F Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal

This appendix presents troubleshooting information for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

This appendix includes the following topics:

F.1 Using My Oracle Support for Additional Troubleshooting Information

You can use My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink) to help resolve Oracle WebCenter Portal problems. My Oracle Support contains several useful troubleshooting resources, such as:

  • Knowledge base articles

  • Community forums and discussions

  • Patches and upgrades

  • Certification information


You can also use My Oracle Support to log a service request.

You can access My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

F.2 Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal Configuration Issues

This section includes the following subsections:

F.2.1 Configuration Options Unavailable


When you try to configure WebCenter Portal through Fusion Middleware Control, the following message displays:

Configuration options currently unavailable. The application application_name might be down, did not start-up properly, or is incorrectly packaged.
Check the log files for further details.

For example, you try to change options available through the Application Settings screen or configure connections through the WebCenter Portal Service Configuration screen in Fusion Middleware Control.


Check the application's diagnostic logs. For WebCenter Portal, the log file is available in the DOMAIN_HOME/servers/ServerName/logs directory. The log file follows the naming convention of ServerName-diagnostic.log. See also, Viewing and Configuring WebCenter Portal Logs.

Analyze messages for the modules oracle.adf.mbean.share.connection and oracle.adf.mbean.share.config, and determine what must be done.

F.2.2 Logs Indicate Too Many Open Files


WebCenter Portal is inaccessible or displaying error messages and the diagnostic log files indicates that there is an issue with 'too many open files'.


Do the following:

  • Check the number of file handles configured on each of the back-end servers, primarily the database, and increase appropriately.

  • If the problem persists after increasing the file handles, check the value of fs.file-max in the /etc/sysctl.conf file and increase the value appropriately.

F.3 Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal WLST Command Issues

This section includes the following topics:

See also, Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

F.3.1 No Oracle WebCenter Portal WLST Commands Work


You are unable to run any WLST commands.


Ensure the following:

  • Always run Oracle WebCenter Portal WLST commands from Oracle home directory (ORACLE_HOME/common/bin).

    If you attempt to run Oracle WebCenter Portal WLST commands from the wrong directory you will see a NameError.

  • No files other than Python are stored in the WLST source directory: WCP_ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/wlst. This directory must contain files with the .py extension only.

    The default set of files in this location contain legal Python files from Oracle. It is possible that a user copied some non-python script to this directory, for example, a backup file or a test python file with syntax errors.

  • webcenter-wlst.jar is located at WCP_ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/wlst/lib.

See also, Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

F.3.2 WLST Commands Do Not Work for a Particular Tool or Service


You are unable to run WLST commands for a particular tool or service, and therefore, you cannot configure that tool/service.


First, run generic non-Oracle WebCenter Portal commands, for example, run listApplications or displayMetricTableNames to verify whether these commands work. If generic commands do not work, then apply the solution described in No Oracle WebCenter Portal WLST Commands Work.

If generic commands work, then run test commands to check Oracle WebCenter Portal-specific commands for syntax errors. Run the appropriate WSLT check command (see Table F-1 ).

Table F-1 File Names and WLST Commands for Oracle WebCenter Portal Tools and Service

Service Name File Name WLST Command

Activity Stream








Discussions and Announcements






External Applications



Portal Events



Instant Messaging and Presence









Personal Events




PDK-Java Producers



WSRP Producers



Pagelet Producers



Producer Helper



RSS News Feed









Export/Import - WebCenter Portal applications



Export/Import - Portals and Template



Synchronize Users



Rename Users



WebCenter Portal - General

Service Framework



General Settings



WebCenter Portal and SOA



See also, Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

For more information about Oracle WebCenter Portal's WLST commands, see WebCenter Portal Custom WLST Commands in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

F.3.3 Connection Name Specified Already Exists


You are unable to create a connection with the name Connection_Name. The following message displays:

A connection with name Connection_Name already exists.

For example, you try to create an external application connection using the WLST command createExtAppConnection or connect to a mail server using createMailConnection.


Connection names must be unique (across all connection types) within WebCenter Portal. This error occurs when you try to create a connection with a name that is in use. Ensure that you use a unique name for your connection.

F.3.4 WLST Shell is Not Connected to the WebLogic Server


You must connect to the Administration Server for Oracle WebCenter Portal before running WLST commands. Oracle WebCenter Portal WLST commands do not work without a connection.


Run the following command to connect the WLST shell to the managed server:

connect(username, password , serverhost:serverport)

See also, No Oracle WebCenter Portal WLST Commands Work and Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

F.3.5 More Than One Application with the Same Name Exists in the Domain


You attempt to perform an operation on WebCenter Portal, such as create a connection for a service or register a portlet producer, and the following message displays:

Another application named "YourApplicationName" exists. Specify the Server on which your application is deployed. Use: server="YourServerName".

This message displays if there are multiple applications with the same name in the domain. This usually happens in a cluster environment, where the same application is deployed to multiple managed servers.

For example, you tried to register a portlet producer for WebCenter Portal using the following WLST command:

registerWSRPProducer(appName='webcenter', name='MyWSRPSamples', url='http://myhost.com:9999/ portletapp/portlets/wsrp2?WSDL')


Specify on which managed server you want to run the WLST command, that is, include the server argument. For example:

registerWSRPProducer(appName='webcenter', name='MyWSRPSamples', url='http://myhost.com:9999/portletapp/portlets/wsrp2?WSDL', server=WC_CustomPortal2)

See also, Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

F.3.6 More Than One Application with the Same Name Exists on a Managed Server


You attempt to perform an operation on WebCenter Portal such as create a connection for a service or register a portlet producer, and the following message displays:

Another application named application_name" exists on the server managedServerName.

This message indicates that there are multiple applications with the same name on specified managed server. This usually happens when applications are assigned different versions.

For example, you tried to register a portlet producer for an application named "MyApp" using the following WLST command:

registerWSRPProducer(appName='myApp', name='MyWSRPSamples', url='http://myhost.com:9999/portletapp/portlets/wsrp2?WSDL')


Specify on which application version you want to run the WLST command, that is, include the server and applicationVersion arguments. For example:

registerWSRPProducer(appName='myApp', name='MyWSRPSamples', url='http://myhost.com:9999/portletapp/portlets/wsrp2?WSDL', server=WC_CustomPortal1, applicationVersion=2)

See also, Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

F.3.7 Already in Domain Runtime Tree Message Displays


While running a WLST command, the following message displays:

Already in Domain Runtime Tree


None required. This is for information only.

F.4 Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal Performance Issues

Use the information in this section to help diagnose performance-related issues for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

This section contains the following sub sections:

F.4.1 About Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting Tools

Various tools are available for monitoring and troubleshooting performance issues with your Oracle WebCenter Portal environment.

Table F-2 Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting Tools

Tool Use to... See

Enterprise Manager

Fusion Middleware Control

Monitor WebCenter Portal metrics and log files in real-time mode for a single Oracle Fusion Middleware Farm.

Check service configuration, including MDS and partitions for WebCenter Portal deployments.

Starting Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

Grid Control

Monitor WebCenter Portal metrics in real time and from a historical perspective for trend analysis, as well as monitor the underlying host and operating system, databases, and more.

Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Grid Control must be installed separately as it is not a part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g installation. With Grid Control, you can centrally manage multiple Oracle Fusion Middleware Farms and WebLogic Domains.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control

WebCenter Portal Page Performance Analyzer

Analyze the performance of portal pages in WebCenter Portal. This tool dynamically measures and presents the performance of individual page components when you display pages in WebCenter Portal.

How to Identify Slow Page Components


Graphically monitor Java applications and Java virtual machines (JVM).

How to Use JConsole to Monitor JVM

JRockit Mission Control

Capture and present live data about memory, CPU usage, and other runtime metrics.

Troubleshooting Slow Requests Using JFR Recordings

Eclipse Memory Analyzer

Find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption.

Troubleshooting Memory Leaks and Heap Usage Problems


Analyze thread dumps.

Generating Thread Dumps to Diagnose Extremely Slow Page Performance, High Thread Counts, and System Hangs

F.4.2 How to Identify Slow Pages

Use Fusion Middleware Control to determine the slowest pages in WebCenter Portal. If a poorly performing page is also very popular (the Invocation metric is high) then it makes sense for you to focus efforts to improve performance on those pages.

To find the slowest pages:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Portal, as described in Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Portal.
  2. From the WebCenter Portal menu, select Monitoring > Recent Page Metrics.

    Page requests that respond slower than the pageResponseTime threshold display "red" in the chart at the top of the page.

  3. Click the Sort Descending arrow in the Time (ms) column to sort the page requests by response times.

    Page response times that exceed the threshold display "orange" in the table.

  4. Identify the slowest pages and make a note of the portal in which the page displays.
  5. For more detailed metrics, including how frequently the slowest pages are requested, From the WebCenter Portal menu, select Monitoring > Overall Page Metrics.

    Note: Requests for pages in the Home portal are excluded from the "Overall Page Metrics" page.

