Financial Message Integration Point

This Integration point describes the possibilities supported by Claims for the delivery of the financial message.

The financial message can be generated by the following activity types:

  1. Generate Financial Message

  2. Generate Embedded Claim Financial Message

The activity type describes the delivery options that are supported. The financial message can be delivered to a pre-configured message based financial message endpoint as they are created or it can be written to a data file.

Message Based Delivery Integration Point

The Message Based Delivery Integration Point publishes the generated financial message to the endpoint. This is done as soon as the financial message is created during financial transaction processing.

Request Message

The financial message is delivered to the message based financial message endpoint using the following structure:


The <financialMessage/> element has the structure according to the activity type that created the financial message: Generate Financial Message or Generate Embedded Claim Financial Message. The property to set the endpoint to send out the financial message is ohi.financialmessage.endpoint.request. If the financial message endpoint requires Authentication, please use Authentication Use Case: SendFinancialMessageClient to set authentication. Please see section Outbound RESTful Service Invocations in Integration Guide for the process and more properties.

Response Message

The external system must respond with the response structure as specified in the 'Response Messages' section in the HTTP API Integration Points part of the Common Features book. HTTP header status code should have value 202 Accepted to indicate success.

File Based Delivery Integration Point

The File Based Delivery Integration Point provides an option to write all the financial messages generated for a financial transaction set during the financial transaction processing, to a data file and the data file is made available for download.

Request Message

Claims provides the following notification once the activity has concluded and the financial messages are written to the data file. The property to set the endpoint to send out the notification is ohi.financialmessage.datafile.notification.endpoint. If the financial message endpoint requires Authentication, please use Authentication Use Case: FinancialMessageNotificationClient to set authentication. Please see section Outbound RESTful Service Invocations in Integration Guide for the process and more properties.

<notification correlationId="" workId="{activityId}" status="Success/Failure">
<link rel='file' uri='http://host:port/api/datafilesets/{datafilesetcode}/datafile/{datafilecode}/data'/>
<link rel='file' uri='http://host:port/api/datafilesets/{datafilesetcode}/datafile/{datafilecode}/data'/>

The financial message data file can be downloaded by using the "Get details of a data file" request from the data file set integration point.

URI : datafilesets/{datafilesetcode}/datafile/{datafilecode}/data will initiate a request to download the financial message data file.

File Contents

The financial message file will have the following structure:



The <financialMessage/> element has the structure according to the activity type that created the financial message: Generate Financial Message or Generate Embedded Claim Financial Message.