Defining the Accrual Type Criteria of a Price Item or Price Item Bundle for a Division

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.

The accrual type criteria of a price item or price item bundle is referred when the accrual is calculated for an account using an accrual type where the Price Item Accrual Criteria Required option is selected. The system behaves in the following manner when the Price Item Accrual Criteria Required option is selected in the accrual type:

If the accrual type criteria of a price item or price item bundle is set to... Then...
Actual The system considers the billable charges of the price item for accrual when the following conditions are met:
  • The price item is not excluded in the accrual type.

  • The accrual is calculated for an account using the accrual type where the accrual criteria is set to Actual.

Historical The system considers the billable charges of the price item for accrual when the following conditions are met:
  • The price item is not excluded in the accrual type.

  • The accrual is calculated for an account using the accrual type where the accrual criteria is set to Historical.

Not Applicable The system considers the billable charges of the price item for accrual when the following conditions are met:
  • The price item is not excluded in the accrual type

  • The accrual is calculated for an account using the accrual type where the accrual criteria is set to Actual or Historical.

The system enables you to define accrual type criteria of a price item or price item bundle for each division. For example, you can maintain different accrual type criteria of the Stop Payments (STPY) price item for each division as shown below:

The following table illustrates how you can define different accrual type criteria for a price item in each division:
Price Item Division Accrual Type Criteria
Stop Payments (STPY) 201-NJ Actual
209-CA Historical
210-FL Not Applicable
215-OX Actual
220-AL Historical
223-NJ Not Applicable


To define the accrual type criteria of a price item or price item bundle for a division, you should have:

  • Price items or price item bundles associated with the division to which the user (i.e. who is performing this action) belongs


To define the accrual type criteria of a price item or price item bundle for a division:

  1. Click the Divisions or Show All link in the Section pane when you are defining, editing, or copying a price item or price item bundle.
    The Divisions section appears.
  2. Click the Add (The Add Icon) icon in the Accrual Type Criteria column corresponding to the division for which you want to define accrual type criteria of the price item or price item bundle.

    The following field appears in a grid:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Accrual Type Criteria Used to indicate whether the billable charges of the price item should be considered for accrual depending on the accrual criteria specified in the accrual type. The valid values are:
    • Actual - Used when you want the system to consider billable charges of the price item for accrual when the accrual criteria in the accrual type is set to Actual.

    • Historical - Used when you want the system to consider billable charges of the price item for accrual when the accrual criteria in the accrual type is set to Historical.

    • Not Applicable - Used when you want the system to consider billable charges of the price item for accrual when the accrual criteria in the accrual type is set to Actual or Historical.

    Note: By default, the Not Applicable option is selected.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while defining the accrual type criteria of the price item or price item bundle for the division.
  3. Select the accrual type criteria from the respective field.
  4. Click Save.
    The accrual type criteria of the price item or price item bundle is defined for the division.

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