F.4.3 How to Identify Slow Page Components

Use WebCenter Portal's page performance analyzer to quickly see how long individual components take to display on a portal page, as well as the overall time taken to display a page. When enabled, this tool dynamically measures and presents the performance of individual page components whenever you display a portal page.

The portal page performance analyzer is useful to developers who are performing first level performance analysis, customers who build their own pages, and any user who customizes pages in WebCenter Portal.

This section includes the following subsections:

F.4.3.1 About the Portal Page Performance Analyzer

The portal page analyzer offers a simple way to diagnose slow pages and requires minimal set up or configuration. When this feature is on, the time spent on "high level" page components is calculated and displayed so you can see at a glance which components are slowing down your page. The overall time spent on the page also displays at the top left of the page (see Figure F-1 ).

Figure F-1 Portal Page Displays Timing Information

Description of Figure F-1 follows
Description of "Figure F-1 Portal Page Displays Timing Information"

About Page Component Timings

In WebCenter Portal, "high level" page components are wrapped in a ShowDetailFrame so they can be moved, hidden or shown on the page, and edited by Oracle Composer and it is the overall timing for each ShowDetailFrame that displays.

About Overall Page Time

The overall page time is the sum of the individual page component timings, plus some additional processing time for page-level operations such as session replication, save and restore page state, page level security checks, and so on. For more consistent results, refresh the pages by clicking through the testing pages before enabling Page Performance Analysis.

Color Coding

Performance timings display in various colors to help alert you to problem areas. Refer to the following table:

Color Time to Display


< 100 ms


100 - 500 ms


500 ms - 1 second


1 - 3 seconds


> 3 seconds

F.4.3.2 Enabling and Disabling Portal Page Performance Analysis

The portal page performance analyzer is disabled out-of-the-box. To make use of this feature, an administrator must specifically enable its use; while the impact on page performance to run this tool is minimal some additional page processing is required.

In a production environment, Oracle recommends that the analyzer is generally disabled to avoid the additional performance data collection and processing and then dynamically enabled when someone reports performance issues for a particular page.

If you do not want end users to see performance data in a production environment, this is another reason to disable the analyzer most of the time.

To enable or disable the portal page analyzer for a WebCenter Portal instance:

  1. Use the WLST command exportMetadata to export the base webcenter-config.xml file from MDS.

    For example:

    exportMetadata(application='webcenter', server='WC_Portal', toLocation='/tmp/mydata', docs='/oracle/webcenter/webcenterapp/metadata/webcenter-config.xml')
  2. Open webcenter-config.xml exported from MDS in a text editor and set the perfdebug-enabled attribute to true to enable or false to disable this feature.

    For example:

  3. Save and close webcenter-config.xml.
  4. Import the updated webcenter-config.xml file to MDS.

    For example:

    importMetadata(application='webcenter', server='WC_Portal', fromLocation='/tmp/mydata', docs='/oracle/webcenter/webcenterapp/metadata/webcenter-config.xml')

There is no need to restart WebCenter Portal to effect this change.

Page performance information does not automatically display after you enable this feature. Anyone who wants to see timing information on portal pages must specifically request that the information displays. For details, see Displaying and Hiding Page Timing Information for Your Current Session.

F.4.3.3 Displaying and Hiding Page Timing Information for Your Current Session

When an administrator enables the page performance analyzer in an WebCenter Portal instance, anyone with access to that WebCenter Portal instance can elect to display or hide page timing information, for their current user session, by appending the perfDebug parameter to the page URL as follows:

To... Add a perfDebug parameter to the page URL

Display timing information on portal pages


Stop displaying page performance information


To display timing information on portal pages:

  1. Verify that your administrator enabled the page performance analyzer in your WebCenter Portal instance.

    See also Enabling and Disabling Portal Page Performance Analysis.

  2. Log in to WebCenter Portal and navigate to the portal page that you want to investigate.

    You do not need to log in if the page is a public page.

  3. Add &perfDebug=on to the end of the page URL (Figure F-2 ).

    For example:

  4. Click "Go" or press Enter to redisplay the page with timing information (as shown in Figure F-1 ).

    All subsequent pages that you display show timing information as well.

Figure F-2 Appending the perfDebug Parameter to Page URLs

Description of Figure F-2 follows
Description of "Figure F-2 Appending the perfDebug Parameter to Page URLs"

To stop displaying page timing information:

  1. In your browser, add &perfDebug=on to the end of any page URL (Figure F-2 ).

    For example:

  2. Click "Go" or press Enter to display the page again without timing information.

F.4.3.4 Using the Page Performance Analyzer to Troubleshoot Performance Issues

The steps in this section describe how to troubleshoot slow pages using WebCenter Portal tools:

  1. If a user reports performance issues with a particular page, navigate to the slow pages and confirm that the slow performance consistently reproduces.

    Alternatively, use Fusion Middleware Control to proactively identify the slowest pages in your application. See How to Identify Slow Pages.

  2. Append &perfDebug=on to the page URL to display timing information for the page.

    See also, Displaying and Hiding Page Timing Information for Your Current Session.


    If page timing information does not display, ask your administrator to enable the page performance analyzer. For details, see Enabling and Disabling Portal Page Performance Analysis.

  3. Identify the slowest page components, and troubleshoot the issue further:

    For example, if the slow component contains:

    • Document, wiki, or content presenter, check the performance of the back-end Content Server and the database that Content Server is using.

    • Activity stream, use AWR reports to check database performance and to see if you can tune the database table used by activity stream.

    • Collaboration features, check the performance of the associated back-end server. For example, for announcements or discussions, monitor the performance of the discussions server.

    • Portlets, use Fusion Middleware Control to monitor portlet request timing information, errors, portlet producer performance, and so on

  4. If necessary, add the slow page component to a separate "blank" page and then do further profiling.

    For example, use JRockit flight recording to pinpoint the bottleneck.

F.4.4 How to Troubleshoot Slow Page Requests

Use the information in this section to diagnose issues relating to poor page performance:

F.4.4.1 Troubleshooting Live Requests

To troubleshoot slow page requests that are still running, extract and view a JRockit Flight Recorder (JFR) recording against the server on which the user session is running. See also, How to Troubleshooting Requests using JRockit Flight Recordings.

If you compare the thread dumps, you might see threads that spent a long time on certain method calls as the call stacks are the same in several consecutive thread dumps. For example, you might see a method call to a database, Oracle WebCenter Content Server, collaboration server, portlet producer, LDAP server, and so on, in which case you can investigate the associated backend server to diagnose the issue further.

F.4.4.2 Troubleshooting Stuck Threads

Stuck threads can occur for several reasons:

  • Server is nearly out of memory. If the server is close to out of memory, all requests slow down. To resolve out-of-memory issues, see Troubleshooting Slow Requests Using JFR Recordings.

  • Deadlock threads. Take thread dumps and search for deadlock threads. This normally exposes an issue with the product code.

  • Extremely slow page requests. Take several evenly spaced thread dumps and find out which method is taking a long time to execute.

    If a request is taking longer than 10 minutes, the stuck thread is reported to Oracle WebLogic Server server_name.out in the following directories:

    (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs
    (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs

    For example:

    <Mar 4, 2012 7:44:08 AM PST> <Error> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000337> 
    <[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '19' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'
     has been busy for "600" seconds working on the request
    e=0&_adf.ctrl-state=a44e7uxcc_13 HTTP/1.1
    Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
     application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-ms-application,
     application/x-ms-xbap, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, application/xaml+xml,
     application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword,
    Accept-Language: fr
    UA-CPU: x86
    ]", which is more than the configured time (StuckThreadMaxTime) of "600"
    . Stack trace:
    Thread-164 "[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '19' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
     (self-tuning)'" <alive, in native, suspended, priority=1, DAEMON> {

Diagnosing a Stuck Thread

If the stack shows the thread is waiting for a response from another server, check the status of the other server and see it has performance problems before proceeding with the steps below.

To determine what the stuck thread was doing prior to becoming stuck, perform the following steps:

  1. Look at the next few log messages in server_name.out for a message indicating an incident has been created. For example:

    <Mar 4, 2012 7:44:10 AM PST> <Alert> <Diagnostics> <BEA-320016>  <Creating diagnostic image in DOMAIN_HOME/servers /server_name/adr/diag/ofm/MyDomain/ server_name_1/incident/incdir_394 with a lockout minute  period of 1.>

    The above message may not always appear after each stuck thread reported. It is printed at most four times an hour. If the message does not appear, manually look for the incident directory by checking the readme file in the subdirectories under the following directories:

    (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/adr/diag/ofm/domain_name/server_name/incident
    (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\adr\diag\ofm\domain_name\server_name\incident

    The incident directory contains a WLDF diagnostic image which contains the JFR recording, and a file containing the thread dump.

    For more information about diagnosing incidents, see Diagnosing Problems in the Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  2. Review the thread dump to find the call stack of the thread. If the thread is blocked waiting for a lock, check what the thread holding the lock is doing.

  3. If the call stack shows that JDBC calls are taking a long time, generate an AWR report on the database to find the query and which table to look and tune.

  4. Review the JRockit flight recording file JRockitFlightRecorder.jfr for more details. You will also need the ECID of the request which is recorded in the readme.txt file of the incident directory, and also the Oracle WebLogic Server log.

