Edit Items in a Layaway

To change the items assigned to a layaway:

  1. Open a Layaway

  2. Click Edit Account.

    The Edit Account Menu Options window opens.

  3. Perform the appropriate action:

  4. Repeat Steps 2 to 3 for each action to perform.

  5. Select an option to continue the transaction:

    • Click Exit Layaway to continue adding non-layaway items to the transaction.

    • Click Complete Transaction to proceed to tendering.

Add Coupon

To add a coupon to a layaway:

  1. Click Add Coupon in the Edit Account Menu Options window.

  2. Enter the coupon:

    • Scan the coupon.

    • Enter the coupon ID and press Enter.

    The coupon is applied to the layaway.

Add Discount

To add a discount to a layaway:

  1. Click Add Discount in the Edit Account Menu Options window.

  2. Select the type of discount to add:

    • Click Add Item Discount to add an item discount.

    • Click Add Group Discount to add a group discount.

  3. Perform the appropriate procedure in Discounts and Awards:

Change Item

To change an item in a layaway:

  1. Click Change Item in the Edit Account Menu Options window.

  2. Select the appropriate option in the Menu Buttons. See Modify a Line Item for information about the available options and procedures.