What's New in This Guide for Release

For Release this guide has been updated in several ways. The following table lists the sections that have been added or changed.

For changes made to Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) for this release, see the New Features page on the Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/overview/index.html.

Sections Changes Made
All Chapters Screenshots reflect new ADF Faces Skyros skin.
Chapter 2 Getting Started with ADF Faces  
Chapter 3 Using ADF Faces Architecture

Section 2.6.3, "What You May Need to Know About Component Bindings and Managed Beans"

Added content regarding the use of the UIComponentReference API.
Using ADF Faces Architecture  
Section 3.5, "Locating a Client Component on a Page" Section revised to better describe how to find client components using relative and absolute searches.
Chapter 4 Using the JSF Lifecycle with ADF Faces  
Section 4.2, "Using the Immediate Attribute" Section revised to clarify when to use the immediate attribute.
Chapter 5 Handling Events  
Section 5.1.1, "Events and Partial Page Rendering" Information added about event root components.
Chapter 6 Validating and Converting Input  
Section 6.3.4, "What You May Need to Know About Rounding Behavior of Number Converters" Section added to describe the rounding behavior of af:convertNumber when it displays an input value with more decimal digits than specified by maxFractionDigits.
Section 6.3.5, "What You May Need to Know About Date Converters" Section added to document interpretation of four-digit year values when using a two-digit year pattern with a date converter.
Chapter 8 Organizing Content on Web Pages  
Section 8.5, "Arranging Content in a Grid" Section added to document using the panelGridLayout, gridRow and gridCell components.
Section 8.9, "Displaying Contents in a Dynamic Grid" Section added to document the new mansonryLayout component and masonryLayoutBehavior tag.
Section 8.10, "Displaying and Hiding Contents Dynamically" Content added to document how to use a skinning key to control the indentation of child components of the showDetail component. Also revised to document the use of the childCreation, contentDelivery, maximized, showMaximized, and maximizeListener attributes.
Section 8.11, "Displaying or Hiding Contents in Panels" Section revised to include the panelSpringboard and panelDrawer components, and to document the new values for the position attribute on the panelTabbed component.
Section 8.11.9, "What You May Need to Know About Skinning and the panelTabbed Component" Section added to document how to use a skinning key to configure how the panelTabbed component handles overflow.
Section 8.12, "Adding a Transition Between Components" Section added to document the new deck component and transition tag.
Section 8.15, "Displaying Components in a Scrollable Bar" Section added to document the new conveyorBelt component.
Various sections in Chapter 8 Content added to describe how to globally set how geometry managed components handle being stretched, using the DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS web.xml parameter.
Chapter 9 Using Input Components and Defining Forms  
Section 9.6, "Using Selection Components" Section updated to include indeterminate (or mixed) state of the selectBooleanCheckbox component.

Also updated to include the new oracle.adf.view.PASS_NULL_FOR_NO_SELECTION_ITEM parameter.

Section 9.6.3, "What You May Need to Know About Passing an Empty Value From the SelectOneChoice Component" Section added to describe new parameter that allows a selection component to pass a null value.
Section 9.8, "Using the richTextEditor Component" Section updated to describe how the footer facet of richTextEditor component can be used to display additional information about the richTextEditor component.

The section is also updated to describe the DimensionsFrom property used to resize the richTextEditor component at runtime.

Section 9.9, "Using File Upload" Section revised to include multiple file upload behavior of the inputFile component.
Section 9.10, "Using Code Editor" Section added to document the codeEditor component.
Chapter 10 Using Tables, Trees, and Other Collection-Based Components  
Chapter 10, "Using Tables, Trees, and Other Collection-Based Components" Chapter title changed from "Using Tables and Trees."
Section 10.1.1, "Content Delivery" Added content that describes the new scrollPolicy attribute that determines how tables handle navigation. Also added content to describe how to globally configure the DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS web.xml parameter that determines how table components handle geometry management.
Section 10.2, "Displaying Data in Tables" Section revised to document how scroll bars can be hidden using a skinning key. Also revised to document the new value of loadMore for the scrollPolicy attribute.
Section 10.2.3, "Formatting Columns" Added content to describe column sorting and column spanning.
Section 10.2.4, "How to Display a Table on a Page" Procedures added for the new colSpan, freezeDirection, scrollPolicy, selectionEventDelay, sortable, and sortStrength attributes.

