
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Z  


  • .zfs/clones directory 8.2.3


  • accessing
  • ACL entries
    • aclinherit property 7.4
    • aclmode property 7.4
  • aclinherit property 7.4
  • aclmode property 7.4
  • adding
    • cache devices, example of 4.1
    • devices to a pool 4.1
    • disks to a RAID-Z configuration, example of 4.1
    • mirrored log device 4.1
    • ZFS file system to native zones 10.2.1
    • ZFS volumes to native zones 10.2.3
  • adjusting swap and dump device sizes 6.3.2
  • allocated property 5.1
  • alternate root pools 10.3
  • altroot property 5.1
  • atime property 7.4
  • attaching devices to a pool 4.3
  • automatic file retention 7.15.5
  • automatic mount points 7.7.1
  • automatic naming
  • autoreplace property 5.1
  • available property 7.4


  • bandwidth limits
    • setting for a dataset 7.12
  • bootblocks, installing 6.4
  • boot environment (BE) 6.2.3
  • bootfs property 5.1
  • booting
    • root file system 6.4
    • ZFS BE on SPARC systems


  • cache devices
    • adding, example of 4.1
    • considerations for using 3.1.5
    • creating a ZFS storage pool with 3.1.5
    • removing, example of 4.2
  • cachefile property 5.1
  • canmount property
  • capacity property 5.1
  • casesensitivity property
  • checking data integrity
  • checksum property 7.4
  • clearing
  • clones
  • clustered property 5.1
  • command history, displaying
  • components
    • of ZFS storage pools 1.3.1
    • ZFS naming requirements 2.2.1
  • compressing a ZFS file system
  • compression algorithms
  • compression property 7.4
  • compressratio property 7.4
  • copies property 7.4
  • crash dumps, saving 6.3.3
  • creating
    • alternate root pools 10.3.1
    • clones 8.2.1
    • double-parity RAID-Z storage pool
    • file system 3.1.1
    • hot spares 4.8
    • mirrored ZFS storage pool 3.1.2
    • new pool from a split mirrored pool 4.4
    • single-parity RAID-Z storage pool
    • snapshots 8.1.1
    • storage pools 3.1, 3.1.1
    • triple-parity RAID-Z storage pool
    • ZFS file system 7.2.1
    • ZFS file system with file retention 7.15.1
    • ZFS volumes 10.1
  • creation property 7.4


  • data
  • data scrubbing
  • dataset
    • description 7
  • datasets
    • delegating to a native zone 10.2.2
  • dataset types
  • dedupditto property 5.1
  • dedup property 7.4
  • dedupratio property 5.1
  • defaultgroupquota property 7.4
  • defaultuserquota property 7.4
  • delegated administration 9.1
  • delegating
    • datasets to a native zone 10.2.2
    • permissions
      • command description 9.2.1
      • groups 9.3
      • individual users 9.3
  • delegation property
    • description 5.1
    • disabling 9.1
  • destroying
  • detecting
  • device failures
  • devices
    • adding to a storage pool 4.1
    • attaching to a pool 4.3
    • detaching from ZFS storage pool 4.3
    • detecting in-use devices
    • dump devices, enabling 6.3.3
    • log devices 3.1.4
    • removing from a storage pool 4.2
    • replaceability of
    • replacing 4.7
    • returning online 4.5
    • taking offline 4.5
  • devices property 7.4
  • disks in storage pools 1.3.1
  • displaying
  • dump devices 4.7
  • dynamic striping 1.4.4


  • EFI label
    • interaction with ZFS 1.3.1
  • enabling
  • enabling a dump device 6.3.3
  • enabling scheduled scrubbing
  • encrypting a ZFS file system 7.14
  • encryption property 7.4
  • errors, clearing 4.6
  • exec property 7.4
  • exporting storage pools 5.3.2



  • guid property 5.1
  • gzip compression algorithm


  • hardware and software requirements 2.1
  • health property 5.1
  • hot spares


  • I/O limits
    • setting for a dataset 7.12
  • identifying
    • storage pool for import 5.3.3
    • storage requirements 2.2.2
    • type of data corruption 11.5.4
  • importing
  • inheriting
    • ZFS properties
  • installing
    • bootblocks 6.4
    • replacement devices 4.7
    • root pool, automatic 6.1.3
  • in-use devices


  • keychangedate property 7.4
  • keysource property 7.4
  • keystatus property 7.4


