All REST Endpoints

The operations from the Account category.
Get a list of accounts
Method: get
Path: /Account/
Get an account by ID
Method: get
Path: /Account/{id}
The operations from the AllergyIntolerance category.
Create an allergy intolerance
Method: post
Path: /AllergyIntolerance
Get a list of allergy intolerances
Method: get
Path: /AllergyIntolerance
Get an allergy intolerance by ID
Method: get
Path: /AllergyIntolerance/{ID}
Update an allergy intolerance
Method: put
Path: /AllergyIntolerance/{ID}
The operations from the Appointment category.
Create an appointment
Method: post
Path: /Appointment
Get a list of appointments
Method: get
Path: /Appointment
Get an appointment by ID
Method: get
Path: /Appointment/{ID}
Patch an appointment
Method: patch
Path: /Appointment/{ID}
The operations from the Binary category.
Get a binary CCD
Method: get
Path: /Binary/$autogen-ccd-if
Get a binary document by ID
Method: get
Path: /Binary/{ID}
The operations from the CapabilityStatement category.
Get metadata
Method: get
Path: /metadata
Get well-known SMART configuration
Method: get
Path: /.well-known/smart-configuration
The operations from the CarePlan category.
Get a care plan by ID
Method: get
Path: /CarePlan/{ID}
Get a list of care plans
Method: get
Path: /CarePlan
The operations from the CareTeam category.
Get a care team by ID
Method: get
Path: /CareTeam/{ID}
Get a list of care teams
Method: get
Path: /CareTeam
The operations from the ChargeItem category.
Create a charge item
Method: post
Path: /ChargeItem/$create
Create a credit charge item
Method: post
Path: /ChargeItem/{ID}/$credit
Create a modified charge item
Method: post
Path: /ChargeItem/{ID}/$modify
Get a charge item by ID
Method: get
Path: /ChargeItem/{ID}
Get a list of charge items
Method: get
Path: /ChargeItem
The operations from the Communication category.
Create a communication
Method: post
Path: /Communication
Get a communication by ID
Method: get
Path: /Communication/{ID}
Get a list of communications
Method: get
Path: /Communication
Update a communication
Method: patch
Path: /Communication/{ID}
The operations from the Condition category.
Create a condition
Method: post
Path: /Condition
Get a condition by ID
Method: get
Path: /Condition/{ID}
Get a list of conditions
Method: get
Path: /Condition
Update a condition
Method: put
Path: /Condition/{ID}
The operations from the Consent category.
Get a consent by ID
Method: get
Path: /Consent/{ID}
Get a list of consents
Method: get
Path: /Consent
The operations from the Coverage category.
Create a coverage
Method: post
Path: /Coverage
Delete a coverage
Method: delete
Path: /Coverage/{ID}
Get a coverage by ID
Method: get
Path: /Coverage/{ID}
Get a list of coverages
Method: get
Path: /Coverage
Patch a coverage
Method: patch
Path: /Coverage/{ID}
The operations from the Device category.
Get a device by ID
Method: get
Path: /Device/{ID}
Get a list of devices
Method: get
Path: /Device
The operations from the DiagnosticReport category.
Create a diagnostic report
Method: post
Path: /DiagnosticReport
Get a diagnostic report by ID
Method: get
Path: /DiagnosticReport/{ID}
Get a list of diagnostic reports
Method: get
Path: /DiagnosticReport
The operations from the DocumentReference category.
Create a document reference
Method: post
Path: /DocumentReference
Get a document reference by ID
Method: get
Path: /DocumentReference/{ID}
Get a list of document references
Method: get
Path: /DocumentReference
Get a list of document references with $docref
Method: get
Path: /DocumentReference/$docref
Update a document reference
Method: put
Path: /DocumentReference/{ID}
The operations from the Encounter category.
Create an encounter
Method: post
Path: /Encounter
Get a list of encounters
Method: get
Path: /Encounter
Get an encounter by ID
Method: get
Path: /Encounter/{ID}
Patch an encounter by ID
Method: patch
Path: /Encounter/{ID}
The operations from the FamilyMemberHistory category.
Create a family member history
Method: post
Path: /FamilyMemberHistory
Get a family member history by ID
Method: get
Path: /FamilyMemberHistory/{ID}
Get a list of family member histories
Method: get
Path: /FamilyMemberHistory
Update a family member history
Method: put
Path: /FamilyMemberHistory/{ID}
The operations from the FinancialTransaction category.
Create a financial transaction
Method: post
Path: /Basic
The operations from the Goal category.
Get a goal by ID
Method: get
Path: /Goal/{ID}
Get a list of goals
Method: get
Path: /Goal
Health Cards
The operations from the Health Cards category.
