Customer Registration Type

A customer registration type encapsulates the following information:

  • Users with a particular access group can only create a customer registration object using the customer registration type

  • Whether the customer registration type can be used to create a customer registration object from the user interface, through the inbound message, or through the File Upload Interface utility

  • Whether the approval is required when you create, edit, or delete a customer registration object

  • Whether the final level approval is required once the approver at the first level approves the customer registration object

  • Whether a To Do should be created indicating that the users have to manually create the billing hierarchy and pricing for the parent customer.

  • The business objects using which the person, account, policy plan, membership, and address should be created when a customer registration object is created using the customer registration type

  • A customer registration template which indicates the pages and sections that should appear when you are creating a customer registration object using the customer registration type. You can specify one customer registration template for person and one or more customer registration templates for account, policy, and policy plan.

  • Information, such as person names, person identifiers, person phones, person characteristics, person addresses, person hierarchy, accounts, account identifiers, account characteristics, account auto pay information, account persons, account bill routing information, policies, policy plans, policy characteristics, or policy plan characteristics, which should be copied when you create a copy of a customer registration object which is created using the customer registration type.

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Parent Topic: Customer Registration