Content also added to describe when to use the dimensionsFrom attribute with regards to the new DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS web.xml parameter.

Section 10.8, "Displaying a Collection in a List" Section added to document the listView and listItem components.
Section 10.9, "Displaying Images in a Carousel" Section moved from "Chapter 16 Using Output Components," to this chapter.
Section 10.11, "Exporting Data from Table, Tree, or Tree Table" Section revised to add CSV files as an export option.
Chapter 11 Using List-of-Values Components  
Section 11.1, "Introduction to List-of-Values Components" and Section 11.4.1, "How to Add the InputComboboxListOfValues Component" Content added to document the new contentDelivery attribute on the inputComboboxListOfValues component that controls when content is delivered to the dropdown list of the component.
Chapter 12 Using Query Components  
Throughout the chapter Content added to state that saved searches are displayed alphabetically and are case-insensitive.
Chapter 13, "Using Popup Dialogs, Menus, and Windows"  
Section 13.2.6, "What You May Need to Know About Animation and Popups" Section added to describe a new value (true) for the popup component's animate property and a new ADF skin property (-tr-animate) for a number of other components.
Chapter 15 Creating a Calendar Application  
Section 15.3.1, "How to Configure the Calendar Component" Section revised to describe how the splitterCollapsed and splitterPosition attributes can be used to separate the all-day and timed activities areas in the day and week views of the calendar. Also updated to add the new allDayActivityOrder, hourZoom, and timeSlotsPerHour attributes.
Section 15.6.3, "How to Customize Dates" Section revised to describe how DateCustomizer can be used to color code dates by setting the background color on a date in the month grid of the calendar using the getInlineStyle method and the dateHeaderStamp facet. Also described how DateCustomizer can be used to add strings to the blank portion of the header for a day, for example to show the total number of hours worked per day.
Chapter 16 Using Output Components  
Table 16-1, "Formatting Codes for Use in af:outputFormatted Values" Section updated to include <h1>-<h6> tags in the list of formatting values allowed in the outputFormatted component.
Section 16.2, "Displaying Output Text and Formatted Output Text" Section updated to include a caution about possible security issues that could result if the outputText component's escape attribute is set to false.
Section 16.6 "Displaying Images in a Carousel" Section moved to Chapter 10, "Using Tables, Trees, and Other Collection-Based Components"
Chapter 17 Displaying Tips, Messages, and Help  
Section 17.5.8, "What You May Need to Know About Skinning and Definition Help" Section added to describe new skin selector that determines how access to definition help is displayed.
Chapter 20, Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins  
Section 20.1, "Introduction to Skins, Style Selectors, and Style Properties" Revised to describe the Skyros skin, the new default skin for applications created using this release.
Section 20.2.3, "How to Register a Custom Skin" Section updated to clarify that you create the trinidad-skins.xml file in the WEB-INF directory.
Section 20.2.5, "What You May Need to Know About Using a Skin in an Oracle BI User Interface" Section added to note that configuration is required in the Oracle BI Presentation Services' instanceconfig.xml file to map the skins provided by ADF to the skins provided by Oracle BI Presentation Services.
Chapter 22 Developing Accessible ADF Faces Pages  
Section 22.3.1, "ADF Faces Component Accessibility Guidelines" Section updated to include accessibility guidelines for multimedia content and showPopupBehavior component. Guidelines updated for showDetailItem component.
Section 22.3.3, "ADF Data Visualization Components Accessibility Guidelines" Section revised to describe accessibility for treemap and sunburst components.
Chapter 23 Introduction to ADF Data Visualization Components  
Section 23.2, "Defining the ADF Data Visualization Components" Section revised to include new nBox, timeline, treemap, sunburst, and diagram components.
Downloading Custom Fonts for Flash Images Obsolete section removed.
