
The following table lists the prerequisites for eligible derivation of the active market products, offers, or bundles, to view the details of the active market products, offers, or bundles, and to enroll the account to market products, offers, or bundles through an inbound web service:

If you want to... Then...
Drive eligible market products, offers, or bundles through an inbound web service You need to do the following:
  • Retail banking product catalog definitions are created in the system.

  • Price item pricing defined for all the retail banking product catalog definition in the system

  • Define a REST or SOAP based inbound web service to call the C1_​GETELIGIBLEPROD business service.

  • Active market products, offers, or bundles are required in the system.

  • Provide the required input parameters, such as,

    • Product Category

    • Product Code

    • Product Type

    • Entity Code

    • Entity Type

    • Person account

    • Process Date

View the details of the active market product, offer, or bundle through an inbound web service You need to do the following:
  • Retail banking product catalog definitions are created in the system.

  • Price item pricing defined for all the retail banking product catalog definition in the system

  • Define a REST or SOAP based inbound web service to call the C1-GetProdDetail business service.

  • Active market products, offers, or bundles are required in the system.

  • Provide the required input parameters, such as,

    • Entity Code

    • Entity Type

    • Person account

Enroll the account to market products, offers, or bundles through an inbound web service You need to do the following:
  • Division, Contract Type, Customer Class, and Customer details setup defined in the application to enroll the account to market products, offers, or bundles.

  • Definition of market products, offers, or bundles should be created in the system before sending enrollment request.