    See also, How to Troubleshooting Requests using JRockit Flight Recordings.

The ECID of the request that caused the stuck thread is recorded in the error message.

F.4.4.3 Troubleshooting Slow Requests Using JFR Recordings

F.4.4.4 Troubleshooting Memory Leaks and Heap Usage Problems

If WebCenter Portal performance degrades over time, heap usage and garbage collection activity is increasing, and you see OutOfMemoryErrors, there could be memory leaks in the application causing the amount of free memory in the JVM to continuously decrease.

Figure F-3 shows a typical memory leak trend displayed in JConsole.

Figure F-3 Typical Memory Leak Trend in JConsole

Description of Figure F-3 follows
Description of "Figure F-3 Typical Memory Leak Trend in JConsole"

To solve this problem:

  1. Determine the cause of OutOfMemoryErrors errors:
    • Review the server_name.out file for OutOfMemoryErrors errors.

      The server_name.out file is located at:

      (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs
      (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs
    • Take a memory dump when OutOfMemoryErrors errors occur.

      For example:

      On Sun HotSpot: jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=<path>/heap.hprof <pid>

      On JRockit: jrcmd <pid> hprofdump filename=<path>/heap.hprof

      You can configure JRockit to automatically generate a heap dump in HPROF binary format (.hprof file) each time an OutOfMemoryErrors occurs, by setting the JRockit JVM option, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError. For details, refer to the .

  2. Restart the managed server.

    If the problem persists, proceed to Step 3.

  3. Open the heap.hprof file with a heap-dump analysis tool that can handle binary HPROF format, such as Eclipse Memory Analyzer.
  4. Determine which objects and classes are retaining the most memory.
  5. If necessary, take several heap dumps to determine which objects or classes are consuming and increasing the amount of memory.

    Take at least two memory dumps:

    • Take the first dump when the system is warmed up and stabilized.

    • Take the second dump, when the system is about to run out of memory, that is, full garbage collection gets less than 300MB from the maximum heap size.

    Instructions on how to take a heap dump using Sun HotSpot (jmap) or JRockit (jcrcmd) is described in step 1.

    See the "Running Diagnostic Commands" chapter in the Oracle JRockit JDK Tools Guide. Many heap dump analysis tools, such as Eclipse Memory Analyzer, enable you to compare two heap dumps to identify memory growth areas.

    Heap dumps provide information on why memory is retained (Retained Heap). Sometimes it is necessary to know how memory is allocated to further resolve the issue. For these cases, proceed to Step 6.

  6. Use the JRockit Memory Leak Detector tool that is part of JRockit Mission Control Client to understand how memory is allocated.

    For more information, see the JRockit Mission Control online help.

F.4.4.5 Troubleshooting Slow Requests for Content

If slow page performance is due to content/document-related components, for example, Documents service task flows, Content Presenter task flows, wikis or blogs, Oracle recommends that you review performance metrics for the backend Oracle WebCenter Content Server (System Audit Information page). For details, see Viewing System Audit Information in Administering Oracle WebCenter Content.

Ensure that the systemdatabase tracing option is selected so you can see performance information for each query that is sent to the database. For details, see Server-Wide Tracing in Administering Oracle WebCenter Content.

F.4.5 How to Troubleshooting Requests using JRockit Flight Recordings

JRockit Flight Recorder (JFR) files contain a record of various events that consume time. If requests are slow, you can analyze the JRockit Flight Recorder (JFR) file to find out why request are taking time.

To create a JFR file:

  1. Extract a JFR file from theOracle WebLogic Server server by running the following command:

    UNIX) JROCKIT_HOME/bin/jrcmd jrockit_pid dump_flightrecording recording=1 copy_to_file=path compress_copy=true
    (Windows) JROCKIT_HOME\bin\jrcmd.exe jrockit_pid dump_flightrecording recording=1 copy_to_file=path compress_copy=true

    For more information about the jrcmd command-line tool, see Running Diagnostic Commands in Oracle JRockit JDK Tools Guide.

  2. To view the file, start the JRockit Mission Control Client from the following directories:

    (UNIX) JAVA_HOME/bin/bin/jrmc
    (Windows) JAVA_HOME\bin\jrmc.exe
  3. Select File > Open File to select the JFR file.

  4. Locate the slowest requests or investigate a specific request:

    To locate the slowest requests: To investigate a specific request:
    1. In the JRockitFlightRecorder.jfr page, click the Events icon.

    2. Click the Log tab at the bottom of the page.

    3. In the Event Type navigation pane on the left, locate Dynamic Monitoring System and then HttpRequest.

    4. Click HTTP request; de-select all the other event types.

    5. In the Log tab, in the Event Log section, click the Duration column to sort the duration in descending order.

      Each row corresponds to a HTTP Request and the duration column shows the response time for that request.

    6. Click the row in the table to view the attributes of the requests.

    7. In the Event Attributes sections, note the start time and the thread that serviced the request.

    1. Find the Execution Context Identifier (ECID) of that request.

      If the request is related to an incident triggered by a STUCK thread, the incident readme.txt file will contain the ECID.

      Alternatively, you can search the Oracle WebLogic Server HTTP access.log for requests from specific users. See Viewing and Searching Log Files in the Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

    2. In the JRockit Mission Control Client, in the JRockitFlightRecorder.jfr page, select the WebLogic icon.

      Note: If the Weblogic icon is not available, select Help > Install Plugins to download the Oracle WebLogic Server plug-in.

    3. Click the ECIDs tab at the bottom of the page.

    4. In the ECIDs section, from Filter Column list, select ECID.

    5. Enter the ECID in the search box and select <Enter>.

    6. In the results table, highlight the row with the matching ECID and right-click to bring up the menu.

    7. Select Operative Set > Clear, and then Operative Set > Add matching ECID > ECID to add the ECID to the operative set.

      This enables users to view only events associated with the operative set.

    8. Click the Events icon.

    9. In the Event Type navigation pane on the left, locate Dynamic Monitoring System and then HttpRequest.

    10. Click HTTP request; de-select all the other event types. ** In the Event Log section, click Show Only Operative Set.

      Each row corresponds to the request with the matching ECID.

    11. Click the row in the table to view the attributes of the requests.

    12. Note the start time and the thread that serviced the request.

  5. Once you have identified the start time and the thread that serviced the request, navigate to the Logs tab, and drag the time selector at the top of the screen to include only the time window for the duration of the request.

  6. In the Event Log section, perform the following search:

    1. Deselect Show Only Operative Set.

    2. Enter the thread name in the search box.

    3. From the Filter Column list, select Thread.

    4. Select <Enter>.

  7. In the Event Type navigation pane on the left, click the events of interest. Typically, these events are located under nodes Dynamic Monitoring System, Java Application, and WebLogic > JDBC.

    The selected events appear in the table in the Event Log section.

  8. Click the Start Time column to sort the time when these events occur, or click the Duration column to view the events that took longest.

    The JDBC Statement Execute events corresponds to SQL execution. If there are slow SQL statements, the event details give the SQL text. These events do not have callstacks.

  9. To check the call stacks for slow SQL statements, view the Socket Read event that happens immediately after the JDBC Statement Execute event.

    This event corresponds to Oracle WebLogic Server waiting for the SQL results to return, and it has callstack in the event details.

  10. Review the call stacks for long Java Blocked and Java Wait events to see if you can identify what is causing slow performance.

    See Analyzing Flight Recorder Data in JRockit Mission Control in Configuring and Using the Diagnostics Framework for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  11. If you need more detail than the information captured in the default recording, and you can reproduce the slow requests, you can start an explicit recording.

    See Starting an Explicit Recording in Oracle JRockit Flight Recorder Run Time Guide.

F.5 Troubleshooting WebCenter Portal Workflows

If you experience issues with WebCenter Portal workflows, review the following sections:

F.5.1 Email Notifications Not Working


Notifications for workflows are not being sent by email to BPM Worklist, as described in Configuring WebCenter Portal Workflow Notifications to be Sent by Email.


To identify causes of failures, examine log files on the managed SOA server, hosting BPM Worklist processes, you have configured.


Check the error logs on the WebCenter and SOA servers for errors at the time when the invite process is instigated. If there appears to be an issue with the email configuration, then validate that you can use the exact same LDAP settings and user accounts to send and receive emails using a different email client.


To identify causes of failures, examine log files for any SOA BPEL servers you have configured.

F.5.2 Validating the WebCenter Portal Workflow Configuration

The Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Portal describes how to install and configure WebCenter Portal workflows. For details, see Back-End Requirements for WebCenter Portal Workflows . You can validate the workflow configuration as follows:

  1. Log in to WebCenter Portal.
  2. Create a portal and then navigate to the Members tab (click the Administration link, then Security, then Members).
  3. Invite a new member with any role (say User2).
  4. Log out, and then log in to BPM Worklists as User2.
    You will be able to view the notification in your worklist items that you have been added to the portal in the specified role.
  5. Open the invite notification and click the Acknowledge button.

