This algorithm is invoked during the membership activation process. It checks whether the binder payment is received for the membership. If the binder payment is received, the membership status is changed from Pending Effectuation to Active.
Note: At present, this algorithm is invoked only during the membership enrollment and not for membership reinstatement, where the membership status is changed from Terminated to Active.

This algorithm is invoked using the following scenario:

If... Then...
The membership is in the Active status and the binder payment attributes like the Consider Binder Liability Amount Flag is configured as N along with the Membership Status Reason when Binder Payment Received is configured as Binder Payment Received in the Field Mapping screen The system checks whether the hold billing switch in the CI_​MEMBERSHIP table contains any value. If any value exists, the system releases the billable charges which are kept on hold for the membership. In addition, the system performs the following operations:
  • Retrieves the account (of the financial responsible person) for the membership.

  • Retrieves the non-binder payment contracts for the accounts from the CI_​SA table.

  • Retrieves the billable charges present on the non-binder payment contracts where the membership ID is stamped as a characteristic.

  • Checks whether the bill after date of each billable charge contains a future date. If the bill after date contains a future date then it is changed to the system date minus one.