than the membership end date.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining the membership details of a person.
memberRelationship Used to indicate how the main subscriber is related to the membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the membership details of a person.
membershipPersonStatus Used to indicate the status of the person in the membership. The valid values are:
  • Active

  • Inactive

memberId Used to specify the external membership ID.
Note: Here, you need to specify a membership ID which is maintained in the external source system.
financeRespFlag Used to indicate whether the person is financially responsible for the membership. The valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

isMemberSw Used to indicate whether the person is a member or a non-member in the membership. The valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

externalMedicareBeneficiaryId Used to specify the Medicare beneficiary identifier of the person who has availed the Medicare benefit. No
benefitData Used to specify information about the membership benefit. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a membership benefit.
benefitDataList Used to specify the details of a membership benefit. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a membership benefit.
benefitStatus Used to indicate the status of the membership benefit. The valid values are:



While defining a membership benefit, by default, the status is set to Active.

On editing a membership benefit, the system inactivates the old record and creates a new record in the system. The status of the old benefit record is set to Inactive and the status of the new benefit record is set to Active.

You can discard an active or inactive membership benefit whenever required.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing a benefit.
benefitSourceFlag Used to indicate the source (i.e. health insurance exchange) from where the benefit is received for the membership. The valid values are:
  • CMS

  • ST

Note: You can only specify a value which is defined in the BENEFIT_​SRC_​FLG lookup field.
benefitSubTypeFlag Used to indicate whether the membership benefit is a Medicare Part A, Part B, or Part D benefit, Medicare Part D LIS, Medicare Part D LEP, APTC benefit, or any other membership benefit.
Note: You can only specify a benefit sub type which is already defined in the system.
planBenefitPackageId Used to indicate the Medicare plan benefit package (i.e. 800 series plan) which is applicable for the membership benefit.
Note: You can only specify a Medicare plan benefit package which is already defined in the system.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while creating the Medicare Part A, Part B, or Part D membership benefit.
benefitAmount Used to specify the pass-through amount for the availed membership benefit. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while creating the Medicare Part D LIS, Medicare Part D LEP, APTC, or other membership benefits.

The following table provides information about the response tags in the membership repricing inbound web service:

Tag Tag Description
responseDetails Displays the information whether the membership repricing inbound web service was successfully processed or not.
membershipId Indicates the membershipID for which the repricing should take place.
responseStatus Indicates the status of the response received from the membership repricing inbound web service.
  • If an error occurs while processing the membership repricing inbound web service, then the responseStatus tag contains ERROR as a response message received from the membership repricing inbound web service, and the error message is displayed in the message tag.

  • If the membership repricing inbound web service is correctly processed, then the responseStatus tag contains SUCCESS as a response message received from the membership repricing inbound web service.

  • If a transaction results in an error, then the changes requested as a part of the transaction are not processed and a rollback is performed.

message Indicates the reason why the membership repricing inbound web service failed.
responseType Indicates the type of response received from the inbound web service. The valid values are:
  • DT - Indicates that the response contains detailed information.

  • SMRY - Indicates that the response contains summary information.

paidThroughDate Indicates the term end date of the last fully or partially paid term. For more information about the paid through date, refer to Policy.
premiumCalculationDetails Displays the premium calculation details for the membership.

The premiumCalculationDetails tag (along with its elements) can be used only once within the schema when the Type attribute of the premiumCalculationDetails is set to Group.

premiumCalculation Displays the total premium of all the members for the timeline.
Note: The premiumCalculation tag (along with its elements) can be used more than once within the schema when the Type attribute of the premiumCalculation is set to List.
priceItemCd Indicates the price item for which the billable charge is created.
startDt Displays the start date of the timeline.

The startDt cannot be later than the endDt.

The startDt cannot be earlier than the membership start date or later than the membership end date.

endDt Displays the end date of the timeline.

The endDt cannot be earlier than the startDt.

The endDt cannot be earlier than the membership start date or later than the membership end date.

calcAmt You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • premiumCalculation - Here, the calcAmt tag is used to display the premium amount calculated for the timeline.

  • premiumCalcLines - Here, the calcAmt tag is used to display the premium amount calculated for each eligible member in the membership.

distAmt You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • premiumCalculation - Here, the distAmt tag is used to display the discount amount calculated for the timeline.

  • premiumCalcLines - Here, the distAmt tag is used to display the discount amount calculated for each eligible member in the membership.

currencyCd You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • premiumCalculation - Here, the currencyCd tag is used to indicate the currency in which the premium is calculated for the timeline.

  • premiumCalcLines - Here, the currencyCd tag is used to indicates the currency in which the premium is calculated for each eligible member in the membership.

Note: Here, the system chooses those currencies in which the bills added to the membership are created.
acctIdType Indicates the account identifier type.
acctIdVal Indicates the value of the account identifier type.
accountId Indicates the account to which the membership is billed.
billableChgId Indicates the billable charge ID.
pricingRuleId Indicates the pricing rule using which the premium amount is calculated.
priceAsgnId Indicates the price item pricing which is assigned to a membership.



Displays the premium calculated line details for each eligible member in the membership.
premiumCalcLines Displays the premium calculated line information for each eligible member in the membership.
proFactor Indicates the proration factor used to calculate the billable charges for the membership contract.
month Displays the month of the premium calculation.
totalCalcAmt Displays the total calculated amount for premium calculation.
entityTypeFlg Indicates the type of entity created for premium calculation.
entityId Indicates the entity ID.
referenceIdType Indicates the reference type used for premium calculation.
referenceIdValue Indicates the value of the reference identifier type.
pricingParameters Indicates the pricing eligibility criteria which is satisfied while deriving the premium for the membership.
description Displays the description of the rate component for which the price component is created in the age based or tier based pricing.
accountBalance Displays the amount balance in the account.
accountBalanceData Displays the account balance data information.
accountIdentifierType Indicates the account identifier type for the account.
accountNumber Indicates the bank account through which automatic payment is made.
accountId Indicates the account which made the payment.
division You can use this tag within the following tags:
  • personData - Here, the division tag is used to display the division to which the person belongs

  • accountBalanceData - Here, the division tag is used to display the division to which the account belongs

sourceSystem Indicates the external system from where the membership information is received for repricing.



Indicates the transaction in the external source system which resulted in the customer inbound message.
externalSourceId Displays the external source system ID.
accountInfoDtls Displays the account information details of an account.
currentBalance Displays the total amount of funds in the account.
lastBillAmount Indicates the last bill amount generated for the membership.
statusCd Indicates whether the membership repricing incoming message is successfully processed or not. The valid values are:
  • Success

  • Fail

messageText Indicates the reason for an error occurrence.

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C1-MembRepricing Inbound Web Service Membership Premium Calculation Through Inbound Web Service