If the WebCenter Portal workflows are working properly, the newly created portal ia available to User2. If the portal is not available or listed, there is some issue with the configuration.

F.5.3 Troubleshooting Issues with WebCenter Portal Workflows

If WebCenter Portal workflows are not working properly, follow these steps to help troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check that WebCenter Portal workflows are deployed on the Oracle SOA server:

    1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

    2. Check that WebCenterWorklistDetailApp.ear is deployed.

    3. Verify that sca_CommunityWorkflows.jar is deployed.

    For details, see Oracle SOA Server - Extending the Domain in Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  2. Ensure the Web Service connection between the Oracle SOA server and the WebCenter Portal application is secure:

    1. Check the alias in the keystore file on the Oracle SOA server.

      For example, use the following command to list the content of the keystore file on the Oracle SOA server:

      keytool -list -v -keystore bpel.jks -storepass <password>

      There should be an entry with:

      Alias name: webcenter_portals_ws
    2. Verify that the credential stores for both WebCenter Portal and Oracle SOA server are configured correctly.

    3. Check that keystores exist at both ends of the connection, for example:

      - webcenter.jks (copied to WebCenter Portal server end)

      - bpel.jks (copied to Oracle SOA server end)

      For example, the following commands generate webcenter.jks and bpel.jks:

      keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -dname "cn=webcenter,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com" -alias webcenter -keypass mypassword -keystore webcenter.jks -storepass mypassword -validity 360
      keytool -exportcert -v -alias webcenter -keystore webcenter.jks -storepass mypassword -rfc -file webcenter.cer
      keytool -importcert -alias webcenter_spaces_ws  -file webcenter.cer -keystore bpel.jks -storepass mypassword
      keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -dname "cn=bpel,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com" -alias bpel -keypass mypassword -keystore bpel.jks -storepass mypassword -validity 360
      keytool -exportcert -v -alias bpel -keystore bpel.jks -storepass mypassword -rfc -file bpel.cer
      keytool -importcert -alias bpel -file bpel.cer -keystore webcenter.jks -storepass mypassword

      See Creating the SOA Domain Keystore.

    4. Configure role members for the BPMWorkflowAdmin application role in Oracle SOA server (soa-infra).

      When associating the domain with an identity store that does not contain the user weblogic, you must assign some other valid user to the application role BPMWorkflowAdmin. Use WLST commands to do this from the SOA Oracle home, for example, to assign a user named "monty" that exists in LDAP:

      cd $SOA_ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/
      connect('<admin username>','<admin password>', 'mysoahost.example.com:7001')
      revokeAppRole(appStripe="soa-infra", appRoleName="BPMWorkflowAdmin", principalClass="oracle.security.jps.service.policystore.ApplicationRole", principalName="SOAAdmin")
      grantAppRole(appStripe="soa-infra", appRoleName="BPMWorkflowAdmin", principalClass="weblogic.security.principal.WLSUserImpl", principalName="monty")

      See Overview of WLST Security Commands in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

F.6 Troubleshooting WebCenter Portal Import and Export

This section contains the following subsections:

F.6.1 ResourceLimitException Issue


The ResourceLimitException error displays when you try to export all portals or the entire WebCenter Portal instance:



Increase the maximum capacity in the JDBC connection pool. To reconfigure the connection pool, log in to the WLS Administration Console. From Services, select Data Sources, WebCenterDS, and then the Connection Pool tab.

F.6.2 LockRefreshTask Issue


A LockRefreshTask warning displays similar to that below when you try to import or export an entire WebCenter Portal instance or a portal:

[WARNING] [][oracle.webcenter.lifecycle.operation.LockRefreshTask]

If you try the import or export operation again, an error similar to that shown here displays:

Starting WebCenter Portal application import...
WebCenter Portal application import started.

Error occurred while performing import
Check the WebCenter Portal log files for additional details.
Unable to contact MBeanServer for
Error occurred while destroying MBean
The lock hasnt been released from the previous failed import.


Use the deleteMetadata WLST command to delete unwanted locks in MDS that may be created and not destroyed due to an unexpected and unusual import or export operation failure. Depending on the operation that failed, run one of the following commands:

For WebCenter Portal application import failure, run:

deleteMetadata(application='webcenter', server='WC_Portal', docs='/oracle/webcenter/lock/applicationImport/applicationImport.xml')

For WebCenter Portal application export failure, run:

deleteMetadata(application='webcenter', server='WC_Portal', docs='/oracle/webcenter/lock/applicationExport/applicationExport.xml')

For portal import failure, run:

deleteMetadata(application='webcenter', server='WC_Portal', docs='/oracle/webcenter/lock/scopeImport/**')

For portal export failure, run:

deleteMetadata(application='webcenter', server='WC_Portal', docs='/oracle/webcenter/lock/gsExportImport/**') 

F.6.3 Portals and Portal Templates Not Available After Import


When you first log in to WebCenter Portal after the import operation, the portals and portal templates that you migrated are not available as expected. This can sometimes occur if the portal or portal template cache fails to refresh properly.


Refresh the portal or portal template cache manually using the refreshGroupSpaceCache and refreshSpaceTemplateCache WLST commands.

To completely clear the cache (all portals):

refreshGroupSpaceCache(appName='webcenter', spaceNames='', syncMode=1,updateType='all', cleanCache=1)

To completely clear the cache (all portal templates):

refreshSpaceTemplateCache(appName='webcenter', spaceTemplateNames='',syncMode=1, updateType='all', cleanCache=1) 

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

F.6.4 Unable to Migrate Portals or Documents If the Source and Target Applications Share the Same Content Server

You cannot migrate portals or portal templates between two different WebCenter Portal instances that share the same Content Server.

F.6.5 Target Portal Server Shown As Unavailable When Creating a Connection

While creating a Portal Server connection to a target server, you can test the connection by clicking the Test button. After clicking Test, if you view the state of the target Portal Server in its administration console, it is shown as unavailable even if the server is up and running. This happens when the name of the target domain or server is same as the source domain or server. This does not lead to any functionality loss.

F.7 Troubleshooting Individual Portal and Portal Template Import and Export

This section contains the following subsections:

F.7.1 Portal Blocked After Unsuccessful Export or Import

If an error occurs during a portal export/import operation, some portals may appear blocked. To unblock a portal, bring the portal back online temporarily, and then take the portal offline again to complete the export/import operation. Switching between the online and offline modes will unblock the portal. For more information, see Taking Any Portal Offline and Bringing Any Portal Back Online. See also, the WLST command setSpaceState in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

F.7.2 Page or Portal Not Found Message After Import

When users first log in to WebCenter Portal after an import operation, they may see a "Page not found" or "Portal not found" message if the page or portal they last visited no longer exists. Last accessed page information is retained during import operations which is why these messages display sometimes.

F.7.3 Portal Import Archive Exceeds Maximum Upload File Size


There is a file size limitation uploading content to WebCenter Portal. If your export archive exceeds the maximum upload size, the import operation through WebCenter Portal Administration will fail.


Import the portal archive using WLST. For details, see Importing a Portal from an Archive Using WLST.

Alternatively, modify the maximum upload size in webcenter-config.xml. The default maximum upload size is 2 GB. See Changing the Maximum File Upload Size.

F.7.4 Maximum Number of Portals Exceeded on Export


The maximum number of portals that you can export must be less than or equal to 80% of the connection pool size specified for the MDS Data Source. If you try to export too many portals you might see a ResourceLimitException error:



Export fewer portals. Alternatively, modify the connection pool setting. For details, see the Tuning Performance.

F.7.5 Lists Not Imported Properly


Lists are not importing properly due to list definition differences in the source and target systems.


Consider exporting and importing list data. This ensures that list data is consistent with the list definitions being imported.

If you choose to import without data, the list data in the target system is migrated to be consistent with the imported list definitions. If a list column data type is changed, the column values are converted from the target data type to the imported data type, if possible, otherwise the value is deleted. If a list column is removed during import, the column values are deleted.

F.7.6 Exporting and Importing Portals with Tools and Services Configured


The following error message displays when you try to export a portal with tools and services configured, and try to import the same portal from an instance where some or all of those tools or services are not configured.

The following services are not configured: <list of tools and services>. Please configure these services and try again.


You can work around this problem by either adding the tools and services to the target, or removing the service-related info from the data.xml file of the archive as described below.

To remove service-related info:

  1. Extract the archive.

    The archive contains two files: policy-store.xml and transport.mar.

  2. Expand the transport.mar into a directory.

    The data.xml file is located in the oracle\webcenter\lifecycle\importexport directory.

  3. Remove the service tags for all the tools and services that are not present in the target as listed in the error message.

    For the example error message above, we would need to remove the following:

          <service id="oracle.webcenter.collab.forum" version="">
                <metadataUsage includeBaseDocuments="YES" includeSystemCustomizations="YES">
                      <include path="/oracle/webcenter/collab/forum/scopedMD/s516227ec_dde1_4991_9e18_28d487cb3bce/**"/>
       <service id="oracle.webcenter.collab.rtc" version=""/>
  4. Repack the transport.mar file by zipping the top-level directories Oracle and pagedefs into a file named transport.mar.
  5. Repack the export archive by zipping the newly created transport.mar and the policy-store.xml file into an archive.
  6. Import the new archive.

