Viewing a Price Item Pricing


To view a price item pricing and assignment details:

  1. Do either of the following:
    If you want to view...Then...
    Price Item Pricing of a Price List from the Price List Price Item Pricing screen
    1. .

      Search for the price list in the Price List screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon ) icon corresponding to the price list whose details you want to view.

      The Price List Price Item Pricing screen appears.

    3. Price assignments effective for the price list appears in the Price List Price Item zone.

    4. Click the link in the Pricing Information column corresponding to the price list whose pricing details you want to view.

    Price Item Pricing of a Price List from the Price List screen
    1. .

      Search for the price list in the Price List screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the price list whose price item pricing you want to view.

      The Price List Price Item zone appears.

    3. Click the link in the Pricing Information column corresponding to the price item whose price item pricing you want to view.

    Tip: Alternatively, you can click on the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the price list whose price item pricing you want to view. The Price Item Pricing zone appears in the Price List screen.
    The Price Item Pricing screen appears. It contains the following zones:
    • Price Item Pricing Information - Displays the price item pricing details. It contains the following sections:

      • Main - Displays the pricing information of the price item.

      • Deal Information - Displays the deal information of the price item.

      • TFM Information - Displays the transaction feed management information of the price item.

      • Characteristics - Displays the details of price item pricing characteristics.

      • Price Item and Parameter Information - Displays the price item parameter details.

      • Division-Specific Average Price Floor and Ceil Values - Displays the floor and ceil values of a price item.

      • Division-Specific SQIs for Price Item - Displays the details of the SQIs associated with the price item.

      • Division-Specific Cost for Price Item - Displays the details of the costs associated with the price item.

      • Division-Specific Negotiability Floor and Ceil Values for Price Item - Displays the negotiability floor and ceil values of a price item.

      • Record Actions - Displays the record actions of the price item pricing.

      • Record Information - Displays the record information of the price item pricing.

    • Pricing Structure - Displays the details of the rate and price component of the price item.

  2. View the basic details of price item pricing in the Price Item Pricing zone.
  3. View the rate and price component details of price item in the Pricing Structure zone.
  4. View the tiering criteria of price item pricing in the Pricing Structure zone.
  5. View the pricing eligibility criteria of price item pricing in the Pricing Structure zone.
    Note: You can define, edit, copy, or delete the pricing price components of a rate component when the price item pricing status is Draft, Proposed, or Template.

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