Rejecting a Customer Registration


To reject a customer registration, you should have:

  • Reasons defined for the Rejected status of the C1-CustomerRegistration business object in the Status Reason screen

Note: The system will not allow you to approve, reject or resubmit a customer registration submitted by you.


To reject a customer registration:

  1. Do either of the following:
    If you want to...Then...

    Reject a customer registration through the Customer Registration screen

    1. Search for the customer registration in the Customer Registration screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Customer Registration Information column corresponding to the customer registration which you want to review.

    Reject a customer registration from the To Do List screen

    1. Click the Menu link in the Application toolbar.

      A list appears.

    2. From the Main menu, select To Do and then click To Do List.

      The To Do Type for User Search window appears.

    3. Enter C1-CustomerRegistration in the To Do Type field.

    4. Click the Search button corresponding to the To Do Type field.

      The To Do List screen appears.

    5. Select the Open option from the Filter by list to view all unassigned To Dos.

    6. Click the link in the Message column corresponding to the To Do of the customer registration that you want to review.

    The Customer Registration screen appears.
  2. Review the details in the Customer Registration screen.
  3. If the information in the customer registration is incorrect, then click the Reject button in the Customer Registration zone.

    The Reject Customer Registration window appears. It contains following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Status Reason Used to indicate the reason why you want to reject the customer registration.
    Note: The list includes only those reasons which are defined for the Rejected status of the C1-CustomerRegistration business object in the Status Reason screen.
    Comments Used to specify additional information while rejecting the customer registration. No
    Note: The Reject button appears when:
    • The customer registration is in the Approval In Progress status.

    • A user with the approval To Do role is reviewing the customer registration.

  4. Select the reason for rejection of the customer registration from the Status Reason field.
  5. Click Save.
    The status of the customer registration is changed to Rejected.

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