F.7.7 Tools and Services Disabled After Import


When you navigate directly to the Tools and Services tab in portal administration after importing a portal, all the tools and services are disabled even though they were enabled in the source portal.


Select the Enable check box for tools and services, as required.

Alternatively, open the portal after you import instead of navigating to portal administration. When you access the portal for the first time, tools and services enable automatically.

F.7.8 Importing from the Subportals Page


When you import a portal from the Portals page, the imported portal does not automatically become a subportal of the current portal. The newly imported portal displays in the Portals switcher menu, Portals Browser task flow, or the Portals page, which display all the portals that are available to you.


You can import a portal as a subportal by selecting the parent portal on the Portals page before you import the archive.

F.7.9 Unable to Import a Portal If the Source and Target Applications Share the Same Content Server

You cannot export/import portals or portal templates between two different WebCenter Portal applications that share the same Content Server.

Similarly, you cannot use the Document Migration Utility to migrate portal documents between two different WebCenter Portal applications that share the same Content Server.

F.7.10 Shared Library Changes Not Available after Portal Deployment


Changes made to the shared library are not showing up in the newly deployed portal.


Shared library deployment might have failed. To find out about the deployment status of the shared library, go to the WebLogic Server Admin console on the target instance and check the state of the latest version of the shared library that you deployed. The newly deployed library must be in "active" state on the target.

If the shared library deployment failed, and the state of the last deployed version on the target is shown as failed, delete the failed version and either redeploy the portal or propagate the portal to include shared library changes.

If the shared library deployment failed, and the shared library on the target is not shown in the failed state but some other intermediate state (such as Distribute running/Deploy running/New), try restarting the servers and then click on Activate Changes in the console (if it is enabled). If the shared library state is still not shown as active, delete the shared library version from the target server and redeploy or propagate the portal. If you get an error message that this version of the library cannot be deleted as it is being referenced by one or more applications, stop the WebCenter Portal managed server (WC_Portal), delete the library, and then start the managed server again. After restart, it will start using the last active version of the shared library.

F.7.11 Members Not Listed in an Imported Portal


After you have imported a portal from a portal archive (PAR file) containing members under various roles, like Viewer or Portal Manager, member names are not displayed on the Portal's members page.


Users on both the source and target instances must be identical. If a shared identity store is not used, your system administrator must synchronize users in WebCenter Portal by using the synchronizeUserInformation WLST command. For information about this command, contact Oracle Support.

F.7.12 Deployment Messages Not Displayed in the Browser Locale

When you deploy a portal, the deployment progress messages coming from the target server might be displayed in the source server’s environment locale instead of the browser locale. This happens when your source server's environment locale is different than the browser locale set in WebCenter Portal.

F.8 Troubleshooting Issues with Mail

This section includes the following subsections:

F.8.1 Mail is Not Accessible in Secure Mode


You configured mail to function in secure mode, but it is not accessible.


Ensure the following:

  • IMAP and SMTP ports are specified correctly. See Registering Mail Servers.

  • Properties are set to true in your mail server.

    • mail.imap.secured = true

    • mail.smtp.secured = true

F.8.2 Mail is Not Accessible in Non-Secure Mode


You configured mail to function in non-secure mode, but it is not accessible.


Ensure the following:

  • IMAP and SMTP ports are specified correctly. See, Registering Mail Servers.

  • Properties are set to false in your mail server.

    • mail.imap.secured = false

    • mail.smtp.secured = false

F.8.3 Unable to Create Distribution Lists in the Non-Secure Mode


You are unable to create portal distribution lists in non-secure mode; that is, SSL is not configured on the LDAP server.


Check if the mail server has been reinstalled or the user has been deleted. Also ensure that the following parameters are configured accurately in non-secure mode, in the LDAP server:

  • ldapHost

  • defaultUser

  • ldapAdminPassword

  • ldapBaseDN

  • ldapPort

See Registering Mail Servers.

F.8.4 Unable to Create Distribution Lists in the Secure Mode


You are unable to create WebCenter Portal distribution lists in secure mode, that is, SSL is configured on the LDAP server.


Check if the mail server has been reinstalled or the user has been deleted. Also ensure that the following parameters are configured accurately in secure mode, in the LDAP server:

  • ldapHost

  • defaultUser

  • ldapAdminPassword

  • ldapBaseDN

  • ldapPort

  • ldap.connection.secure, 'true'

F.8.5 Provisioning of Mail Fails in a Portal (Default Distribution List not Created)


In WebCenter Portal, when accessing a portal's Tools and Services Mail page, the following error message appears "Provisioning of Mail service for this portal has failed" and the Distribution List field is blank.


Make sure that the portal name is unique. If the portal name is not unique, a distribution list already exists. You can select the existing distribution list or select another distribution list.

F.8.6 Unable to Configure the Number of Mail Messages Downloaded


You cannot configure how many mail messages are downloaded to each user's Inbox.


Use the setMailServiceProperty WLST command. For example, to download 100 mail messages from the mail client, specify the mail.messages.fetch.size parameter as 100, as shown in the following example:

setMailServiceProperty(appName='webcenter',  property='mail.messages.fetch.size', value='100')

For command syntax and examples, see the setMailServiceProperty in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

F.8.7 Unable to Publish and Archive WebCenter Portal Mail


You are unable to archive WebCenter Portal mail.


If the archiving fails, check the following:

  • In WebCenter Portal, navigate to Administration > Tools and Services > Discussions. Check whether the required configuration is accurate. For details, see Publishing Portal Mail in a Discussion Forum in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  • Check whether the user account configured here is a member of the distribution list.

  • For a particular portal, check whether the forum configured is available in the discussions server. For details, see Publishing Portal Mail in a Discussion Forum in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  • Check whether the user who sends mail to the distribution list is available in the discussions server and the mail address is the same.

F.8.8 Changing Passwords on Microsoft Exchange


If multiple users log on to Microsoft Exchange with the same user name and password, and then one user changes the password, the original password remains valid until all users log off.

For example, say the current password of the user monty is mypassword. Two users, A and B, log on from different clients using WebCenter Portal or Microsoft Exchange. Both log on as monty/mypassword, and both are able to see the mail messages. Now user A changes the password in Microsoft Exchange to oracle1. Because there currently are clients using the passwords oracle1 and mypassword, both are valid passwords; that is, new users can log on as monty/mypassword and still see the mail messages.


After all existing users with the original password log off, the new password takes effect. Until then, users can use both passwords to log on.

F.9 Troubleshooting Issues with Announcements and Discussions

This troubleshooting section includes the following subsections:

F.9.1 Authentication Failed


WS-Security does not appear to be set properly for the connection between WebCenter Portal and the back-end discussions server. You may see the following error:

failure to authenticate the user WebLogic, due to: Authentication Failed


This error may be caused due to various reasons. Check the following:

  • Ensure that the OWSM SAML policy setting is appropriately defined between the discussions connection and the discussions server.

  • Review WC_Portal-diagnostic.log for errors and exceptions relating to discussion services in WebCenter Portal. If the log does not provide enough information to correct errors, then turn on debugging for the oracle.webcenter.collab.share and oracle.webcenter.collab.forum packages.

  • For the discussions server, review WC_Collaboration-diagnostics.log and jive.error.log inside your domain's DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/servers/SERVER_NAME/owc_discussions/logs directory. If the logs do not provide enough information to correct errors, then turn debugging on for the discussions server. To turn on debug logs, log on to the discussions server admin console, go to page logs, the Debug tab, and enable. Restart the WC_Collaboration managed server to change the logging setting.

  • Make sure that time settings on WebCenter Portal and the back-end discussions server are in sync. This is important with OWSM WS-Security.

F.9.2 Discussions Cannot Be Enabled in WebCenter Portal


Discussions cannot be enabled in any portal in your WebCenter Portal installation.


This error may be caused due to various reasons. Check the following:

  • The back-end discussions server is up and running and accessible. See Testing Discussions Server Connections.

  • Administrator User Name (adminUser) property configured for the active connection has administrative privileges on the application root category (the category configured for WebCenter Portal). See Registering Discussions Servers.

    It is not necessary for this user to be a super admin. However, the user must have administrative privileges on the application root category configured for WebCenter Portal, that is, the category (on the discussions server) under which all WebCenter Portal discussions and announcement are stored.

  • Application root category, where all WebCenter Portal discussions and announcements are stored, exists on the back-end discussions server.

    You can check the application root category ID configured for WebCenter Portal by navigating to WebCenter Portal Administration, then selecting Tools and Services, and then Discussions. See Specifying Where Discussions and Announcements are Stored on the Discussions Server.

F.9.3 Login Failed


You may see the following login exception:

caught exception running task oracle.webcenter.collab.share.LoginFailedException: failure to authenticate the user monty, due to: Failed to read user monty from database.
at oracle.webcenter.collab.forum.internal.jive.JiveAuthenticator.login(JiveAuthenticator.java:213)

This occurs when an incorrect admin user name is specified.