  • legacy mount points 7.7.1
  • listing
    • descendents of ZFS file systems 7.5.1
    • file systems 3.1.1
    • pool information 3.1.1, 5.2,
    • types of ZFS file systems 7.5.2
    • ZFS file systems 7.5.1
    • ZFS file systems without header information 7.5.2
    • ZFS properties 7.6.3
    • ZFS properties by source value 7.6.3
    • ZFS properties for scripting 7.6.4
  • listshares property 5.1
  • listsnapshots property 5.1
  • logbias property 7.4
  • log devices
    • removing, example of 4.2
  • log devices, creating a ZFS storage pool with 3.1.4
  • lz4 compression algorithm
  • lzjb compression algorithm


  • migrating
  • mirrored configuration
    • for redundancy 1.4.1
    • log devices
    • splitting a mirrored pool to create a new pool 4.4
    • storage pools 3.1.2
  • mlslabel property 7.4,
  • monitoring
    • data scrubbing 8.4
    • resilvering task 8.4
    • send stream progress 8.4
    • status of stream reception 8.4
    • tasks running on pools 8.4
  • mounted property 7.4
  • mounting
  • mountpoint
    • default for ZFS file system 7.2.1
  • mountpoint property 7.4, 8.2.3
  • mount points
  • multilevel property 7.4,


  • named shares
  • names
    • for ZFS file systems 7.1
  • naming requirements of ZFS components 2.2.1
  • native zones
    • adding ZFS file system 10.2.1
    • delegating datasets to 10.2.2
  • nbmand property 7.4
  • normalization property 7.4
  • notifying ZFS of reattached device


  • origin property 7.4


  • permission sets, defined 9.1
  • planning ZFS implementation 2.2
  • pool properties, list of 5.1
  • primarycache property 7.4
  • properties of ZFS
    • description 7.4
    • description of heritable properties 7.4


  • quota property 7.4
  • quotas and reservations


  • RAID-Z configuration
  • read-only properties of ZFS
  • readonly property 7.4
  • receiving file system data 8.3.5, 8.3.8
  • recordsize property 7.4
  • recovering destroyed storage pools 5.3.5
  • recursive stream package 8.3.2
  • redundancy
  • referenced property 7.4
  • refquota property 7.4
  • refreservation property 7.4
  • rekeydate property 7.4
  • removing
    • cache devices 4.2
    • devices from a storage pool 4.2
    • log devices 4.2
    • permissions 9.2.2
  • renaming
  • repairing
    • an unbootable system 11.7
    • corrupted file or directory 11.5.5
    • damaged ZFS configurations 11.6
    • pool-wide damage 11.5.6
  • replacing
  • replication
  • reservation property 7.4
  • retaining
  • rights profiles for ZFS management 2.1
  • rolling back snapshots 8.1.4
  • root pools
    • alternate location 10.3
    • automatic installation 6.1.3
    • considerations for configuration 6.1.2
    • mirrored configuration in
      • SPARC or x86/EFI (GPT) 6.2.1
      • SPARC or x86/VTOC 6.2.2
    • replacing disks 6.2.5
    • space requirements 6.1.1
  • rstchown property 7.4




  • unmounting
  • unsharing
    • ZFS file systems 7.8
  • upgrading
    • storage pool 5.4
    • ZFS file systems
  • usedbychildren property 7.4
  • usedbydataset property 7.4
  • usedbyrefreservation property 7.4
  • usedbysnapshots property 7.4
  • used property
    • description 7.4
    • detailed description 7.4.1
  • user properties of ZFS 7.4.3
  • utf8only property 7.4


  • version property 5.1, 7.4
  • virtual devices 3.1
  • volblocksize property 7.4
  • volsize property 7.4
  • vscan property 7.4


  • whole disks as components 1.3.1


  • xattr property 7.4


  • zero-length files
  • ZFS
    • comparison with traditional file systems 1.2
    • features 1.2
    • on zones 10.2
    • planning deployment of 2.2
    • versions A.1
  • zfs create command
  • ZFS datasets
    • setting limits on bandwidth use 7.12
  • zfs destroy command 7.3.1
  • ZFS file system
  • ZFS file systems
  • ZFS file system with file retention 7.15.1
  • zfs get command
  • zfs inherit command 7.6.2
  • ZFS intent log (ZIL) 3.1.4
  • zfs list command
    • description 7.5.1
    • -H option (without headers) 7.5.2
    • -r option (recursive) 7.5.1
    • -t option (dataset types) 7.5.2
  • zfs mount command 7.7.2
  • ZFS properties
  • zfs rename command 7.3.2
  • zfs set command
  • zfs unmount command 7.7.4, 7.8
  • zfs upgrade command 7.17
  • ZFS volumes
  • zle compression algorithm
  • zoned property 7.4, 10.2.6
  • zones
    • adding ZFS file system 10.2.1
    • adding ZFS volumes 10.2.3
    • delegating datasets to a native zone 10.2.2
    • managing ZFS properties 10.2.5
    • using with ZFS 10.2
    • zoned property 10.2.6