Chapter 24 Using Graph Components Chapter replaced by Chapter 24, "Using Chart Components" to reflect the replacement of graph components with the new chart components. Content from the graph chapter now appears in Appendix H, "Using Graph Components."
Chapter 24 Using Chart Components  
Chapter 24, "Using Chart Components" Chapter added to describe new DVT configurable chart components that support client-side rendering in HTML5. DVT chart types replace legacy server-side graphs and include area, bar, bubble, combination, horizontal bar, line, pie, scatter, and spark charts.
Chapter 25 Using Gauge Components  
Chapter 25, "Using Gauge Components" Chapter revised to describe new DVT configurable gauge components that support client-side rendering in HTML5. DVT gauge types include dial, LED, rating, horizontal status meter, and circular status meter.
Section 25.1, "Introduction to the Gauge Component" Revised to include HTML5 support for image formats.
Section 25.2.2, "How to Add a Gauge to a Page" Section and procedure added to document gauge creation from the Component Palette.
Chapter 26 Using NBox Components  
Chapter 26, "Using NBox Components" New chapter describing how to display data in NBox components using simple UI-first development.
Chapter 27 Using ADF Pivot Table Components  
Section 27.4, "Displaying Large Data Sets in Pivot Tables" Section and procedure added to document how to add page controls in desktop and mobile application pages.
Section 27.10, "Displaying Pivot Tables in Printable Pages" Section added to describe pivot table and pivot filter bar behavior when page is output in simplified modes.
Section 27.12.1, "How to Specify Custom Images for Data Cells" Section and procedure revised to document how to configure word wrapping in pivot table header cells.
Chapter 28 Using ADF Gantt Chart Components  
Section 28.2, "Understanding Gantt Chart Tags and Facets" Section revised to add new facets and details of facets supported by Gantt chart components.
Section 28.5, "Creating an ADF Gantt Chart" Procedure revised to document Gantt chart creation from the Component Palette.
Section 28.5.1, "How to Add a Gantt Chart to a Page" Procedure revised to document configuring alternating background row shades in Gantt chart table region.
Section 28.6.2, "Configuring Stacked Bars in Resource Utilization Gantt Charts" New section added to document configuring a resource utilization Gantt chart bar to display as a metric stacked on the previous metric.
Section 28.6.3, "Configuring a Resource Capacity Line" New section added to document configuring a resource metric as a horizontal line used to display threshold or capacity levels.
Section 28.7.2, "Customizing Gantt Chart Toolbars" Section updated to describe how to customize Gantt menu and menu items.
Section 28.8.2, "How to Apply Read-Only Values to Gantt Chart Features" Revised section to define additional attributes available to set as read-only features.
Section 28.9.1, "Configuring Page Controls in Gantt Charts" Section and procedure added to document how to add page controls in desktop and mobile application pages.
Section 28.9.2, "Configuring Synchronized Scrolling Between Gantt Charts" Section added to document how to configure synchronized horizontal scrolling between the chart side of two Gantt charts.
Section 28.11, "Using Gantt Charts as a Drop Target or Drag Source" Procedure revised for adding drag and drop functionality to Gantt charts.
Chapter 29 Using Timeline Components  
Chapter 29, "Using Timeline Components" Chapter added to document new Data Visualization Tools timeline component.
Chapter 30 Using ADF Map Components  
Section 30.7, "Defining Thematic Map Base Maps" Section added to define options for using thematic map base maps, including using the built-in base maps, using the custom base map APIs, and using image files as a base map.
Chapter 31 Using ADF Hierarchy Viewer Components  
Section 31.1.1, "Understanding the Hierarchy Viewer Component" Code sample revised to show new style defaults and remove inlineStyle attributes.
Section 31.1.3, "Available Hierarchy Viewer Layout Options" Section revised to add the circle layout as an available type when using the Create Hierarchy Viewer dialog and to remove references to the quick start layout options.
Section 31.1.4, "What You May Need to Know About Hierarchy Viewer Rendering and Image Formats" Section modified to reflect the change to HTML5 for hierarchy viewer's default image format.