Follow these steps:

  1. Confirm that the admin user specified while creating the discussion forum connection has access to the Discussions Administration console at http://host:port/owc_discussions/admin.

    If the user does not have admin privileges, then use the WLST command addDiscussionsServerAdmin to provision the user. For more information, see Granting the Discussions Server Administrator Role using WLST.

  2. Confirm that you have configured the discussion server with the appropriate DISCUSSIONS schema. If not, then create or extend the domain using config.sh or was_config.sh.

F.9.4 Login Does Not Function Properly After Configuring Oracle Access Manager


When you log in to WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server after configuring Oracle Access Manager single sign-on, a 500 - Internal Server Error occurs.


  1. If one does not exist, add a user as super admin on WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server using the WLST command addDiscussionsServerAdmin. For command syntax and examples, see addDiscussionsServerAdmin in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

  2. Log on to the Discussions Admin Console with the super admin account, and navigate to System - System Properties.

    See Accessing the Discussions Server Admin Console.

  3. Create or edit the property owc_discussions.sso.mode, and set its value to true.

    For more information, see Configuring the Discussions Server for SSO.

  4. Restart WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server.

F.9.5 Category Not Found Exceptions


If you change the connection to use a different discussions server, and if you change WebCenter Portal's root category ID from Administration - Tools and Services - Discussions, then you could see exceptions like, "Category Not Found."


Restart the managed server on which WebCenter Portal is deployed.

F.9.6 Watched Topics and Recent Topics Not Displaying Topics From Multiple Discussion Forums


Portals created from the Discussion Site template include Recent Topics and Watched Topics task flows on the Home page. By default, both these task flows are configured to display information for a single forum. If your portal is configured to support multiple forums, topics from the other forums do not display in these task flows.


Edit the Watched Topics and Recent Topics task flows to remove the task flow parameters from the Forum ID field. In this instance, the Forum ID will be set to ${sessionContext['oracle.webcenter.collab.forum'].groupInfo[portalContext.currentPortalName].forumId}. Delete this value and save the page.

F.9.7 Discussion and Announcement Updates Not Displayed


If clustered caching is enabled in your environment, content updates to discussions and announcements may not refresh immediately.


Click the Refresh icon to force a manual refresh at any time.

F.9.8 Announcements Page Displays "User Is Not Authorized"


A user creates an announcement, then changes their user name. When they try to log in with the new user name to access the page, a message indicating that the user is not authorized to view the announcement is displayed even if the two user names were synced.


This can occur if the same Identity Store is not used by WebCenter Portal and the Discussions server; the user must exist in both stores if the store is not shared.

F.9.9 Discussions Page Displays "User Is Not Authorized"


A user creates a discussion topic, then changes their user name. When they try to log in with the new user name to access the page, a message indicating that the user is not authorized to view the discussion page is displayed even if the two user names were synced..


This can occur if the same Identity Store is not used by WebCenter Portal and the Discussions server; the user must exist in both stores if the store is not shared.

F.10 Troubleshooting Issues with Events

If users cannot see their personal events, verify the following:

  • Is the Microsoft Exchange Server/IIS server accessible from the managed server on which WebCenter Portal is deployed? Can they ping each other?

  • Is the configuration correct on the Microsoft Exchange Server? For more information, see Events Prerequisites for Personal Events.

  • Is the events server connection correct in the managed server? For more information, see Registering Events Servers.

  • Did the user enter the correct user name and password for the account on the Microsoft Exchange Server? The user name is usually an email address.

F.11 Troubleshooting Issues with Users and Roles

For Oracle WebCenter Portal to properly maintain enterprise group-to-role mappings, the back-end discussions server and content server must support enterprise groups. The WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server and WebCenter Content's Content Server versions provided with Oracle WebCenter Portal and later both support enterprise groups, but previous versions may not. If a back-end server does not support enterprise groups, an error message similar to the following displays when you try to add a group.

Warning: Group [name] not found in Identity Store

Also, an error is logged containing more detailed information as shown here:

[2011-03-28T01:03:07.143-07:00] [WC_Spaces] [NOTIFICATION] [WCS-07855] 
oracle.webcenter.doclib.internal.spaces.AbstractDoclibRoleMapper] [tid: pool-1-daemon-thread-1] [userId: monty] 
[ecid: a4789a41d7e6bc9f:36de4556:12efb72d049:-8000-00000000000002c0,0:5] 
[APP: webcenter#] Adding groups [oracle.webcenter.security.common.WCGroup@18b96a3] to documents service roles [Administration, Delete Documents, Create and Edit Documents, View Documents] for
 scope Scope[name=rbgs25mar01, guid=sbf125dd4_cd43_41cc_9d3d_467d06e84100][2011-03-28T01:03:09.122-07:00] [WC_Spaces] [ERROR] [WCS-44002] [oracle.webcenter.security.rolemapping.RoleManager] 
[tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: monty] 
[ecid: a4789a41d7e6bc9f:36de4556:12efb72d049:-8000-00000000000002c0,0] 
[APP: webcenter#] The Role Mapping provider encountered an exception while performing security role mapping for service oracle.webcenter.doclib.
[[oracle.webcenter.security.rolemapping.spi.RoleMappingSPIException: Cannot add role null and permissions, 15, to the account for the folder, rbgs25mar01 for the user/group Admin.        at


In previous releases, if a back-end server did not support enterprise groups, users belonging to enterprise groups were individually added to WebCenter Portal roles; this behavior has changed.

F.12 Troubleshooting Issues with Content Repositories

This section includes the following subsections:

F.12.1 Documents Tools Unavailable in WebCenter Portal

If document tools are not available in WebCenter Portal, that is, the Documents tab is not available in your Home portal or other portals, there may be a connection issue to the backend WebCenter Content Server, or the WebCenter Content Server does not contain some required WebCenter Portal data.

To diagnose the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Check that the WebCenter Content Server is up and running. Ensure the server has the Server Port (intradoc) configured and the Server IP Filter allows WebCenter Portal to connect:

    1. Log in to the Content Server.

    2. Click Administration.

    3. Click Configuration for instance name.

    4. Click the Server Configurations link under System Configuration.

    5. Ensure that Server Port is listed and that Server IP Filter allows access from WebCenter Portal.

  2. Check the connection between WebCenter Portal and the WebCenter Content Server that is being used as the backend document store:

    1. Login to Fusion Middleware Control, and navigate to Content Repository Connection settings. For details, see Creating a Connection to Oracle WebCenter Content Server Using Fusion Middleware Control.

    2. Select and edit the required connection.

    3. Ensure the Active Connection check box is selected.

    4. Ensure that Content Administrator, Portal Server Identifier and Security Group are specified correctly:

      • Content Administrator - the Content Administrator must have administration rights on the Content Server. This user will be used to create and maintain folders for portal content, security groups and roles, and manage content access rights.

      • Portal Server Identifier and Security Group - both must be unique and not used by any other WebCenter Portal instance using the same WebCenter Content Server. If you change these values, ensure that both values are changed and not just one of them.

      • Security Group - must be 14 characters or less as it is used as a prefix for items created in WebCenter Content Server, which have a limit on the length of the item name.

    5. If you make changes, click Test to verify that the connection works.

    6. Click OK to save the connection.

    7. If you made changes, you must restart WC_Portal, the managed server on which WebCenter Portal is deployed.

    8. Log in to WebCenter Portal to see if the documents tools are available after your connection updates.

  3. If the Document service is still not available, check log messages around WebCenter Portal start-up for any errors connecting to the WebCenter Content Server or saving data on the WebCenter Content Server.

    For details, see Viewing and Configuring WebCenter Portal Logs.

  4. If the log does not show any useful log information, increase the logging level for the WebCenter Content Server, and then restart WebCenter Portal to investigate the messages in more detail:

      1. Use Fusion Middleware Control (or edit the logging.xml file) to increase logging for oracle.webcenter.doclib.internal.model and oracle.webcenter.doclib.internal.spaces.

        See also, Viewing and Configuring WebCenter Portal Logs.

      2. Restart WebCenter Portal.

      3. View the logs again:

F.13 Troubleshooting Issues with Analytics


If users cannot see analytics in WebCenter Portal, verify the following:


  • Check that the Analytics Collector configuration is correct and in particular that both Enable WebCenter Event Collection and Active Connection are both set (Figure F-4 ). See Registering an Analytics Collector for Your Application..

    Figure F-4 Enabling the Connection and Analytics Collection

    Enabling the Connection and Analytics Collection

    If you make changes to the connection you must restart the managed server on which WebCenter Portal is deployed. For more information, see Starting and Stopping Managed Servers for WebCenter Portal Application Deployments.

  • If WebCenter Portal was recently upgraded, verify that the domain startup script does not contain legacy Analytics Collector settings as these values override any connection details that you specify through Fusion Middleware Control or using WLST.

    1. Shut down the managed server on which WebCenter Portal is deployed (WC_Portal).

    2. Edit the domain startup script setDomainEnv located at:

      UNIX: DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh

      Windows: DOMAIN_HOME\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd

    3. Remove Analytics Collector settings.

    4. Restart the managed server.


Analytics Collector deployment fails when configured with the Pluggable Database (PDB), if the number of cursors in the database exceeds the maximum limit.


