


/atg/dynamo/servlet/pipeline/ServletPathDispatcher (DAS)

ServletPathDispatcher is a subclass of DispatcherPipelineServlet that sends a request to one of several servlets based on the servletPaths property of the request. The servletPaths must have been set previously using ServletPathServlet.

The mapping from servletPath to servlet is specified in the dispatcherServiceMap property. For example:


If a request has a servletPath of /exittracking, then the request will be sent to the ExitTracking servlet. If a request has a servletPath of /cgi-bin, then the request will be sent to the CgiServlet servlet. If the request has none of these servlet paths, then the request is sent to the next servlet in the pipeline.

Remember that in order to add an entry to this map, you also have to add a value to the servletPaths property of the ServletPathServlet component.

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