Search Bundle

The Search Bundle zone allows you to search for a bundle using various search criteria. It contains the two following sections:

  • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Search By Used to indicate whether you want to search bundles which are added by you or search all the bundles available in the system. The valid value is:
    • All Bundles

    Bundle Code Used to search for a particular bundle. No
    Bundle Name Used to search for bundle having a particular name. No
    Market Product Code Used to search bundles which are associated to a particular market product. No
    Market Product Name Used to search bundles which are associated to market products having a particular name. No
    Product Category Used to search bundles which belong to a particular product category. The valid values are:
    • Checking

    • Loans

    • Others

    • Savings

    Status Used to search bundles having a particular status. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Draft

    • Retired

    Start Date Used to search bundles which are effective from a particular date onwards. No
  • Search Results - On clicking the Search button, the search results appear based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Bundle Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the bundle separated by a comma (,).
    Start Date Displays the date from when the bundle is effective in the system.
    End Date Displays the date till when the bundle is effective in the system.
    Product Category Indicates the category to which the product belongs.
    Market Product Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the market product separated by a comma (,).
    Status Indicates the current status of the bundle. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Draft

    • Retired


    If the bundle is in the active status, it is indicated by the Active () icon.

    If the bundle is in the draft status, it is indicated by the Draft () icon.

    If the bundle is in the retried status, it is indicated by the Retried () icon.

    Copy On clicking the Copy () icon, the Product Bundle screen appears where you can add a new bundle using an existing bundle.
    Edit On clicking the Edit () icon, the Product Bundle screen appears where you can edit the details of the existing bundle.
    Note: Pagination is used to display limited number of records in this zone. You can use the navigation links, such as Previous and Next to navigate between pages.

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How to search for a bundle Searching for a Bundle
How to edit the details of a bundle Editing a Bundle
How to copy a bundle Copying a Bundle