Try to increase the number of open_cursors in the Pluggable Database (PDB), for example 3000. The allowed value for the open_cursors is from 0 to 65535.

where, open_cursors specifies the maximum number of open cursors allowed per session.

F.14 Troubleshooting Issues with Oracle SES

This section provides troubleshooting tips on administering Oracle SES. It includes the following topics:

F.14.1 No Search Results Found

F.14.1.1 Oracle SES Connection

Confirm that you can access the Oracle SES SOAP URL and that connection properties to Oracle SES are correct.

For more information, see Testing the Connection to Oracle SES.

F.14.1.2 Documents and Discussions Connections

Confirm that connections exist in WebCenter Portal to the Content Server and the discussions server.

The Oracle SES log shows if a WebCenter Portal component is excluded from the search. Locate the search log file on the Oracle SES instance and check the log file for totalSearchTime.

When nothing is excluded (that is, Oracle SES is enabled for all WebCenter Portal components), the line looks similar to the following:

req=Search userName=vicki totalSearchTime=1150ms userQuery=0712>

When Oracle SES is not enabled for Documents, Discussions, and Announcements, the lines look similar to the following:

req=Search userName=vicki totalSearchTime=1133ms userQuery=0712

F.14.1.3 WebCenter Portal Crawl Configuration

Use Fusion Middleware Control or WLST to confirm that Oracle SES is enabled in WebCenter Portal, as described in Setting Up WebCenter Portal for Oracle SES.

F.14.1.4 Oracle SES Configuration

  1. Confirm that you have installed all required patches for Oracle SES. For the latest information on required patches, see Back-End Requirements for Search in Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Portal and the Release Notes.

  2. Confirm that Oracle SES is configured with an identity management system to validate and authenticate users. Also confirm that WebCenter Portal and Oracle SES use the same identity management system, such as Oracle Internet Directory. All repositories you are using (such as WebCenter Portal, WebCenter Content Server, and Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server) must share the same user base as Oracle SES.

    Additionally, each Oracle SES instance must have a trusted entity for allowing WebCenter Portal end users to be securely propagated at search time. For more information, see Oracle SES – Configuration.

    To test the Oracle SES is connection with a federated trusted entity user, see Testing the Connection to Oracle SES.

F.14.1.5 User Authentication

Confirm that the user exists (that is, confirm that the user can log on) in WebCenter Portal identity plug-ins, Oracle SES, and all configured data repositories, such as the Content Server and the discussions server.

An Oracle SES proxy login error in the WebCenter Portal diagnostic log looks similar to the following:

Received status "failed" during proxy login with application entity "weblogic" to
Oracle SES at [http://host:port/search/query/OracleSearch], as search user
"vicki". Defaulting to public.

F.14.1.6 Oracle SES Crawling

Confirm that Oracle SES crawled successfully in all sources.

  1. In the Oracle SES administration tool, go to the Home - Schedules tab. Click the Log File icon to display the log file for the source. To obtain the location of the full log, click the Status link. The Crawler Progress Summary and Log Files by Source section displays the full path to the log file.

  2. If Oracle SES fails to log in to the Content Server crawl endpoint due to an authentication error, then the following errors are logged:

    EQP-60303: Exiting saxthread due to errors
    EQP-80330: Unrecognized QName <http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/>:Envelope oracle.search.sdk.crawler.PluginException       
  3. For the Oracle WebCenter source, verify if the rsscrawl servlet is unavailable. For example:

    FATAL      main            EQP-80309: Exception while opening a stream to the URI: https://example.com:port/rsscrawl?command=GetControl
  4. For the Content Server source, verify if the password is invalid. For example:

    -1 Admin credentials passed in were not valid - Rejecting request.
  5. Monitor the crawl process in the Oracle SES administration tool with a combination of the following:

    1. Check the crawler progress and status on the Home - Schedules page. (Click Refresh Status.) From the Status page, you can view statistics of the crawl.

    2. Monitor your crawler statistics on the Home - Schedules - Crawler Progress Summary page and the Home - Statistics page.

    3. Monitor your search statistics on the Home - General page and the Home - Statistics page.

    See Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide for tips to tune crawl performance.

  6. Additionally, examine snapshots and data feeds on the Content Server instance, and examine the Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussions Server database.

F.14.1.7 Oracle SES Authorization

  1. In the Oracle SES administration tool, go to the Home - Sources tab.
  2. Click the Edit icon for each source to see source configuration tabs.
  3. Click the Authorization tab to confirm the authorization connection string, user name, password, and authorization user ID format.
  4. Examine the Oracle SES log file (described in a previous step). Look for phrases including a URL value. For example, the URIHandler initialized for the URI:

For detailed information on the Oracle SES administration tool, see the Oracle SES documentation included with the product. (This is listed in the WebCenter Portal product area on the Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation library.)

F.14.2 Search Failure Errors


Search failure messages may appear inconsistently after a search. For example, when connecting to database jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521/sid, user: PREFIX_DISCUSSIONS_CRAWLER:

Search failure: time out error
Search failure: problem preparing search executor
Search failure: problem with execution


Wait a moment, and try the search again. These messages appear when the service times out, which largely depends on the system load. If the time out error persists, adjust the executionTimeout parameter in the setSearchConfig command.

For command syntax and examples, see setSearchConfig in WLST Command Reference for WebLogic Server.

F.14.3 Cannot Grant View Permissions to WebCenter Portal


You get the following error when granting "view" permissions, as described in Setting Up WebCenter Portal for Oracle SES.

Command FAILED, Reason: javax.naming.directory.AttributeInUseException: [LDAP: e
rror code 20 - uniquemember attribute has duplicate value.]; remaining name 'orc
lguid=F0CC506017B711DFBFFED9EA6A94EAEC,cn=Permissions,cn=JAAS Policy,cn=webcente


This error appears if the permission is granted. Ignore the error.

F.14.4 Restricting Oracle SES Results by Source Group or Source Type


You want to restrict search results by source group or source type.


In the Oracle SES administration tool, navigate to the Home - Sources - Customize Federated Source - Search Restrictions page to set search restrictions.Alternatively, use filters, where each filter is a restriction on search result.

For detailed information about using Oracle SES, see the Oracle SES documentation on the Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation library (in the WebCenter Portal product area).

F.14.5 Search Results Do Not Include Secured Resources


Search results do not include secured resources. One cause is that the proxy login of WebCenter Portal users failed in Oracle SES. An Oracle SES proxy login error in the WebCenter Portal diagnostic log looks similar to the following:

Received status "failed" during proxy login with application entity "weblogic" to 
Oracle SES at http://host:port/search/query/OracleSearch, as search user "vicki".
Defaulting to public.


Confirm that Oracle SES is configured with an identity management system to validate and authenticate users.

Also confirm that WebCenter Portal and Oracle SES use the same identity management system, such as Oracle Internet Directory. All repositories (such as WebCenter Portal, WebCenter Content Server, and Oracle WebCenter Portal Discussions Server) must share the same user base as Oracle SES.

Additionally, each Oracle SES instance must have a trusted entity for allowing WebCenter Portal end users to be securely propagated at search time.


Search results do not include secured resources. Another cause is that authorization endpoints are not configured correctly. Locate the search log file on the Oracle SES instance. Look for phrases including the URL value. For example:

EQP-80309: Exception while opening a stream to the URI:

QueryFilterPlugin returned null or empty array value for security attribute
"WCSECATTR". Values required for all security attributes.


  1. In the Oracle SES administration tool, go to the Home - Sources tab.

  2. Click the Edit icon for the source to see source configuration tabs.

  3. Click the Authorization tab to confirm the authorization connection string, user name, password, and authorization user ID format.


Search results do not include secured resources. Yet another cause is that authorization endpoints are not returning authorization data.

Locate the search log file on the Oracle SES instance. Look for phrases including a URL value. For example, the URIHandler initialized for the URI:



Reduce the number of crawl sources.

F.14.6 Search Results Do Not Include Documents


Search results do not include documents. Crawling of Content Server documents fails.


  1. In the Oracle SES administration tool, go to the Home - Schedules tab.
  2. Click the Log File icon to display the log file for the source. To obtain the location of the full log, click the Status link.
  3. The Crawler Progress Summary and Log Files by Source section display the full path to the log file. If Oracle SES fails to log in to the Content Server crawl endpoint due to an authentication error, then the following errors are logged:
    EQP-60303: Exiting saxthread due to errors, 
    EQP-80330: Unrecognized QName 
  4. Update the configuration parameters of the Content Server crawl source.

F.14.7 Search Results Do Not Include Discussions and Announcements


In the crawl source, the Single Record Query parameter is set to true on the Authorization tab.


Set the Single Record Query parameter to false.


The identity management system uses mixed case user names, but Oracle WebCenter Portal's discussions server (Jive) database uses all lowercase user names. The authorization query for the crawl source must apply the LOWER() function to user name parameters.


