Copying a Pricing Group of a Bill Group

Instead of creating a pricing group from scratch, you can create a new pricing group using an existing pricing group. This is possible through copying a pricing group. On copying a pricing group, the details including the rules are copied to the new pricing group. You can then edit the details, if required.


To copy a pricing group of a bill group, you should have:

  • Pricing group (whose copy you want to create) defined in the application

  • Values defined for the C1-SourceSystemLookup extendable lookup


To copy a pricing group of a bill group:

  1. Search for the Administrative Services Only (ASO) person in the Customer 360° View screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the person whose details you want to view.
    The Person tab in the Customer 360° Information screen appears.
  3. Click the Pricing tab.
    The Pricing tab appears.
  4. In the Bill Group ASO Policy Information zone, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to a bill group whose pricing group you want to copy.
    The Bill Group ASO Policy Pricing Rules and Bill Group Pricing Groups zones appear.
  5. In the Bill Group Pricing Groups zone, click the Duplicate (The Duplicate Icon) icon in the Duplicate column corresponding to the pricing group whose copy you want to create.

    The Pricing Group screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Main - Used to specify basic details about the pricing group. It contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Bill Group Information Indicates the bill group for whom you want to define the pricing group. Not applicable
      Status Used to indicate the status of the pricing group. The valid values are:
      • Active

      • Inactive

      Description Used to specify the description for the pricing group. Yes
    • Pricing Group Rules - Used to define rules in the pricing group. It contains the following fields in a grid:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Priority Used to indicate the order in which the rule should be executed while determining the pricing for the price item.
      Note: You cannot define multiple rules in the pricing group with the same priority.
      Rule Used to specify the rule in the pricing group. Yes
      Description Used to specify the description for the pricing group rule. Yes
      Criteria On clicking the Add (The Add Icon) icon, you can define criteria for the pricing group rule. Not applicable
  6. Enter the required details in the Main section.
  7. Define, edit, or remove the required rules from the Pricing Group Rules section.
  8. Click the Add (The Add Icon) icon in the Criteria field corresponding to the pricing group rule for which you want to define or edit the criteria.

    The following fields appear in another grid:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Source System Used to indicate the external system from where the claim or enrollment transaction is received. Yes
    Parameter 1 Used to specify the employee attribute based on which you want to define the pricing.

    You can only specify the employee attribute which is defined for the bill group and source system combination in the Bill Group Derivation and Pricing Parameters zone.

    You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in this field.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Parameter 1 List for Bill Group window appears.

    Parameter 2 Used to specify the employee attribute based on which you want to define the pricing.
    Note: You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in this field.
    Parameter 3 Used to specify the employee attribute based on which you want to define the pricing.
    Note: You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in this field.
    Parameter 4 Used to specify the employee attribute based on which you want to define the pricing.
    Note: You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in this field.
  9. Enter the source system and parameter 1 in the pricing group rule criteria.
    Note: You must define at least one rule in the pricing group and at least one source system and parameter 1 combination in the pricing group rule.
  10. If required, enter the parameter 2, parameter 3, and parameter 4 for the source system and parameter 1 combination in the pricing group rule criteria.
  11. If you want to define more than one parameter 2, parameter 3, and parameter 4 for the source system and parameter 1 combination, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon corresponding to the Parameter 2 field and then repeat step 10.
    Note: However, if you want to remove a parameter 2, parameter 3, and parameter 4 from the source system and parameter 1 combination, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the parameter 2, parameter 3, and parameter 4.
  12. If you want to define more than one source system and parameter 1 combination in the pricing group rule, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon corresponding to the Source System field and then repeat step 9 and 10.
    Note: However, if you want to remove a source system and parameter 1 combination from the pricing group rule, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the combination.
  13. If you want to define more than one rule in the pricing group, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon corresponding to the Priority field and then repeat the steps from 7 to 10.
    Note: However, if you want to remove a rule from the pricing group, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the pricing group rule.
  14. Click Save.
    The new pricing group is defined for the bill group.

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