Copying a Binder Payment Preference

Instead of creating a binder payment preference from scratch, you can create a new binder payment preference using an existing binder payment preference. This is possible through copying a binder payment preference. On copying a binder payment preference, the details including the attributes are copied to the new binder payment preference. You can then edit the details, if required.


To copy a binder payment preference, you should have:

  • Binder Payment preference (whose copy you want to create) defined in the application

  • Values defined for Binder Payment Field Mapping option type in the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.

  • Values defined in the FIELD_​CAT_​FLG lookup field


To copy a binder payment preference:

  1. Search for the binder payment preference in the Field Mapping screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Duplicate (The Duplicate Icon) icon in the Duplicate column corresponding to the binder payment preference whose copy yo want to create.
  3. Click OK.

    The Field Mapping screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Main - Used to specify basic details of the binder payment preference. It contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Preference Used to specify the binder payment preference. Yes
      Description Used to specify the description for the binder payment preference. Yes
      Detailed Description Used to specify additional information about the binder payment preference. No
      Status Used to indicate the status of the binder payment preference. The valid values are:
      • Active

      • Inactive

      Preference Category Indicates the feature for which the preference is designed. The valid values is:
      • Binder Payment

      Not applicable
    • Preference Settings - Used to set the attributes in the binder payment preference.

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Attribute Used to indicate the attribute which you want to set in the binder payment preference. The valid values are:
      • Binder Contract Type - Used when you want to identify the binder contract in the binder payment preference.

      • Consider Binder Liability Amount Flag - Used when you want to set the consider binder liability amount flag once the binder payment is received in the binder payment preference.

      • Binder Payment Identification Characteristics Type - Used when you want to identify the membership for whom the payment is received in the binder payment preference.

      • Binder Payment Identification ID Type - Used when you want to identify the membership type in the binder payment preference.

      • Membership Status Code for Active - Used when you want to define the status code when the membership is in the Active status in the binder payment preference.

      • Membership Status Code for Pending Effectuation - Used when you want to define the status code when the membership is in the Pending Effectuation status in the binder payment preference.

      • Membership Status Reason on Activating Membership - Used when you want to define the status reason code once the binder payment is received and the membership status is changed to Active for the binder payment preference.

      • Membership Status Reason Hold/Awaiting Binder Payment - Used when you want to define the status reason code as Hold/Awaiting Binder Payment when the binder payment is not yet received for the membership in the binder payment preference.

      Yes (Conditional)
      Note: This field is required while defining the settings for a binder payment preference.
      • Membership Status Reason when Binder Payment Not Received - Used when you want to define the status reason code as Binder Payment Not Received when the binder payment is not received for the membership in the binder payment preference.

      • Membership Status Reason when Binder Payment Received - Used when you want to define the status reason code as Binder Payment Received when the binder payment is received for the membership in the binder payment preference.

      • To Do Type for Binder Payment Not Received - Used when you want to specify a To Do type when the binder payment is not received for the membership in the binder payment preference.

      • To Do Type for Binder Payment Received - Used when you want to specify a To Do type when the binder payment is received for the membership in the binder payment preference.

      Value Used to specify the attribute value. The list varies depending on the attribute you want to set in the binder payment preference:
      If the attribute is set to... Then...
      Consider Binder Liability Amount Flag The list includes the following values:
      • Yes (Y)

      • No (N)

      If the value is... Then...
      Yes (Y) The system considers binder liability amount to calculate the threshold amount.
      No (N) The system does not calculate the threshold amount.
      Binder Payment Identification ID Type The list includes only those binder payment identification ID types which are already defined in the system.
      Yes (Conditional)
      Note: This field is required while defining the settings for a binder payment preference.
      Entity Type Used to indicate the type of entity for which the attribute is applicable. The valid values are:
      • Account

      • Billable Charge

      • Membership

      • Payment

      Note: While defining a binder payment preference, you must set at least one attribute in the binder payment preference.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can copy a binder payment preference by clicking the Duplicate button in the Field Mapping zone.
  4. Enter the required details in the Main section.
  5. Define, edit, or remove the attribute from the binder payment preference, if required.
  6. Click Save.
    The new binder payment preference is created.

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