Associating a Price Item or Price Item Bundle with a Division

You can assign a price item or price item bundle to a person or account when the price item or price item bundle is associated with the division to which the person or account belongs. Let us understand this with the help of an example from the financial institution domain.

The following table illustrates how a price item can be associated with one or more divisions in the financial institution domain:
Price Item Division
SEPA Direct Debit Return (SEPADDR) 001-AL
Stop Payment (STPPMT) 002-CA

In such case, you can assign the SEPADDR price item to any person or account which belongs to the 001-AL, 002-CA, 003-FL, or 004-IN division. However, you can assign the STPPMT price item to any person or account which belongs to the 002-CA, 003-FL, or 004-IN division.

Let us understand this with the help of an example from the health insurance domain.

The following table illustrates how a price item can be associated with one or more divisions in the health insurance domain:
Price Item Division
Claim Based Fees (CLBDFS) 002-CA

In such case, you can charge the CLBDFS price item to any person or account which belongs to the 002-CA, 003-FL, or 004-IN division.


To associate a price item or price item bundle with a division, you should have:

  • Divisions defined in the application

  • Divisions associated with the access group to which the user (i.e. who is performing this action) belongs


To associate a price item or price item bundle with a division:

  1. Click the Divisions or Show All link in the Section pane when you are defining, editing, or copying a price item or price item bundle.

    The Divisions section appears. It contains the following fields in a grid:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    SQIs On clicking the Add (The Add Icon) icon, you can associate an SQI with the price item or price item bundle for the division. Not applicable
    Division Characteristics On clicking the Add (The Add Icon) icon, you can define a division-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle. Not applicable
    Accrual Type Criteria On clicking the Add (The Add Icon) icon, you can define the accrual type criteria of the price item or price item bundle for the division.
    Note: This feature is not applicable for the health insurance business.
    Not applicable
    Entity Hierarchy On clicking the Add (The Add Icon) icon, you can associate the price item or price item bundle with a hierarchy entity of an entity hierarchy relationship for the division.
    Note: This feature is not applicable for the health insurance business.
    Not applicable
    Costs On clicking the Add (The Add Icon) icon, you can define the cost of the price item or price item bundle for the division.
    Note: This feature is not applicable for the health insurance business.
    Not applicable
    Average Price Floor and Ceil Limits On clicking the Add (The Add Icon) icon, you can define the average price floor and ceil limits of the price item or price item bundle for the division.
    Note: This feature is not applicable for the health insurance business.
    Not applicable
    Negotiability On clicking the Add (The Add Icon) icon, you can define the negotiability floor and ceil limits of the price item or price item bundle for the division.
    Note: This feature is not applicable for the health insurance business.
    Division Used to indicate the division to which you want to associate the price item or price item bundle.
    Note: You can only view those divisions to which you have access in the Division list.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while associating the price item or price item bundle with a division.
  2. Select the division from the respective field.
  3. If you want to associate the price item or price item bundle with more than one division, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon and then repeat step 2.
    Note: However, if you want to remove the price item or price item bundle from a division, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the division. You cannot remove the price item or price item bundle from a division when it is assigned to a person or account which belongs to the division.
  4. Associate the SQIs with the price item or price item bundle for the required divisions.
  5. Define the accrual type criteria of the price item or price item bundle for the required divisions.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business object.
  6. Associate the price item or price item bundle with a hierarchy entity of an entity hierarchy relationship for the required divisions.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business object.
  7. Define the cost of the price item or price item bundle for the required divisions.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business object.
  8. Define the average price floor and ceil limits of the price item or price item bundle for the required divisions.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business object.
  9. Define the rate negotiability floor and ceil limits of the price item or price item bundle for the required divisions.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business object.
  10. Define the division-specific characteristics for the price item or price item bundle. if required.
  11. Click Save.
    The price item or price item bundle is associated with the divisions.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can associate a price item or price item bundle with a division using the Division screen. For more information, see Associating a Price Item or Price Item Bundle with a Division.

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