Resend Financial Message

Resend Financial Message XML and Resend Financial Message Flat files are the activity types that result in the re-sending of financial message(s) which were successfully generated for the financial transaction(s).

Resend Financial Message XML

This activity type can be used for resending the financial messages generated by Generate Financial Message XML or Generate Embedded Claim Financial Message. The financial message ids that need to be resent are specified as activity parameter. This activity supports both a Message Based and a File Based delivery option.


The parameters for the activity are:

Financial Message Ids

List of semicolon separated financial message ids of the financial messages that are required to be 'resent'.

Financial Message Delivery Option

This parameter specifies the option that Claims supports to deliver the generated financial message(s) to an external system.

  • Message Based: Financial messages can be sent out individually to a pre-configured endpoint as they are generated

  • File Based: Financial messages are written to a data file and the data file can be made available for download.

Activity Description

Free format comment available to explain why the message is being resent. This is available as an activity attribute at the time of creation of the activity.

Resend Financial Message Flat File

This activity type can be used for resending the financial messages generated by Generate Financial Message Flat Files. The financial message ids that need to be resent are specified as activity parameter. This activity supports a File Based delivery option.


The parameters for the activity are:

Financial Message Ids

List of semicolon separated financial message ids of the financial messages that are required to be 'resent'.

Activity Description

Free format comment available to explain why the message is being resent. This is available as an activity attribute at the time of creation of the activity.


The Financial messages that have been successfully created can be resent. This is a copy of the original financial message identified by the message id and hence no additional financial transaction processing is required to be done at the time of resent. Message ids are validated during the processing and if found to be

  • unknown to the activity type, that is, XML based message is requested to be resent through resend financial message Flat File and vice versa or

  • they are unknown to the system

then an activity message FIN-VL-RSFM-001 is logged.

When a financial message is resent, information is logged on all the financial transactions of the message and is visible in the UI. Logging is done by creating a Financial Transaction Process Detail record of type RSD_FIN_MESS_DETAIL dynamic record.

Error Message

The resend financial message activity type can result in the following messages:

Code Sev Message



Financial Message {messageId} is unknown.



Messages are written to the Data File Set(s) {comma separated list of data file set ids}

Message Based Resend Financial message Integration Point

The Message Based Resend Financial Message Integration Point publishes the generated financial messages as soon as they are created to a message based resend financial message endpoint.

Request Message

The financial messages are delivered using the following structure:


The <financialMessage/> element has the structure according to the activity type that created the financial message: Generate Financial Message or Generate Embedded Claim Financial Message. The property to set the endpoint to send out the financial message is ohi.resendfinancialmessage.endpoint.request. If the financial message endpoint requires Authentication, please use Authentication Use Case: ResendFinancialMessageClient to set authentication. Please see section Outbound RESTful Service Invocations in Integration Guide for the process and more properties.

Response Message

The external system must respond with the response structure as specified in the 'Response Messages' section in the HTTP API Integration Points part of the Common Features book. HTTP header status code should have value 202 Accepted to indicate success.

File Based Resend Financial Message Integration Point

File Based Resend Financial Message Integration Point provides an option to write all the financial messages to a data files and the data files can be made available for download.

Request Message

Claims provides the following notification to a file based resend financial message endpoint once the activity has concluded and the financial messages are written to the data file. The property to set the endpoint to send out the notification is ohi.resendfinancialmessage.datafile.notification.endpoint. If the financial message endpoint requires Authentication, please use Authentication Use Case: FinancialMessageNotificationClient to set authentication. Please see section Outbound RESTful Service Invocations in Integration Guide for the process and more properties. Each financial message is written to a separate data file under a same data file set.

<notification correlationId="" workId="{activityId}" status="">
     <link rel='file' href='http://host:port/api/datafilesets/{datafilesetcode}/datafile/{datafilecode}/data'/>
     <link rel='file' href='http://host:port/api/datafilesets/{datafilesetcode}/datafile/{datafilecode}/data'/>

The financial message data file can be downloaded by using the "Get details of a data file" request from the data file set integration point :

URI : datafilesets/{datafilesetcode}/datafile/{datafilecode}/data will initiate a request to download the financial message data file.

File Contents

The financial message file(s) will have the same structure as the original message.