Issue health cards for an existing patient
Method: post
Path: /Patient/{ID}/$health-cards-issue
The operations from the Immunization category.
Create an immunization
Method: post
Path: /Immunization
Get a list of immunizations
Method: get
Path: /Immunization
Get an immunization by ID
Method: get
Path: /Immunization/{ID}
Update an immunization
Method: put
Path: /Immunization/{ID}
The operations from the InsurancePlan category.
Get a list of insurance plans
Method: get
Path: /InsurancePlan
Get an insurance plan by ID
Method: get
Path: /InsurancePlan/{ID}
The operations from the Location category.
Get a list of locations
Method: get
Path: /Location
Get a location by ID
Method: get
Path: /Location/{ID}
The operations from the MedicationAdministration category.
Get a list of medication administrations
Method: get
Path: /MedicationAdministration
Get a medication administration by ID
Method: get
Path: /MedicationAdministration/{ID}
The operations from the MedicationDispense category.
Get a list of medication dispenses
Method: get
Path: /MedicationDispense
Get a medication dispense by ID
Method: get
Path: /MedicationDispense/{ID}
The operations from the MedicationRequest category.
Create a medication request
Method: post
Path: /MedicationRequest
Get a list of medication requests
Method: get
Path: /MedicationRequest
Get a medication request by ID
Method: get
Path: /MedicationRequest/{ID}
Patch a medication request
Method: patch
Path: /MedicationRequest/{ID}
The operations from the NutritionOrder category.
Get a list of nutrition orders
Method: get
Path: /NutritionOrder
Get a nutrition order by ID
Method: get
Path: /NutritionOrder/{ID}
The operations from the Observation category.
Create an observation
Method: post
Path: /Observation
Get a list of observations
Method: get
Path: /Observation
Get an observation by ID
Method: get
Path: /Observation/{ID}
Update an observation
Method: put
Path: /Observation/{ID}
The operations from the OperationDefinition category.
Get an operation definition by ID
Method: get
Path: /OperationDefinition/{ID}
The operations from the Organization category.
Create an organization
Method: post
Path: /Organization
Get a list of caregiver organizations
Method: get
Path: /Organization/$get-cg-for-mrcu
Get a list of organizations
Method: get
Path: /Organization
Get an organization by ID
Method: get
Path: /Organization/{ID}
The operations from the Patient category.
Create a patient
Method: post
Path: /Patient
Get a list of patients
Method: get
Path: /Patient
Get a patient by ID
Method: get
Path: /Patient{ID}
Patch a patient
Method: patch
Path: /Patient{ID}
The operations from the Person category.
Get a list of persons
Method: get
Path: /Person
Get a person by ID
Method: get
Path: /Person/{ID}
The operations from the Practitioner category.
Create a practitioner
Method: post
Path: /Practitioner/
Get a list of practitioners
Method: get
Path: /Practitioner/
Get a practitioner by ID
Method: get
Path: /Practitioner/{id}
The operations from the Procedure category.
Create a procedure
Method: post
Path: /Procedure
Get a list of procedures
Method: get
Path: /Procedure
Get a procedure by ID
Method: get
Path: /Procedure/{ID}
The operations from the Provenance category.
Create a provenance
Method: post
Path: /Provenance
Get a list of provenances
Method: get
Path: /Provenance
Get a provenance by ID
Method: get
Path: /Provenance/{ID}
The operations from the Questionnaire category.
Get a list of questionnaires
Method: get
Path: /Questionnaire/
Get a questionnaire by ID
Method: get
Path: /Questionnaire/{id}
The operations from the QuestionnaireResponse category.
Get a list of questionnaire reponses
Method: get
Path: /QuestionnaireResponse/
Get a questionnaire reponse by ID
Method: get
Path: /QuestionnaireResponse/{id}
Update a questionnaire response
Method: put
Path: /QuestionnaireResponse/{id}
Create a related person record
Method: post
Path: /RelatedPerson
Get a list of related person records
Method: get
Path: /RelatedPerson
Get a related person record by ID
Method: get
Path: /RelatedPerson/{ID}
Patch a related person record
Method: patch
Path: /RelatedPerson/{ID}
The operations from the Schedule category.
Get a list of schedules
Method: get
Path: /Schedule/
Get a schedule by ID
Method: get
Path: /Schedule/{id}
The operations from the ServiceRequest category.
Get a list of service requests
Method: get
Path: /ServiceRequest/
Get a service request by ID
Method: get
Path: /ServiceRequest/{id}
The operations from the Slot category.
Get a list of slots
Method: get
Path: /Slot
Get a slot by ID
Method: get
Path: /Slot/{ID}
Patch a slot
Method: patch
Path: /Slot/{ID}
The operations from the StructureDefinition category.
Get a structure definition by ID
Method: get
Path: /StructureDefinition/{ID}