Viewing the Price Item or Price Item Bundle Details


To view the details of a price item or price item bundle:

  1. Search for the price item or price item bundle in the Price Item screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Price Item Information column corresponding to the price item or price item bundle whose details you want to view.
  3. View the basic details of the price item or price item bundle in the Price Item zone.
  4. View the characteristics of the price item or price item bundle in the Price Item Characteristics zone.
  5. View the parameters associated with the price item or price item bundle in the Parameters zone.
  6. View the valid predefined parameter values of the price item or price item bundle in the Predefined Parameter Values for Price Item zone.
  7. View the divisions to which the price item or price item bundle is associated in the Divisions zone.
  8. View the SQIs associated with the price item or price item bundle for a division in the Division-Specific SQIs for Price Item zone.
  9. View the division-specific characteristics of the price item or price item bundle in the Division-Specific Characteristics for Price Item zone.
  10. View the accrual type criteria of the price item or price item bundle for a division in the Division-Specific Accrual Type Criteria for Price Item zone.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business.
  11. View the hierarchy entity to which the price item or price item bundle is associated in a division in the Division-Specific Hierarchy for Price Item zone.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business.
  12. View the cost of the price item or price item bundle for a division in the Division-Specific Cost for Price Item zone.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business.
  13. View the average price floor and ceil limits of the price item or price item bundle for a division in the Division-Specific Floor and Ceil Values for Price Item zone.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business.
  14. View the negotiability floor and ceil values of the price item or price item bundle for a division in the Division-Specific Negotiability Floor and Ceil Values for Price Item zone.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business.
  15. View the price items or price item bundles related to the parent price item or price item bundle in the Price Item Relationship zone.
    Note: This step is not applicable for the health insurance business.

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