
Template is used to select a set of usage accounts, billable charges, or adjustments based on the criteria. In a template, you can define a SELECT statement to retrieve data from a table or view based on a condition. You can use the bind variables in the where clause (condition). The bind variables must be alphanumeric and prefixed with the colon (:). The values for these bind variables are specified while defining a construct.

You can validate the syntax of the SELECT statement. If the syntax of the SELECT statement is correct, a message appears indicating that the SQL statement was validated successfully. However, if the syntax of the SELECT statement is incorrect, an error message occurs. You need to then correct the SELECT statement accordingly. Otherwise, the system will not allow you to save the template.

You can define the following three types of templates:

  • Account Selection - Used for selecting a set of usage accounts based on the criteria.

  • Adjustment Selection - Used for selecting a set of adjustments based on the criteria.

  • Billable Charge Selection - Used for selecting a set of billable charges based on the criteria.

You can only use templates which are active while defining or editing a construct. The Template screen allows you to define, edit, and delete a template. You can edit a template even if it is used in any construct. However, any changes made to a template will not be reflected in a construct where the template is already used unless you use the latest template in the construct. This screen consists of the following zones:

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How to search for a template Searching for a Template
How to define a template Defining a Template
How to edit a template Editing a Template
How to view the details of a template Viewing the Template Details
How to delete a template Deleting a Template

Parent topic: Construct