Membership Identifier Type

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables you to define an identifier for the group and individual memberships using a membership identifier type. The Membership Identifier Type screen allows you to create, edit, delete, and copy a membership identifier type. It contains the following zones:

When you create or edit a group or individual membership through a health care inbound message or through the membership repricing inbound web service, you can define various identifiers (for example, beneficiary ID, exchange subscriber ID, and so on) associated with the membership using the membership identifier type.

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How to define a membership identifier type Defining a Membership Identifier Type
How to edit a membership identifier type Editing a Membership Identifier Type
How to copy a membership identifier type Copying a Membership Identifier Type
How to delete a membership identifier type Deleting a Membership Identifier Type
How to view the details of a membership identifier type Viewing the Membership Identifier Type Details

Parent Topic: Health Insurance Business Management