RM Trends Input

The RM Trend Input zone enables you to search for a view the information through trends. It contains the following fields:
  • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Period From Used to indicate the period from when revenue varies.
    Note: By default, month and year is selected.
    Period To Used to indicate the period till when the revenue varies.
    Note: By default, month and year is selected.
    Relationship Manager Used to search revenue variation belong to a particular relationship manager.
    Note: By default, the Relationship Manager is selected.
    Division Used to indicate division. No
    Customer Segment Used to indicate customer segment. No
    Customer Tier Used to indicate customer tier. No
    Entity Type Used to indicate the entity type No
    Entity Value Used to indicate a valid value for the selected entity type. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: his field is required if you select an option from the Entity Type field.
    Price Item Type Flag Used to indicate a price item type flag. No
    Price Item Used to indicate a price item. No

    You must specify at least one search criterion while searching for a customer. One more search criterion is required when you want to view revenue trend.

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