Sample Individual Membership Read Request and Response in XML Format

Using the below example, you can do the following:

  • View the details of an individual membership with the membership Id is 018627581362534

Person Name Person Type Membership ID Policy Number Main Subscriber



PERSON 018627581362534 REPC_​BEN_​POL1 Yes
                <mailingName>BENJAMIN WOAKES</mailingName>
                <address1>THE WOAKES FINS SYSTEMS</address1>
                <address2>7773-K SOUTH WEST PARK</address2>
                <streetNumber1>270TH MAIN STREET</streetNumber1>
                <streetNumber2>CENTRAL ROAD</streetNumber2>
Note: We have given the above sample to illustrate how the tags should be nested while sending an individual membership read request from the external system. However, you should not seamlessly use this sample in your environment because the required pre-requisite data may not be available in your environment. In such case, the system will give erroneous results.