Member Relationship Pricing Parameter

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables you to use the member relationship (i.e. how a member is related to the main subscriber of the membership) as a pricing parameter while defining the age based, tier based, and additional fee pricing rules. This feature facilitates you to offer different rates for a price item based on different member relationship.

While adding a membership to a policy plan or while adding or inactivating a member person in a membership, the system automatically derives member relationship for each member person of the membership from a member relationship structure. You can define a member relationship structure through a characteristic on the policy plan. While defining a member relationship structure for a policy plan, you must use the characteristic type specified in the Member Relationship Structure Characteristic Type attribute of a member relationship and subscription tier preference. The system considers the member relationship and subscription tier preference which is specified in the Relation Structure Code Field Mapping option type of the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.

The system enables you to define two types of member relationship structure:

  • Step Member Relationship Structure - A step member relationship structure helps the system to determine how each member person is related to the main subscriber of the membership. You can specify a list of member relationships in a step member relationship structure. A member relationship is derived for a member person depending on the following:

    • Whether the member person is a self, spouse, or dependent

    • Number of spouses, dependents, and young adults in the membership

    A relationship matrix indicates whether a member person with a particular relationship type should be considered as self, spouse, or dependent while deriving the member relationship. In a step member relationship structure, a spouse is never considered as a dependent. Only children are considered as dependents.

    For example, you can create a step member relationship structure named STEPEX1 as shown below:

    Member Relationship Self Number of Spouses Number of Dependents Number of Young Adults
    Self 1 0 0 0
    Spouse 1 1 1 0 0
    Spouse 2 1 2 0 0
    Child 1 1 1 1 0
    Young Adult 1 1 1 0 1
    CD1 and YA1 1 1 1 1
    Child 2 1 1 2 0
    Young Adult 2 1 1 0 2
    CD2 and YA2 1 1 2 2
    Additional Dependent 1 3 3 3
    Note: You can only define one member relationship in a step member relationship structure where the sum of self, number of spouses, number of dependents, and number of young adults exceeds the maximum member count specified in the step member relationship structure.

    In addition, you can create a relationship matrix in the STEPEX1 member relationship structure as shown below:

    Relation Relationship Type Relationship
    Main Subscriber Owner Self
    Main Subscriber Member Self
    Children Child Dependent
    Spouse Wife Spouse
    Spouse Spouse Spouse
  • Party Member Relationship Structure - A party member relationship structure helps the system to determine how each member person is related to the main subscriber of the membership. You can specify a list of member relationships in a party member relationship structure. A member relationship is derived for a member person depending on the following:

    • Whether the member person is a self or dependent

    • Number of dependents in the membership

    A relationship matrix indicates whether a member person with a particular relationship type should be considered as self or dependent while deriving the member relationship. In a party member relationship structure, a spouse is always considered as a dependent. Also, children are not categorized as young adults.

    For example, you can create a party member relationship structure named PARTYEX1 as shown below:

    Member Relationship Self Number of Spouses Number of Dependents Number of Young Adults
    Self 1 0 0 0
    Dependent 1 1 0 1 0
    Dependent 2 1 0 2 0
    Dependent 3 1 0 3 0
    Additional Dependents 1 0 9 0
    Note: You can only define one member relationship in a party member relationship structure where the sum of self and number of dependents exceeds the maximum member count specified in the party member relationship structure.

    In addition, you can create a relationship matrix in the PARTYEX1 member relationship structure as shown below:

    Relation Relationship Type Relationship
    Main Subscriber Owner Self
    Main Subscriber Member Self
    Children Child Dependent
    Spouse Wife Dependent
    Spouse Spouse Dependent

    Once the member relationship structure is derived from the policy plan, the system determines the member relationship for each member person in the membership. While determining the member relationship for a member person, the system derives the following characteristic types from the respective attributes of the member relationship and subscription tier preference:

