Rate Option Extendable Lookup

The basic pricing details (such as rate schedule, pricing currency) and the transaction aggregation details may vary from one bill group or parent customer to another and from one price item to another. The basic pricing and transaction aggregation details are defined in the rate option. Each rate option must be defined in the system using the Rate Option (C1-ExtLookRetTypeRateOpt) extendable lookup. A rate option encapsulates the following information:

  • The rate schedule that you want to use while defining the price item pricing.

  • Currency in which you want to define the price item pricing.

  • Whether zero pricing should be displayed in the bill.

  • Whether the transactions mapped to the price item should be ignored for billing.

  • Whether the transactions mapped to the price item should be aggregated for billing.

  • The aggregation schedule using which the transactions should be aggregated for billing.

  • How and when you want to rate the transaction legs which are mapped to the price item.

  • Whether you want the price item pricing to be applied to all customers or only to the new customers.

Once the rate options are defined in the extendable lookup, you can associate one or more rate options with a price item while adding the price item in a claim, specific stop-loss, aggregate stop-loss, retention type claim based, retention type enrollment based, or ancillary pricing rule type. You can then use the rate option while defining pricing rule for the respective price item using the respective pricing rule type. The rate option specified in a pricing rule is used while creating the price item pricing or price assignment for the pricing rule.

For example, the following table illustrates how the rate options can be used for different price items in a pricing rule type:
Claim Pricing Rule Type Price Item Rate Option Claim Pricing Rule Price Item Pricing
CPRT1 P1 R1 CPR1 (Price Item: P1, Rate Option: R1) PA1 is created for P1 using the details specified in R1.
R2 - -
R3 CPR2 (Price Item: P1, Rate Option: R3) PA2 is created for P1 using the details specified in R3.
P2 R1 - -
R4 CPR3 (Price Item: P2, Rate Option: R4) PA3 is created for P2 using the details specified in R4.
CPRT2 P1 R1 CPR4 (Price Item: P1, Rate Option: R1) PA4 is created for P1 using the details specified in R1.

The Extendable Lookup Query screen allows you to search for an extendable lookup. It contains the following zone:

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Parent Topic: Self-Funded Pricing