4.4 Indirect Conflicts

Besides correcting direct address conflicts between Location partners, Auto Resolve NAT and Inbound NAT can also be used to correct indirect address conflicts.

Consider the following scenario. In an application network containing three Corente Services Gateways (Miami, Houston, and Nashville), Miami is partners with both Houston and Nashville. Houston and Nashville are not partners with each other.

The User Group of Houston and the User Group of Nashville contain the same subnets. This does not cause a Configuration Alert between them, because they are not partners and therefore do not detect any address conflicts. However, Miami will detect a conflict because it is attempting to connect to both User Groups.

  • If Miami enables Inbound NAT for both Houston and Nashville, it will remap the IP addresses to new address spaces and no conflicts will occur.

  • If Miami enables Auto Resolve NAT for both Houston and Nashville, it will automatically remap one of the User Groups to a new address space and prevent the conflicts from occurring.

Note that neither Houston nor Nashville have to enable Auto Resolve NAT.