    • Age Calculation Date Basis

    • Max Age Limit for Max Dependent Count

    • Max Number of Dependents Order Priority

    • Maximum Number of Dependents

    • Member Relationship Derivation Date

    • New Born Gift Days

    • New Born Gift Days Applicability

    • Young Adult Max Age Limit

    • Young Adult Max Age Limit Applicability

    The system then derives these characteristics from the policy plan. If the Member Relationship Derivation Date characteristic type is set to Enrollment Date, the system derives the member relationship for each member person of the membership in order of the member start date. However, if the Member Relationship Derivation Date characteristic type is set to Date of Birth, the system derives the member relationship for each member person of the membership in order of the date of birth. For example, if a membership with the following member persons is added to a policy plan:

    Member Start Date Member End Date Person Name Main Subscriber Relationship Type Member Date of Birth
    1-Jan-18 31-Dec-20 Mark Yes Self Yes 15-Jan-68
    1-Jan-18 31-Dec-20 Nancy No Wife Yes 20-Apr-72
    1-Jan-18 31-Dec-20 Roger No Child Yes 15-May-01
    1-Jan-18 31-Dec-20 Tom No Child Yes 16-May-04

    Now, if the following characteristics are defined on the policy plan:

    • Member Relationship Structure - STEPEX1

    • Member Relationship Derivation Date - Date of Birth

    • Age Calculation Date Basis - Enrollment Date

    • Maximum Number of Dependents - 3

    • Max Number of Dependents Order Priority - YOUNGEST

    The system will consider the STEPEX1 member relationship structure and derives the member relationship for each member person as shown below:

    Member Person Effective Date Characteristic Type Characteristic Value
    Mark 1-Jan-18 Member Relationship Self
    Nancy 1-Jan-18 Member Relationship Spouse 1
    Tom 1-Jan-18 Member Relationship Child 1
    Roger 1-Jan-18 Member Relationship Child 2

    Note that the member relationship of Tom is derived before Roger because he is youngest of all dependents. Now, assume if one more member person named Harry with the date of birth as 05-11-08 and relationship type as Child is added to the membership on 05-Jan-18, then the system derives the member relationship for each member person of the membership as shown below:

    Effective Date Member Member Person Characteristics Value
    1-Jan-18 Mark Member Relationship Self
    1-Jan-18 Nancy Member Relationship Spouse 1
    5-Jan-18 Harry Member Relationship Child 1
    5-Jan-18 Tom Member Relationship Child 2
    5-Jan-18 Roger Member Relationship Additional Dependent

    The member relationship for Harry, Tom, and Roger is derived in the order of their age which is calculated from the enrollment date. Because the member relationship derived for Tom and Roger is different, the system creates a new characteristic to store the member relationship for Tom and Roger. Here, the effective date of the characteristics is set to the new member person's start date.

    If a new born is added to the membership, the effective date of the new born's member relationship characteristic is calculated considering the gift days if applicable. If a member person is end dated, the system derives the member relationship of all other member persons once again. If the member relationship for a member person is different, the system creates a new characteristic to store the member relationship for the member person. The effective date of the new characteristic is set to member person's end date + 1. However, if a member person is inactivated, the system derives the member relationship of all other member persons once again. If the member relationship for a member person is different, the system updates the existing member relationship characteristic of the member person.

    To use the member relationship as a pricing parameter, you need to define the Member Relationship parameter where:

    • Value Type is to Adhoc

    • Source Entity is set to Membership Person

    • Source Type is set to Characteristic

    • Source Type Code is set to a characteristic type which is specified in the Member Relationship Characteristic Type attribute of the member relationship and subscription tier preference

    • Parameter Usage is set to Price Item and Pricing Eligibility Criteria

    Once the Member Relationship parameter is defined, you need to associate the parameter with the price items for which you want to define different rates in a pricing rule using the parameter. This helps to define different base fee for a price item based on the member relationship.

    A new screen named Member Relationship/Subscription Tier Structure is introduced in this release. It enables you to add, edit, copy, and delete the member relationship and subscription tier structures.

Parent Topic: Health Insurance Business Management