Section 31.3, "Creating a Hierarchy Viewer" Section added to document hierarchy viewer creation from the Component Palette.
Section 31.6.1, "How to Configure Panning" Section modified to add the auto attribute and remove the default and tilt attributes.
Section 31.6.4, "Configuring Hierarchy Viewer Drag and Drop" Section and procedure added to document support for drag and drop.
Section 31.8.1, "How to Adjust the Size of a Hierarchy Viewer" Section revised to reflect new skinning style classes.
Section 31.8.5, "How to Disable the Hover Detail Window" Section modified to add the auto attribute and remove the default attribute.
Section 31.8.6, "What You May Need to Know About Skinning and Customizing the Appearance of a Hierarchy Viewer" Section added to describe how skinning can be used to customize the hierarchy viewer's appearance.
How to Configure a Hierarchy Viewer to Invoke a Context Menu Section removed due to incorrect and duplicate content
How to Configure a Hierarchy Viewer to Invoke a Context Menu Section removed due to incorrect and duplicate content
Chapter 32 Using Treemap and Sunburst Components  
Chapter 32, "Using Treemap and Sunburst Components" Chapter added to document new Data Visualization Tools treemap and sunburst components.
Chapter 33 Using Diagram Components  
Chapter 33, "Using Diagram Components" New chapter describing how to display data in diagram components using simple UI-first development.
Chapter 35 Adding Drag and Drop Functionality  
Section 35.8, "Adding Drop Functionality for DVT Pareto and Stock Graphs" Section revised to describe drop functionality for legacy Pareto and Stock graphs. New DVT chart types do not support drag and drop functionality.
Chapter 36 Using Different Output Modes  
Section 36.2, "Displaying a Page for Print" Section revised to add the popup component as a valid root for the showPrinablePageBehavior tag.
Chapter 37 Using the Active Data Service with an Asynchronous Backend  
Chapter 37, "Using the Active Data Service with an Asynchronous Backend" Chapter added to document how to use the Active Data Service
Creating Custom ADF Faces Components Chapter removed
Appendix A ADF Faces Configuration  
Section A.2.3.4, "Resource Debug Mode" Section revised to fix wording about caching.
Section A.2.3.14, "JavaScript Partitioning" Revised section to document the oracle.adf.view.rich.libraryPartitioning.
context parameter.
Section A.2.3.16, "Version Number Information" Section added to describe new web.xml parameter that can display version numbers for ADF components.
Section A.2.3.20, "Internet Explorer Compatibility View Mode" Section added to describe the new web.xml parameter that displays an alert asking the user to disable the Internet Explorer ccompatibility mode.
Section A.2.3.25, "Geometry Management for Layout and Table Components" Content added to describe how to globally set how geometry managed components and tables handle being stretched, using the DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS web.xml parameter.
Appendix C Keyboard Shortcuts  
Section C.3.7, "Shortcut Keys for Table, Tree, and Tree Table Components" Section revised to include additional information about row selection delay during keyboard navigation in table and tree table components.
Section C.3.9, "Shortcut Keys for ADF Data Visualization Components" Section revised to add shortcut keys content for new chart components, and update gauge components.
Appendix D Creating Web Applications for Touch Devices Using ADF Faces  
Section D.2, "How ADF Faces Behaves in Mobile Browsers on Touch Devices" Section revised to add information about how tables on tablets handle navigation.
Section D.3, "Best Practices When Using ADF Faces Components in a Mobile Browser" Section revised to add best practices for the richTextEditor component and for using tables in tablet interfaces.
Appendix F Troubleshooting ADF Faces  
Appendix F, "Troubleshooting ADF Faces" New appendix added to document troubleshooting the application user interface.
Appendix H Using Graph Components  
Appendix H, "Using Graph Components" Moved "Using Graph Components" chapter content to this appendix and removed references to area, bar, bubble, combination, horizontal bar, line, pie, scatter, and sparkchart. All graphs except for funnel, Pareto, radar, and stock have been replaced with client-side chart components.