This class can be used to get information about any running or completed deployment. The DeploymentReporter returns a list of the items that have been committed to the database or have failed deployment. It can also show the number of committed and failed items.

The class has the following API:


public Object[] getCommittedItems(String pId)

Use to list all the items successfully deployed as part of the deployment with the given ID.


public DeploymentData[] getModifiedItems(String pDeploymentId)

Use to get a list of the items modified as part of the deployment with the specified ID.


public DeploymentFailure[] getFailures(String pDeploymentId)

Use to list all the failed deployment items for the deployment with the specified ID.


public int getCommittedCount(String pDeploymentId)

Use to get the number of items that have been committed to the database as part of the deployment with the specified ID.


Use to get the number of items that have been modified as part of the deployment with the specified ID.


public int getFailedCount(String pDeploymentId)

Use to get the number of items that have failed the deployment process as part of this deployment.

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