Searching for a Master Account


To search for a master account, you should have:

  • Divisions, billing cycles, and customer classes defined in the application

  • Master accounts created in the application


To search for a master account:

  1. Click the Menu link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Main menu, click Billing Management and then click Manage Invoicing Groups.
    The Manage Invoicing Groups screen appears.
    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Invoicing Group Assignment Type Used to indicate whether you want to search for a master or member account. Yes
    Account ID Used to specify the account ID. No
    Division Used to specify the division whose accounts you want to search. No
    Account Identifier Type Used to specify the account identifier type. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: If you enter the account identifier as a search criteria, you have to select the account identifier type.
    Account Identifier Used to specify the value of the account identifier type. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: If you specify the account identifier type as a search criteria, you have to enter the account identifier.
    Person Name Used to specify the person whose accounts you want to search. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: If you specify the billing cycle or person class as a search criteria, you have to specify the person name.
    Billing Cycle Used to specify the billing cycle during which the account is billed. No
    Person Class Used to specify the customer class of the account. No

    The criteria are grouped as indicated by line separators between the criteria. Each group is independent from the other, and only one group is used at a time for searching. If you enter criteria in more than one group, the criteria from the first group is used for searching. For example, if you enter Account ID and Person Name (which are in different criteria groups), the system searches using Account ID, which appears before Person Name.

    Note: You must specify at least one search criterion while searching for a master account.
  3. Select Master from the Invoicing Group Assignment Type list.
  4. Specify the search criteria in any of the criteria groups.
  5. Click Search.

    The master accounts that meet the search criteria and to which you have access based on the account's access group appear in the search results. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Account ID Displays the master account ID.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Invoicing Group Maintenance - Add/Edit screen appears where you can view the details of the respective master account.
    Account Identifier Type Displays the account identifier type of the master account.
    Account Identifier Displays the value of the account identifier type.
    Account Currency Displays the invoice currency of the master account.
    Division Displays the division to which the master account belongs.
    Person Name Displays the name of the main customer.
    Customer Class Displays the customer class of the master account.
    Billing Cycle Displays the billing cycle during which the master account is billed.

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Manage Invoicing Groups screen Manage Invoicing Groups