Policy Type

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables you to define a policy type using which you can create a policy. The policy type helps the system to determine:

  • Policy Category - The category implies the line of business in the health insurance domain for which the policy should be created using the policy type. The valid values are:

    • Fully-Insured Group

    • Fully-Insured Individual

    • Self-Funded

    Note: At present, the Fully-Insured Individual policy category is not supported in the system.
  • Policy Business Object - The business object using which the policy should be created in the system. You can specify the C1-POLICY or C1-ASOPolicy business object depending on whether you want to create the policy type for the fully-insured group or self-funded health insurance business.

The Policy Type screen allows you to define, edit, copy, and delete a policy type. It contains the following zones:

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For more information on... See...
How to define a policy type Defining a Policy Type
How to edit a policy type Editing a Policy Type
How to copy a policy type Copying a Policy Type
How to delete a policy type Deleting a Policy Type
How to view the details of a policy type Viewing the Policy Type Details

Parent Topic: Health Insurance Business Management