Confirm that the authorization query looks like the following statement:



It is not recommended to convert the actual user name column to lowercase in the query; for example, WHERE LOWER(username) = LOWER(?). Adding a function to a possibly indexed column could affect performance.

F.14.8 Search Results Do Not Include Recently Added Resources


A new resource was created recently, but search results do not include the new resource.


New resources must be crawled and indexed before they can be returned in search results. Crawl schedules are run periodically to index new content. If new resources are created often, then increase the frequency of the crawl schedule. If new resources need to be crawled immediately, then start that crawl schedule manually.

F.14.9 Search Results Do Not Reflect Authorization Changes


Some resources are accessible to more users due to authorization changes in WebCenter Portal. For example, resources in a portal are now accessible to all authenticated users. The affected users cannot search for those resources.


Authorization data is cached in Oracle SES. The cache is invalidated according to the Security Filter Lifespan global setting in Oracle SES. The default value is 1 day or 1440 minutes. Adjust the value according to the general frequency of changes to authorization data.

F.14.10 Search Results Do Not Include Resources Available to Wide Audience


A portal is publicly accessible, but unauthenticated users cannot see portal resources in search results.


By default, view access of resources is granted to portal members only, even if the portal is accessible to the public. View access of resources must be granted to non-members explicitly. Go to the portal settings page, select the Role tab and the intended role, and check view access to resources.

F.15 Troubleshooting Issues with Notifications


No notifications are received.



Notifications is configured (BPEL or MAIL) correctly, but still no notifications.


Notifications relies on a valid BPEL or MAIL connection. Run the respective connection validations and troubleshooting scenarios as described in Managing Mail or Managing the SOA Connection for WebCenter Portal Membership Workflows.


MAIL or BPEL connections are set up appropriately, but still do not receive notifications.


Notifications are generated based on user subscriptions. Apart from notification for invitations to connect, which is configured out of the box, other notifications are generated only when a user has specifically subscribed. Ensure that the user has created subscriptions through his or her personal Preferences or through application- or object-level subscriptions. For more information, see Subscribing to the Application, to Portals, and to Objects in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal.


Users have set up their subscriptions, but still receive no notifications.


  • Depending on how it is configured, Notifications delegates the delivery of notifications to BPEL/UMS or the Mail service. For the Mail service, ensure that the user's email address is configured. For UMS, look in Fusion Middleware Control under the Message Status section of User Messaging Service, where you see the status of each outgoing message from UMS. For more information, see Monitoring Oracle User Messaging Service in Administering Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

  • For UMS, this problem could also mean that the configuration of the sender on the WebCenter Portal side does not match or find a corresponding driver on the UMS side. Ensure that the sender address (domain) allows UMS to match at least one driver for outbound messages.

  • For the Mail service, ensure that the mail connection points to a shared connection as described in About Connection Channels.


For UMS configurations, users receive notifications on some channels but not on others.


This is most likely due to the way the user's messaging channels and filters are configured. For more information, see Establishing and Managing Your Messaging Channels and Filters in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal.

F.16 Troubleshooting External Application Issues

This section contains common issues and workarounds related to external applications.

This section contains the following topic:

F.16.1 Users Experience Password Lockout


Using an external application to store or retrieve credentials for collaboration connections when your identity store uses a password change policy that causes the password to be changed in the identity store directly, may lead users to experience a password lockout.


The external applications cannot know that a password has been changed directly in the identity store and consequently cannot react to it. A partial solution is to define one external application for all your collaboration connections.

F.17 Troubleshooting Security Configuration Issues

This section includes the following subsections:

F.17.1 WebCenter Portal Application Does Not Find Users in LDAP Provider


Weblogic Server was configured with an external LDAP provider. Users in the external LDAP can log in to WebCenter Portal, but when you try to assign the administrator role in WebCenter Portal to a user from the external LDAP, no users are found.


Change the Control Flag for the DefaultAuthenticator Authentication Provider to Sufficient as described in Configuring the Identity Store. Restart the Administration Server and Managed Servers for the domain.

F.17.2 Portal Created with Errors When Logged in as OID User


When logged in to WebCenter Portal as an OID user (for example, orcladmin), and you try to create a portal, the portal gets created but with errors. The error message appears as "No matching users were found with search string <login user>".


The following property is missing in the jps-config.xml file:

<property name="jps.user.principal.class.name" value="weblogic.security.principal.WLSUserImpl"/> 

To fix this:

  1. Edit DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/jps-config.xml.
  2. Add this line in the general properties:

    <property name="jps.user.principal.class.name" value="weblogic.security.principal.WLSUserImpl"/>

  3. Restart the WC_Portal server.

F.17.3 Users Cannot Self-Register when WebCenter Portal Configured with Active Directory


Users cannot self-register with Active Directory after configuring WebCenter Portal to use AD authenticator. When a user tries to self-register, the following error message appears:

"User not created. Either the user name or the password does not adhere to the registration policy or the identity store is unavailable. Specify the required user credentials or contact your administrator for assistance."


To fix the problem:

  1. Set the user name attribute to sAMAccountName while configuring Active Directory in the WebLogic Administration Console.
  2. Use the HTTPS port of the LDAP and enable the SSL checkbox while configuring Active Directory in the WebLogic Administration Console.

F.17.4 User Made Administrator Does Not Have Administrator Privileges


After logging in as orcladmin and making a user an administrator, after logging out and logging in as that user, the Administrator link is still not available.


The problem is due to duplicate cn entries in the identity store. Since cn is mapped to the username attribute, it must be unique. Remove the duplicate from the identity store and the user should have the appropriate privileges.cn.

F.17.5 OmniPortlet Producer Authorization Exception in SSO Environment


OmniPortlet producer receives an authorization exception when it tries to store connection information in the Credential Store Framework (CSF) wallet when WebCenter Portal is configured with SSO.


Grant the required permissions to ssofilter.jar by connecting to the Oracle WebCenter Portal Administration Server using WLST (for more information, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands) and running the following grant commands:


F.17.6 Deploying the SAML SSO-specific Discussions EAR file Produces an Exception


Undeploying the discussions EAR file and deploying the SAML SSO-specific discussions EAR file and then starting the application in the WLS Administration Console produces the following exception:



Restart the WC_Collaboration server. This should fix the issue and the discussions application will be in an active state.

F.17.7 Configuring SAML Single Sign-on Produces 403 Error


While testing a SAML SSO configuration you encounter 403 errors, and after turning on debug logging, as described in Checking Your Configuration, you see the following kind of error logs in the destination server:

####<Oct 11, 2010 10:20:31 PM PDT> <Debug> <SecuritySAMLLib> <adc2170966>
<soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <>
<1286860831335> <BEA-000000> <SAMLSignedObject.verify(): validating
####<Oct 11, 2010 10:20:31 PM PDT> <Debug> <SecuritySAMLService> <adc2170966>
<soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <>
<1286860831336> <BEA-000000> <SAMLDestinationSiteHelper: Signature
verification failed with exception: org.opensaml.InvalidCryptoException:
SAMLSignedObject.verify() failed to validate signature value>
####<Oct 11, 2010 10:20:31 PM PDT> <Debug> <SecuritySAMLService> <adc2170966>
<soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <>
<1286860831336> <BEA-000000> <SAMLDestinationSiteHelper: Unable to validate
response -- returning SC_FORBIDDEN>
####<Oct 11, 2010 10:20:31 PM PDT> <Debug> <SecuritySAMLService> <adc2170966>
<soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <>
<1286860831336> <BEA-000000> <SAMLSingleSignOnService.doACSGet: Failed to get
SAML credentials -- returning>


Chances are that something went wrong with your certificate setup due to which SAML assertions are not being validated. This is likely because the certificate registered in the SAML Identity asserter is incorrect. Export the certificate used for SAML SSO setup in the WebCenter Portal domain specified by certAlias and certPassword and copy it to a accessible location in the destination domain.

  1. Update the relevant config section in the wcsamlsso.properties file in the WebCenter Portal domain (for example, if the certificate was invalid for the SOA configuration, update the certPath in the soa_config section).

  2. Open the WebLogic Server Admin Console, and from the WC_Portal domain go to Security Realm > Providers > Credential Mapping > wcsamlcm > Management > Relying Parties and delete the relying parties relevant to the domain (for example, for SOA, it would be Worklist Detail.)

  3. Go to Destination Domain > Security Realm > Providers > Authentication >wcsamlia > Management > Asserting Parties and delete the corresponding asserting parties.

  4. Open the Certificates tab and delete the certificate as well.

  5. Go back to the WebCenter Portal domain and re-run the scripts for creating asserting-relying parties pairs. For SOA, for example, you would need to re-run:

  6. Test your configuration again. If all works well, you can disable SAML logging.

F.17.8 Impersonation Session Produces Error with OAM


An internal error is produced when switching between users in an impersonation session with OAM


Check that:

  • The EnableImpersonation flag in oam-config.xml is set to true

  • The new OID identity store you created in the OAM console does not contain spaces (for example, Oracle Identity Store rather than OracleIdentityStore)

  • The UserPassword attribute for the new identity store is userPassword