Rate Type Extendable Lookup

A new extendable lookup for rate type named C1-ExtLookRateType is introduced in the system. A rate type extendable lookup enables you to specify the following:

  • Whether the system should calculate fees on sum of all applicable claim charges or separately for each applicable claim charge.

  • The billable charge line type using which the calculation line should be created when the fee is calculated on sum of all applicable claim charges

  • Whether the system should calculate percentage based markup or markdown on sum of all eligible claim charges or separately for each eligible claim charge

  • The billable charge line type using which the calculation line should be created when the minimum and maximum markup or markdown is calculated on sum of all eligible claim charges

  • Whether the rate type can be used while adding fees, default markup or markdown, or claim line items

Following rate types are used in the system:

  • Maximum Fee

  • Minimum Fee

  • Retained Percentage

  • Minimum Markup or Markdown

  • Maximum Markup or Markdown

  • Minimum Amount

  • Maximum Amount

The Extendable Lookup Query screen allows you to search for an extendable lookup. It contains the following zone:

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Parent Topic: Self-Funded Pricing