Customer Registration (Used for Viewing)

The Customer Registration screen allows you to:

  • Define a customer registration

  • View the details of a customer registration

  • Edit the details of a customer registration

  • Delete a customer registration

  • Submit a customer registration for processing

  • Approve or reject a customer registration

  • Request the submitter to resubmit a customer registration for approval

  • View the log of a customer registration

  • Add a log entry for a customer registration

It contains the following tabs:

For more information on... See...
How to define a customer registration Defining a Customer Registration
How to view the details of a customer registration Viewing the Customer Registration Details
How to edit a customer registration Editing the Customer Registration Details
How to delete a customer registration Deleting a Customer Registration
How to submit a customer registration Submitting a Customer Registration
How to approve a customer registration Approving a Customer Registration
How to reject a customer registration Rejecting a Customer Registration
How to request to resubmit a customer registration for approval Requesting to Resubmit a Customer Registration for Approval
How to view the log of a customer registration Viewing the Log of a Customer Registration
How to add a log entry for a customer registration Adding a Log Entry for a Customer Registration

Parent topic: Customer Registration