Pricing Group

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables you to create pricing groups for a bill group. It consists of one or more rules. Each rule has a unique priority. A rule contains one or more criteria. Each criterion can contain the following:

  • Source System - Indicates the external system from where the claim or enrollment transaction is received.

  • Parameter 1, Parameter 2, Parameter 3, and Parameter 4 - Indicates employee attributes based on which you want to define the pricing.

Note that the source system and parameter 1 are mandatory when you are defining a criterion in a rule. In the Parameter 1 field, you can only specify the employee attribute which is defined for the bill group and source system combination in the Bill Group Derivation and Pricing Parameters zone.

You can specify multiple parameter 2, parameter 3, and parameter 4 combinations in the criterion. You can also specify multiple source system, parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3, and parameter 4 combinations (i.e. multiple criteria) in a rule. Once a pricing group is defined for a bill group, you can then use the pricing group while defining a pricing rule for the bill group. This enables you to define various rates for employees with different set of attributes. For example, in a claim pricing rule, you can maintain different markup and markdown values for employees who belong to the Western, Eastern, and Central location of United States.

You can define, edit, copy, and delete a pricing group through the Bill Group Pricing Groups zone in the Pricing tab of the Customer 360° Information screen.

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Parent Topic: Self-Funded Pricing