Manual Pricing Adjudication

If the evaluation of external intervention rules in the manual pricing adjudication step of the process flow pends a claim, the claim requires manual pricing adjudication. See Manual Pricing Adjudication for more information on manual pricing adjudication as part of the process flow.

This page describes manual pricing adjudication through the Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication and Pricing JET Claims page.

Oracle Health Insurance only allows manual pricing adjudication of claims that have the status MANUAL PRICING ADJUDICATION [1].

Page Appearance

The page is display only, except for claim and claim line pend reasons, claim messages, claim notes, external data, and financial holds.


Manual Pricing Adjudication JET UI
Figure 1. Manual Pricing Adjudication JET UI

The user can perform one of the following actions:


The system reverts the claim to the CHANGE status. This makes it possible to change the claim, for example, changing the serviced person. [2]

This action uses the Back to Change http operation.

Manual Pricing

The system reverts the claim to the MANUAL PRICING status. This makes it possible to change the pricing results on the claim lines. [2]

This action uses the Back to Manual Pricing http operation.


The system submits the claim for re-processing.

This action uses the Submit Operation http operation.


The system prompts the user to select a fatal message that is to be attached to the claim. When the user saves the message, the system automatically applies a list of updates to the claim and submits the claim for re-processing.

Claim Details

The claim’s details are divided over the sections Claim, Benefits and Pricing. If the claim has unfinalize reasons they display in a separate section.

The top of the claim section displays pend reasons, messages and errors attached to this version of the claim.

For more information on these claim details see Claim details.

Claim Line

The user can perform one of the following actions on one or more claim lines.

Resolve Pend Reason

The system prompts the user to select a pend reason[3] and resolves the selected pend reason on all the claim lines where that pend reason exists. The system re-processes the claim.

This action uses the Resolve Pend Reasons http operation.


The More button enables the user to add a message, remove a message or add a pend reason to the selected claim lines.

The system prompts the user to select a message[4] or a pend reason.

After selecting the message or pend reason the system responds with an overview of the additions or removals it will do, and prompts the user to confirm (Submit).

Submitting the changes triggers a recalculation of the claim and refreshes the content of th page..

…​ Open

The Open option opens the claim line in a separate claim line window. In this window the user can deny the claim line and resolve claim line pend reasons.

…​ Deny

The Deny option prompts the user to select a fatal message. After selecting, the system adds the message to the claim line and sets the status of the claim line to 'DENIED'.

The system prompts the user to select a fatal message that is to be attached to the claim. See Adding a Fatal Claim Line Message for the updates the system applies when denying a claim line.

It is not possible to deny a claim line if the claim line:

  • is locked

  • is replaced

  • has a fatal product-independent message attached

  • has a fatal product-dependant message attached, but one or more claim line rule coverages exist

Denying a single claim line may affect the adjudication of other approved lines in the same claim.

When the user saves the message, the system automatically applies a list of updates to the claim line and submits the claim for re-processing.

The Claim Line’s TO BE Label

Claim Line TO BE Labe
Figure 2. The Claim Line’s TO BE label

The TO BE label on the claim line gives a forecast of the claim line status for non-replaced claim lines and non-locked claim lines in the event that the claim is accepted.

Since the claim line status is not set for claims in the status MANUAL ADJUDICATION, the value of this label is derived.

If the claim line meets at least one of the following conditions:

  • the claim to which the claim line belongs has a fatal message attached;

  • the claim line itself has a non-product-specific fatal message attached;

then the claim line "TO BE" label is "TO BE DENIED". The claim line will be denied once the claim is submitted.

Otherwise, the label is set to "TO BE APPROVED". The claim line will be approved once the claim is submitted.

1. As a result of automated pricing adjudication
2. The pend reasons on the claim and claim lines remain attached; the application still considers the claim to be in a pended state. Resolved pend reasons are removed as soon as the claim is resubmitted for processing.
3. The list of values shows the pend reasons attached to one or more of the claim lines
4. Messages added here get the origin MANUAL. Only messages of origin MANUAL and EXTERNAL can be removed. On locked claim lines only informative messages can be added or removed.